One Day You’ll Be Mine 11.

author: Janule

I had just closed the door of my room when my cell phone rang. Suzy Kramer left Tom’s house an hour ago, so it was probably classic sex. Tom was used to this and he needed this, but still, I wanted to kill her when I saw her leaving. This little bitch… I want to be in her place. And I will make it…

I looked on the display and stiffened, when I saw that it’s Tom calling. Tom… my darling Tomi is calling. He just had sex and he’s calling me? He wasn’t satisfied enough? I hope…

„Tomi?“ I asked eagerly and maybe with a little bit of lust. I would love to tell him how much I love him, but could I? Nope… I tried it so many times and it didn’t work.

„Hey, Billie, what’s up?“ said Tom tiredly like he had been through something sad. I hope that this little bitch didn’t hurt him. He hadn’t called me that name a while…

„Quite good, but I can’t wait to be at home again,“ I answered sadly. „I miss you bubby.“ I said, something I wasn’t brave enough to say yesterday. Why? I had a feeling that he wouldn’t scream at me for it today.

„Me too, I miss you too Billie, I’m really looking forward to see you again. We can go out and chat about life, ‚kay?“ He was still somehow bewildered; I was starting to pity him. „Today was really hard day,“ he added, like wanted to inform me why he was so sad.

„You need rest, you should have gone with me. We would enjoy it here, together,“ I was smiling as I imagined the two of us somewhere on beach, alone, touching each other, kissing each other…

„‚Kay, we’ll go somewhere on holidays, ja?“ he promised and I was really surprised. The Tom who was threatening that he wouldn’t continue our concerts if i kept starring at him? What had happened to him? Is it TOM’s fault? But how would he do something like that…

„Oki Tomi, that would be great. We can go to some island and just relax together… in all honorability,“ I added, I didn’t want to scare him that I want to fuck with him.

„Alright lil‘ bro‘, I’ll let you pick out something, you will do it better than me,“ Agreed Tom and I started to tremble. I was afraid that he’d tell me that he loves me or something. He was reacting really strange, not like he would week ago. Strange.

„Okay, when I arrive on Saturday, in the afternoon, we will choose something, okay?“ I almost sent him kiss through the phone. We were saying goodbye for some while and then we ended it. We both were somehow gentle and handful. I love him… I need him closer to me.



Yesterday I went to bed quite early. I phoned Billy in the evening just to hear his voice for a while. After that, when I realized what’s wrong with me, I was really sad. I just sat on sofa and starred at my laptop, I was wondering about what I would do with it.

Six years… six long years I have been resisting this raven haired angel with devil’s quoins but now I’m afraid that I can’t resist anymore. Just one hint from him will be enough for me to jump on him. I won’t care if I’ll lose my pride, I’ll embarrass myself, I’ll make a fool of myself but I’ll have what I want.

But this is not me… I’m not giving up this easily. I would have to try resisting him even when I’m so desperate like this. Maybe it will end after afew days and I’ll be back in my normal condition… I’ll try it. Bill will be back on Saturday, today is Tuesday, and it’ll end. I’ve been at work since this morning; I hope that I’ll forget him. Just to stay alive…


However, these days when I was planning on forgetting Bill, has gone too fast. Tomorrow will be Bill back, he will fly back at noon and I’ve got a feeling that it’s worst for me than it was on Tuesday. I am so excited to see him… I’m not even able to concentrate on work; my thoughts are always with him. This TOM is gift from the devil. It’s just a machine but it seems like he is real person.

He cooks, he cleans, he does the laundry, he irons, he does massages for me every day. But it’s not so perfect like it was at the beginning. It all is his fault. He has done it… If I haven’t had found him, I wouldn’t have been thinking about such bullshits like loving my own twin. It was hidden in me for the entire time, but I was able to resist it. Now it’s stronger than me and I often cry like some little school girl.

I don’t understand myself… I really do not. How could this happen to me? Just because I was watching like we would look like together? It was just mechanic sex between an android and whore for god’s sake. But maybe not. They were kissing, cuddling and it looked like a real loving sex… not what me and Suzy do. Ah man, I hope that I will survive Bill’s return. I have promised him that I’ll go with him on holidays together, how could I have done something like that? If he won’t get me when we’re at home, he’ll make it there.

