One Day You’ll Be Mine 1.

author: Janule
Asi koukáte, co se to tu objevilo, co? 😀 Ne, není to moje nová povídka, je to moje stará povídka… přesněji rok stará. Řekla jsem si, že když je teď (doufám přechodně) nedostatek povídek, a já mám jeden čas volný, udělám si radost i tady.
Lil.Katie pro mě přeložila „Jednou budeš můj“ do angličtiny, a já ji teď postupně zveřejňuju na TokioHotelFiction. Protože tady máme i cizojazyčné povídky, není důvod ji tu nemít, takže tady je první díl, třeba to někoho zaujme.
Kdo z vás umí anglicky, má teď možnost si ji přečíst v nové verzi, kdo neumí, můžete si to přečíst česky tady, pokud to před rokem nestihl. :o) Kdybyste se chtěli mrknout na THF, můžete zde, ale je potřeba být registrovaný a přihlášený člen. Moc děkuju Lil.Katie za překlad, Ketty za perfektní banner :-*, a Woobie za betaread anglické verze. Tak… snad jsem všechno vysvětlila, a můžeme začít. J. :o)
PS: Pokud by tohle četl někdo, kdo je schopen kvalitně překládat z češtiny do angličtiny, má čas (to hlavně) a chtěl by si přivydělat, ozvěte se mi na e-mail, můžeme se domluvit na spolupráci.
It’s been six years… yes, six long years since Tom and Bill got drunk and ended up in a hotel room having sex. Although it was amazing for both of them, one of them thinks that it wasn’t right…

What will Bill have to do to persuade Tom that they are meant to be together?
Will his clever trap work? Will Bill bring his brother back to where he belongs?
We’ll see…

Long black hairs are shimmering in my crotch, faster and faster, my fingers are plunging into them and tugging them… That’s all accompanied by loud moaning, which is coming from my throat. It’s so loud… My head is spinning with pleasure, I can’t control it, I must groan so loud, I am really afraid that I will scream soon… His piercing is an amazing instrument… I am in heaven when is he doing this to me… Only he can do this… Just one person in this world… Oh my God… I can feel that I am coming… I can’t handle this… Moves of his tongue… He is sucking my dick so wonderfully that I am coming into absolute ecstasy. Just one more little moment… I will come… Just one second and…

Jesus… again! This had to be some sort of punishment… I always woke up right before orgasm. Oh God! Why are you torturing me? Why are you doing this to me? You always let me feel everything to the final second and then, the most beautiful part, it’s not there! Fucker… Sorry, I meant God, but this isn’t good from you, you can’t do this to me… not for such a fucking long time…
Yeah, it’s God’s punishment! Or some curse? Did my brother curse me for what I did so long ago, when he sucked my dick so amazingly? I finished without paying back… But I can’t do it in any other way… We were drunk. We were seventeen… We didn’t know what we were doing. I am the oldest one… and the one who is more clever, damn! It had to be me who would stop it. I couldn’t allow us to have an incestuous relationship, not with my own twin brother! It was illegal and it still is, even after six years… Even if I am standing on my head, incest between twins isn’t allowed and I did the right thing, when I stopped it. Finito… basta, how would Italians say.
But he cursed me for that, maybe… He sent on me this awfulness. Every second night… All six years long… It’s one hundred and ninety-five undone orgasms. He couldn’t punish me in a worse way. If he could know how I am suffering… he would laugh at me. Yeah… he would laugh. He tried so many times to get me, I have a thousand times ran away from his tricks, he tried so many times to show that it was a big mistake to stop it. But I can’t do it. I can’t come to him after six years and tell him: „Yeah, brother, you were right, we should start fucking, we should at least try… “ That’s what I just can’t do. Where would my pride end? If I know my cute raven-haired right, he would remind me of this every day. He would talk about it again and again and I don’t want that. These horrible dreams will torture me to my death, these dreams after which I want to call Suzy.

