One Day You’ll Be Mine 8.

author: Janule
I really enjoyed today with TOM. I have tried his other functions, except lifeguard and gardener because he was watching my two plastic palm trees with really disgusted expression on his face. We talked for an hour about how I have to eat to gain some muscle and how to train… he is such a darling… I am really happy that he is so skillful. For example, he has repaired a tap which was broken for a half a year and I was just too lazy to call someone. He has checked if everything else works and has made a list of things which I have to buy. He is a miracle. Bill is really lucky to have him at home; he must have a really carefree life.
He called me last night. His voice was sad and he was blustering that he’d come back sooner, so I told him to stay where he was – I hope that he listened. Our arguments have become normal lately. He is still provoking me – stubborn bastard. When he has the chance, he bangs me with this old bed action. Sometimes I think that he likes to do it, that he enjoys it. I’m trying to forget about it but I can’t, because Bill comes every time and starts to talk about it with his puppy eyes. Ah, man… I know that he’s right… I know everything that he said is true but I can’t admit it to him. He won’t understand. He thinks that love is the most powerful thing in the world and that it’ll beat everything in the world, every one who would want to stop us, but he’s wrong. It won’t end well.

People are mean and he couldn’t stand it if they rejected him, if they found out. I could survive it but him? He needs plenty of fans to be satisfied. That’s why he works as a model. He won’t lose them as a model, but being closed in office – that would be bad for him, losing his audience and his fame. When our fans started to disappear and our CDs sales dropped, he was really sad about it. There was a time when he was in such depression that he stopped caring about himself. He looked really terrible… I like him really very much…no… I love him. Yes… I know that I love him… and that’s why I can’t do it. If I let the love between us grow, it will be noticeable. I know him… he would never let me go. He would touch me whenever he had a chance, he would shine like the sun and then he would tell it to the press. I wish that he could just fall in love with someone else; it doesn’t matter if it were a boy or a girl… he is probably gay although he has never admitted it to himself – he has to find someone. I want to see him happy, in love, but not with me, for God’s sake.
Maybe then it would pass from me, too… yeah, I think that if I saw him happy with somebody else, I wouldn’t be in love with him anymore. I have my own dreams and Suzy, who is trying to help me with it. I can survive it somehow. But what about him? He has TOM, but can he replace what Bill wants? Honestly… I can’t imagine that he really fucks with TOM. He probably does, what with TOM looking so good, just like me, in fact, but… picturing it mentally? I don’t think so. I miss him, too, and an android can’t replace him. Bill is Bill… a crackbrained fool which sings every minute of his life, clapping his hands when he’s happy, calling people names when he’s angry, and spattering like a hamster… his copy couldn’t do the same things, and it just wouldn’t be him.
It’s hard to say how Bill feels now. Maybe he’s satisfied with TOM, but I don’t believe that it could be definite. Can a human love an android? You might have it as a pet, but to love it for real…impossible.
Well… I’ll stop fretting about it. Every time we argue, I fall into this melancholic mood and then I don’t know when to stop. After two hours Suzy will be here so I need to prepare everything – I can’t leave anything to occurrence, there is no time for deep thought. I’ll test TOM tonight. Derek phoned me this morning that Suzy agreed and that she’ll come tonight at nine. I’m happy, but honestly… I was sure that she’d come. I know her like my own shoes.
Cordless cameras are punctually set so they can record my bed from five sides. I can switch between them or have them all on my monitor at the same time; sound is recorded by a mini-microphone that is installed above my bed, so I can hear every single whisper that Suzy says. But I don’t think that she’ll be quiet. My neighbors have been angry and banged on walls sometimes, she was so loud – during her orgasms, sometimes I had to shut her mouth with my hand. She bit me the first time, stupid bitch, I won’t forget that. But in other ways she is a really nice girl. Actually though… she is really miserable. She loved Bill too, and maybe she still loves him, I don’t know, she’s not confessing to me. She was crazy about him, tattooing her body just like Bill had, getting the same piercings.  Honestly, if she had something different between her legs, I could think that that I am really with Bill. But she doesn’t. What is interesting is that she is really happy when I ignore her femininity and fuck her in the ass. It looks like she really wants to be Bill. It’s a really big deviancy so if my plan doesn’t work tonight, she won’t kill me right away.
Well… all I can do now is to check TOM to see if he is alright, because with my twin you never know. It’s possible that he has made his cock like his and not mine. Or maybe he needs a bigger version and that will be a problem with Suzy. I don’t think that he has made my dick smaller, but we’ll see. TOM is washing my dishes after dinner which he has cooked so when he’s done, I’ll switch him into a sexual partner. God… I hope that he won’t jump at me.
„Do you need me to clean something else, Tom?“ asks TOM, wiping his hands and hanging the towel on my heater.
„No, I don’t think my place was ever this clean,“ I say, making a face at him. He doesn’t react. He can be told jokes, but he doesn’t understand them.
„If you don’t need me, please switch me into sleep mode or choose another function. I have nothing else to do as a cleaner,“ he tells me in the same phrase. These details should be deleted, because this is the moment when he reminds you that he is really just a machine. Gah… my throat tightens as I tell him my command.
„Switch to function of sexual partner,“ I say and subconsciously step back from him.
„System is working on your request, please wait… function ‚sexual partner‘ loaded, voice control.“ Let the show begin, I will take it all in my hands.
„You look really great today, Tom,“ says my dear copy, winking at me seductively. Damn… it has already started… I didn’t know how much sexiness he would exude, how much he would be like me. He has copied me well. But I have to stop him right in the beginning or it will end badly.
