Clips making of

První je z making of Spring bylo pěknéé..x))
making of ÜEDW, ten Billův pohled je dokonalej..a ještě Geo jak kouká..xD
aa, Comet 07..x))) tuhle Billovu košili prostě miluju..<33
takovej smutnej pohled..x)
„Tak už to chápeš, bráško ?“ xD
omg..xD ten Tomův pohled..xDD a Bill tak pyšně ty ruce založený..xD

6 thoughts on “Clips making of

  1. Hi I love your pictures on this site–could I request that you translate some things on here into English, like for instance your photo captions?  I know you did some already, and I really appreciate it.  I think I would enjoy them all more if I understood what they said!  the only thing I figured out is "ruce" or "ruku" has to do with "hands," and "muck" means something like "cute," or hug/kiss, but that's it.  Btw, what language is this, Polish?  Anyways, thanks for your hard work and updating the site : )

  2. anonymous: thanks a lot..x)) this language is czech (we're from Czech republic, if you know it..x) ) yes, I posted some articles with english comments, but these quotes aren't too important..;) it's just my stupid quotes or fictitious dialoques.. I'm not so good in english language (as you see..xD) and this really takes lot of time.. but if it's your wish, I'll try to write sometimes in english too..x) in future, there will be for example english fanfics, and more of english at all.. we're updating whole blog once again, becouse this site was hacked, and now we have to post all articles again, and we want to have it as soon as it's possible.. but like I said, in future, when it will be complete, I'll sure write more english translations..;))

    thanks for nice words, and I hope, you'll be satisfied with this blog..x)


  3. takže poslední od spodu : Tom : tak vidíš,Geo,Bill to dokázal!! pche!!  Bill : hehe,ano,já to odkázal I AM THE BEST!! I AM THE BEST..LALALA 😀

    třetí od spodu: Tom kouká na Georga,takže Bill je sklíčenej 😀 jasné vysvětlení 😀

    čtvrtá od spodu : T: včera jsem se vyspal s jednou holkou..jmenovala se Kateřina..byla krásná,měla modré oči a blond vlasy..byla nejlepší,koho jsem kdy měl na ***

    B: však počkej,ty malej mršáku (mršoune),tobě se to jednou vymstí!! HM,CO TŘEBA DNES V NOCI!?? JÁ TI DÁM ANÁLEQ,JEN POČKEJ :DDD

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