All the things he said Posted on 24. 5. 2009 by Janule autor: o0Nephilim0o ***Another old video from my youtube account*** „And I’m all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed..They say it’s my fault but I want him so much…“ Počet zobrazení (od 15.6.2021): 0
To video nejde… :,(
mé taky nee 🙁
To nejde:-(((
stačí když na to kliknete,otevře se vám to v jinym okně,pravděpodobně autorčin blog …(?)
JINAK DÁLE: It is perfect video.Very good song and amazing mix scene from official video
This is not my favourite song, but never mind, your video is perfect, as usual 🙂
Mě zas nejede Youtube…