It’s really embarrassing for me, and I won’t make it this time. I grabbed my mobile and called a really familiar number. I looked at the alarm-clock; it’s almost two o’clock in the morning. I was doughfaced, but what could I do, Suzy was the only person who was similar to Bill. There were no other girls who had such flat chests, who were so slim, raven haired, and tall, no other one, just this Suzy whore.
„Escort service Discreet,“ I heard a familiar voice say on the other side of the phone.
„Hey Derek, it’s me, Tom,“ I answered like always. I was calling with a hidden number, but they were really discreet so I was not worried that they’d tell the press, press would know everything about these crazy numbers of money which I send to Derek every second night for three years. „Is she at work tonight?“ I asked, didn’t have to name her, he knows who I want.
„I am sorry to say but she isn’t, Suzy has time off, she called that she’s ill. Can I help with some other girl?“ Derek asked me uselessly, the man who was boss of this delivery company. He can be sure that I don’t want any other.
„No, thanks, I want just Suzy,“ I sighed sadly. So she is ill… Oh god, I hope that it’s not something serious, I can’t make it without her. „Greet her from me and tell her that I wish her to recover as soon as possible,“ I added and hung up. Damn! Not even Suzy can help me, it’s crazy. What I am going to do with it? I lift up my duvet so I can give hell to this mach which is lifting up my boxers at least with my glare, I grabbed him with my hand… What else could I do, okay, this will be our night man.
„Yeah mum?“ I answered on hands-free in my car and turned down some rapper, which was screaming at me. It was one of our new horses, for who we were going to release his new album, but I had to check him once more. I was not sure if it’s what I want. There was something that shouldn’t be there…
„Hello Tom,“ said my mum, I could hear an intonation in her voice that there was something wrong… It was because of me, like always… How old do I have to be, so that I can’t feel like a small child every time I speak with her? I think maybe one hundred…
„What did I do this time?“ I answered resignedly and waited for qualms.
„Well… I just want to ask you if you have already watered Bill’s flowers… “ she said with certainty in her voice and she already knew the answer.
„Damn! I forgot!“ I snapped at her angrily. It’s Bill, again. He has gone again for fourteen days to Spain, ‚Just to relax‘, how he said when he was clinking the keys of his flat right in front of my face. „I will go there, don’t worry… But I don’t have time now, I have to go to work.“ I tried to get out of it somehow.
„You had to do it yesterday. You know that his hibiscus can’t last without water for long, it will fade and its leaves will fall down, go and do it now. You know how Bill loves this flower.“ Mum was trying to force me to do it. But I didn’t give a shit about his fucking flowers. I had just two plastic palms in my apartment and it’s enough of what I need for my life. It’s cool and I didn’t have to water them. I didn’t get it, where Bill found this hobby, but when he was away he was bothering all the family with it. The other problem was that he lived on the other side of Berlin than my company where I was going. I, in contrast with him, had to work; I couldn’t just lay on a beach and sunbathe like him. I didn’t have the time or mood to take care of his stupid flowers. He can just walk a few times on a catwalk, sway his hips and do his seductive eyes, it’s all he has to do.
But I can’t tell him no when he is clinking with his keys and looking at me with these puppy eyes. He knows it, he knows that I know that I owe him something, and so he is using it, whenever he wants to… And me, I am like stupid sheep and say yes to him, every time. Oh man… I have to turn and drive to his home or I will listen to his lamentation for weeks, he would scream at me that I have killed his favorite flower.
„Kaulitz company, what can we do for you?“ I heard my secretary answer the phone.
„Hey, Katy, it’s Tom here. Please, I am on my way to work, but I have to do something really important so I will arrive something about one hour later, okay? I haven’t any meetings, have I?“ I asked her to be sure even if I had all dates in my phone.
„Nope, boss, your first meeting is at one o’clock. Everything works here like it should work so don’t worry.“ She made me sure, she was twenty years old, a blond chick with long legs and big boobs, typical secretary for Tom Kaulitz… Everybody thinks that I sleep with her but she’s only my secretary, nothing more… In work good, but on the other side, she was totally dumb.
„Okay, I will be there by noon. See ya… “ I hung up and turned left. I was at Bill’s after twenty minutes, I could make it.
When I was in the hall I closed my eyes. It smelled like Bill. The air was saturated with his scent… After three years of him living here. It wasn’t a big flat; living room, bedroom and kitchen, but it was cosy. My brother had always had good taste; that just couldn’t be compared with mine. What was fascinating me the most was his white leather sofa… How could he keep it so clean? I just didn’t get it… I had a black one and it’s always dirty. But Bill is simply such a lady… Where are the times when he hopped right into his bed with shoes? It used to be… He’s getting old, rebel…
I didn’t visit him often, mostly just when I had to water his flowers, because being with him alone was like suicide. I was sure that he would start to seduce me and then he would pull me into his bed. I didn’t understand it, why he just couldn’t let it go? It had been six years for God’s sake… He must know that I don’t want it. Well… It’s not that I don’t want it but that I express it to him like that. Or could he read me like some fucking book? Because then he could know that if he’d try little bit more he would get me? It’s hard to say. In any case I would water his stupid flowers so I could go to work. I wasn’t paid for this.
Mum was right, Hibiscus had his leaves down to the floor, he looked really sad and deprived. He was on his honorable place, on some table next to the window so he could get enough light. Every time when it starts to bloom, Bill was calling me and he is so excited. I don’t understand why but I was not trying to get it, not anymore. Bottle of water was ready for me, he never forgets to prepare for me. Flowers are everywhere, on every free place in the kitchen and living room, I think that they need something about five litres of water for one watering. Bill’s like a gardener. Oh God.
I would preferably account this lost time to him. I would probably send him a bill. I was going to his damn hibiscus, finally; I was watering some other little flower when I heard a loud crash. I turned around to see what was going on and I almost fainted. Damn! Oh shit! Hibiscus is doomed. How could he fucking fall? I didn’t touch him! I told him last time, that this table is too unstable and that this big flower will fall down from it… and it had to fall just now, when it’s just me here… fuck! Now I had to clean it. Luckily for me it looked like the flower was still alive. There was just dirt on the floor and some leaves. It would be alright… I grabbed the little table and tried to see if it stands; it’s alright, so why did it fall down? Well, I wouldn’t try to figure it out, I didn’t have time for it. I stuffed as much dirt as possible back into the pot and put it back on the table, now I had to find something that I could clean the floor with. Vacuum cleaner would be the best for this.
I was thinking for some time, where does my brother keep these things? There was just one place which came to my mind, the room next to the toilet. Yeah, that’s it, I’ll vacuum-clean it and then I would go away. I would buy some food somewhere, because my stomach was grumbling.
I switched on the light and scanned the room with my eyes. Where is the vacuum cleaner? It’s clean there, that’s a fact, but it’s cleaned so perfectly that I can’t find it. I have already scanned all boxes which are on the floor… Oh, there is some curtain, that could be it. I stiffened; there is a pair of men’s shoes. Not men’s shoes… It’s a pair of a skate shoes. What are they doing here? My brother doesn’t wear things like this… I pulled the curtain away just to peek at what’s there; I screamed in shock like little child. Oh my god! I get scared like hell! It’s just impossible but I was looking right into my face…
author: Janule
translated: Lil.Katie
beta-read: Woobie
Click on „Anketa“, thanks. :o)
PS2: Prosím, nepište mi sem, že anglicky neumíte, a že jste si tudíž nepočetli… :o) Díky J.