„Thank you, TOM, but you can hold your compliments back, I won’t be your sexual partner today,“ I tell him right in the beginning so there won’t be any mistakes. „My friend will come tonight and you will be her partner, but before she comes, I have something to tell you.“ I start slowly; I need to figure out how to say that I want to see what is inside of him. „To be sure that she will be satisfied I need to know…ehm… well… it might sound stupid but could you please show me… or not. Could you please pull your pants down?“ I blush madly like a little brat. This is a really stupid situation. I have never asked any other man to do this.
„Of course, darling,“ my ‚sexual partner‘ winks at me. He probably still doesn’t get that he’s not my partner. He starts to unzip his pants temptingly and smiles sexily at me. When he finishes stepping out of them, he asks, „What’s next, Tomi?“ Jesus, he uses nicknames, how smart.
„Your boxers, down, please,“ I add, scooting as far from him as possible. He does it immediately but it’s useless. He’s wearing one of my trademark large T-shirts. „Could you please take off your T-shirt too, please?“ I ask, and he does as he is asked. Well… he’s standing here in front of me in all ‚my‘ beauty. It looks like that he really is the same as me. Exactly… he’s even shaved like me. That scanner worked really well. Well done… Suzy won’t recognize anything.
„You can put your clothes on now, TOM, thanks,“ I tell him, feeling happy like a little child when he takes his boxers and puts them on without a word. Uff… I was really afraid that he would want me to fuck with him. Next time I will start him right in front of Suzy because he seems to think his commander is his partner.
After he dresses himself, I sit him on the couch and switch him into sleep mode. So… now I have to dress myself just like he is. Time is running and I have to be fast so I could be ready before Suzy gets here. I’m getting a little bit scared about what will happen next… I hope that I will be alive at the end of this evening.
„Crrrr,“ I hear the doorbell rang.
„Yeah?“ I pick up the earphone of our home-phone and wait for Derek to tell me our old password.
„Pizza delivery right to your house, sir,“ he tells me.
„Sure, today for the double prize,“ I answer with a laugh and push the button to open the door. The doors open and Derek shouts one more time, „Bon appetite, sir.“
„Thanks,“ I tell him but I don’t think he hears me. Suzy is probably in the elevator now, headed to the fifth floor.  I feel that I cannot breathe, but I have to stay alive. I have to appear normal, I can’t look nervous. Even after this variation I have to stay her client and I can’t embarrass myself. I wouldn’t have authority then, and I can’t lose it with some whore. She wouldn’t listen to me anymore…
I open my door just a little to peek out and hear the elevator stop on my floor. A tall black-haired girl with sunglasses peeks from the elevator like she has to. When she’s sure she’s alone, she looks at me. I open the door for real now and she jumps into my flat in two steps. I close the door right behind her – I don’t need somebody to see her. It’s better this way. Neighbors can think that I’m watching porno here but they will never see her.
„Hey, Suz,“ I greet her, smacking her ass. She doesn’t really have one, but it’s more like a symbolism.
„Hey, perv,“ she answers, her voice a little bit husky this time. She’s called me this from the beginning, so I am okay with it… in the beginning it was like a compliment but now I’m taking it with stoic coolness.
„I’m sorry, I lost my voice. I can’t speak well, so I’ll be nodding rather than answering tonight, okay?“ she explains to me on the way to the bedroom.
„Wait, not there. I have to tell you something before we start,“ I stop her and push her into the living room. TOM is closed in the kitchen; Suzy is not allowed to go in and see him in his off mood. „Sit,“ I nod to the armchair and sit in front of her.
„You have it nice here, perfectly cleaned,“ she looks around. „You’ve called some cleaning agency?“ She isn’t talking as well, but she’s trying.
„Yeah, they cleaned here a couple days ago,“ I nod and try to think about my first sentence. It’s really hard but I will have to jump into it – I just hope that I won’t drown in my own embarrassment. „So, what I wanted to tell you, Suz,“ I start quietly. She is looking at my with Bill’s eyes – I wonder if she is wearing contact lenses.
„I offered you double today, because I want to do something special,“ I look at her. She nods for me to continue but it doesn’t look like I have shocked her or anything. „Since my childhood I had a dream,“ I continue more calmly now. „I always wanted to be a robot. You know, a plastic human. It was a wish of mine which I had until today – in fact, sometimes when I’m bored I really act like one. You know, it’s not completely robot, it’s an android, if you know the difference between them.“ I look at her one more time, then look at the coffee table and play with the hem of my t-shirt. She doesn’t look like she understands so I have to make it clearer: „A robot is a machine, but an android is a machine that looks and acts like a real human. It acts like one, speaks like one, you can’t tell that it’s really not a human but you have to control it to make it do what you want. Do you understand?“
„Of course, honey,“ she answers with her husky voice. She reminds me now of Bill more than any time before.
„I am glad that you do. It’s like that. Tonight, when we sleep together, I won’t be normal Tom but I’ll be android TOM.“ I pause for a moment, looking for her reaction but she seems to be fine. „So you will have to tell me everything you want me to do. I won’t move without your orders. If you want me to touch you, undress you, to thrust into you or something else, you will have to tell it to me. Are we clear?“
„Yes, we are, so let’s get to it, yeah?“ answers my personal whore and I almost faint.
„Yes, let’s get to it.“
author: Janule
translated: Lil.Katie
betaread: Laheela

3 thoughts on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 8.

  1. *clap clap* Nice job,nice fanfic 🙂 Really good job..
    Ok a teď česky,angličtina mi nejde..fakt hezká povídka 🙂 dobrá práce 😉

  2. Oh I am so happy, I was waiting so long! I love it! And looking forward for next 😀 I hope it will sooooon! ;D

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