9 thoughts on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 1.

  1. nenapadlo mě podívat se na linky nahoře a opravdu sem to celý nějak přelouskala.. vzhledem k tomu, že mám ájinu jen pět roků, z toho ty dva poslední vlastně opakuju, co sem se naučila za ty tři předchozí..:) ano, rozumněla sem tomu:D:D sqělé:)

  2. Konečně mohu vyseknout poklonu překladatelce i jinak než pomocí vykřičníků, své nadšení nejsem bohužel schopna v té cizí řeči přetavit do smysluplných vět. 🙂 Ale nerada bych narazila, kdo jsem já, abych hodnotila překlad do angličtiny, že. 🙂 Když si vzpomenu na své komentáře u Makes Three… no nic, nebudu to rozmazávat. Lil.Katie, jsi vážně dobrá! 🙂
    No a ještě autorka banneru, tu hodlám též opěvovat v rodném jazyce. Prostě ten banner k té povídce sedne jak… no zkrátka skvěle. Ten Billův dokonalej výraz!:-)Ketty, to se ti ohromně povedlo! 🙂
    Milá Janule, sice neumím anglicky a tak jsem si moc nepočetla :)))), ale je ti doufám jasné, že si musíš od těch… kolikpak to máme k dnešnímu dni… pětisetsedmdesáti čtenářů na THF odečíst jeden hlas za každý díl, to jen tak pro pořádek. 🙂

  3. Ooh, mein Gott. Janule, já jsem normálně machr. Já-to-přelouskala! Já mám radost, mega velkou. Damn xDD A to anglicky neumím nějak moc extra. Neměla jsem u toho slovník, takže všechny výrazy jsem nepochytila. Ale některým pasážím jsem dokonale rozuměla. Opravdu, mám z toho radost. Je skoro půl noc a já si čtu androida anglicky. Pardon, ale jsem z toho jaksi… vyplesknutá. A chceš psát koment pro tebe anglicky? Nebo stačí takhle český? xDD

  4. [4]: No jo, Katie, vidíš dobře 😀 to byl takovej rychlej nápad, ani jsem ti to nestačila říct, že to tady bude.. jsem akční 🙂

    [6]: Jo, Teri, pro mě a anglicky 😀 Tos uhodla 😀 Já pak pudu, hodim si to do překladače, abych věděla, cos mi napsala 😀 Tady stačí česky, pokud něco, to je lepší 😀
    Ale kdybys náhodou chtěla něco podobnýho dělat na THF, kde už je zveřejněno pět dílů, takže by sis mohla brousit angličtinu dál, tak tam prosím anglicky, aby ostatní nečuměli, jak se to tam vykecáváme divným jazykem 😀
    Sem dám další díl zase asi až za 4 dny, nebo tak nějak.

    [5]:Kattys, já vím, jak zrovna ty neumíš anglicky :-D, a jak sis nepočetla 😀 A ten počet čtenářů děl pěti, i když ani to není ten správnej počet lidí, který to na THF čtou, je to malinko jinak.. to ti napíšu do mejlu, až se konečně zase rozhoupu :-D, znáš mě. Tvoje opěvování je úžasný, toho se člověk jen tak nenabaží. Já taky opěvuju Ketty a Lil.Katie, a budu opěvovat ještě další dobrodějky, co se mi přihlásily na tu krátkou výzvu tady… takže možná bude i Č1! Už jsem ani nedoufala… a možná i Č2! 😀 Radujme se, veselme se 😀 Tančeme až do rána 😀 No… tak prr. Nadšení zase zkrotim, co kdyby to nedopadlo 😀 Ale rýsuje se to hezky. Díky za chválu "tyvíščeho", měla jsem radost, když jsem si to četla. Díky. :-*

  5. No, jasný. A naschvál ti to sem napíšu anglicky a tam česky xDD Ne, sranda. Tak já to nějak přeložím a přihlásím se tam a hodím to tam. Ježíš, já už píšu fakt blbosti v tuhle hodinu. No, každopádně… Už víš, že androida opěvuju. Chci takový domů. Dva xDD A rozesmálo mě zase všechno. Pitomý ibišek, shánění šlápoty, prsatá sekretářka, a deluxní cd v jeho autě. No, prostě. Prostě dobrý a no… já bych tu napsala věcí, mám udělat ostudu…? xDD Ne, doopravdy. Mám radost a Lil.Katie je šikulka, že takhle překládá.

  6. Jé, Janule se rozhodla prorazit do světa s povídkou překládanou do angličtiny?! 🙂 To je fajn. Doufám, že se ti to podaří, ale musím říct, že ve světě (rozuměj na Slovensku 😀 ) už minimálně jednoho velikého fanouška máš! :)))
    Moc se mi tvoje povídka líbí. Konečně něco příjemného v angličtině, u čehož si mohu užít nejen děj, ale i angličtinu. Jsem příšerně pohodlná a líná, užuž jsem si to chtěla začít číst v češtině… Ale nakonec jsem vsadila na angličtinu a udělala jsem dobře. Ne, že bych byla nějakej výjimečnej lingvista, ale na téhle úrovni to ještě zvládám. Třeba Makes Three, to se mi v angličtině číst nechce, je to příliš dlouhé a složité. Tohle je naprosto adekvátní mým požadavkům. Vyhovuje mi to 🙂 Je to taktéž příšerně janulovské, přesto, že je to v angličtině… Jak kdyby to bylo česky. Ten humor, všechno, všecičko. 🙂 Těším se na druhý díl.

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