Today I’ve noticed that on TOM’s remote control is shining orange pilot light. His batteries are going dead. It’s quite logical because he’s been away from Bill’s flat for a week. But I don’t know where Bill puts him to charge him. In the manual, I read that the charger was part of delivery, but where it can be? I haven’t seen something like this in his flat and the manual doesn’t have picture of it. I will have to go with TOM to Bill’s and find it with his help. He will find his charger, won’t he? He should know where he is getting his energy. He will last some time, so I hope that we’ll make it together. When I come back from work today, I will put him into my car and we will drive there. I will give him back and it will be alright. I’ll be alone in my flat again and I’ll switch hot food with Chinese soups and pizza. But I’ll make it. Ah man, it won’t be easy but I will make it, I am a man. I have to…


„C’mon looker,“ I said to nobody when I was turning TOM on for the last time at my home. I’ll let him clean a little bit and do the laundry, maybe I will have one last massage and then we will go. At Bill’s I’ll put him onto charger, I’ll put him into the closet and it will be all done. I will miss him, I can’t say that I wont, we had a really good time and I got used to looking into my own face. And, he was really kind. Maybe I could find out where he was made and get one for myself. I don’t know how much it costs, but Bill had enough money for it, I will have it too. But how can I get it from him? Maybe I’ll go to Dortmund; I hope that I will find a way to this simulated lab where they have scanned me to make my copy. There they should help me…


„Let’s go,“ I closed door with my boot. Bill’s carpet will help me in the way back too, and I don’t want anybody to see what I am transporting. It’s Friday night, almost dark, it’s five ‚til ten o’clock and I hope that nothing will happen… cops are out and serching. And they are looking for famous people like me… I had blown into the breathalizer many times because they wanted to know if I have drank, but I think that they did it just for their fun. I am not an idiot; I know what I can expect from them. David had been teaching us from our youth to not cause havoc, press was always hungry for every mistake we made…

„That son of a bitch!“ I screamed as some moron drove too close to me. These idiots can’t drive; I will go crazy from them. „Yeah, honk at me you fucking idiot!“ I yelled again when he gave me his sign, maybe he was provoking or making an excuses, I really didn’t care. I was really pissed off. I hate these road-hogs! His car looked like it was made from cans of coke, just to hit him a little bit and he would have his side broken, but he is still taking liberties, moron. Ugh… this can really piss me off. I am glad that we are almost there.

Today at work, it was really hard. I was really tired. I really had enough. I parked as close as possible to the curb so I didn’t have to carry him too far. But first, I’ll go out and check my territory.

„Booow-wooo, stoop,“ I heard someone yell as I was opening the door.

BOOM! Bang like from cannon. „Ouch!“ I screamed as doors of the car hit my leg when they closed again. Oh my god, what was that? I pulled them open one more time and disbelievingly starred at the picture in front of me.

Oh my fucking god! I have killed her! She was lying right next to my car on the sidewalk; I have probably hit her with doors when I was opening them. Oh god, what she doing for god’s sake, this stupid hag that she had ran right to my doors!?! Oh god I got so scared! There was suddenly some fluffy red-haired dog next to her, it was whining like crazy. This has to be that Bow-Wow at which she was yelling when she didn’t notice that I opened my door.

Jesus, what I will do with her? I went out and closed the car door. I kneeled beside her but had to stand back up and open the door because I couldn’t see anything. God, I hope, that she isn’t dead; I would go sit and get fucked in my ass… Jesus, what will I do with her? I bet that I hit her on her head. I kneeled back to her and tried to find some injuries. I have never done something like this in my life… suddenly I got an idea. TOM! He had function of life-guard!

I got up and sprinted to the back of my car, I had to pull him from the floor. I started him with the remote control, chose function and exhaled deeply. He came to her and I sat inside immediately so nobody could see that there are two Toms on the street. I rolled my window down a little bit to see what was TOM doing. Probably CPR, I really couldn’t see anything in this dark. The dog was still jumping around TOM, but this android is a really handy man. I don’t understand how he did it, but the dog finally stayed still and was like plastic. TOM meanwhile called an ambulance, I didn’t know that he had an integrated cell phone in him. He is really a miracle, this guy. The lady looked better now, she was at least breathing. I looked around and when I saw nobody, I went out to TOM.

„Patient is stabilized, pressure and temperature are in norm, ambulance will be here in five minutes,“ he told me. „Battery is now on 5%. Please, connect your android do the charger, threatens system failure.“ He said and stayed still. Oh yeah, I know… this had sucked him. Damn. I turned him off and pulled him back to the car. I am glad that it’s dark and nobody has noticed anything.


„Uff,“ I exhaled noisily when I was left alone in front of Bill’s house. The ambulance car with the hag had gone away a long time ago. Some people, who were watching it all had went away too when cops were asking who would take her dog. Some neighbor ended it when he said that he would keep it. The EMT said that she could be dead if I didn’t call them. God bless TOM, and I will never forget what he had done for me. He is really darling, he really is. The cops are gone too now, but I have to go to interrogation on Monday to tell them how it happened. I am really nervous about what I will tell them. It was accident. It wasn’t my fault, she wasn’t watching where she was running, this old crazy granny. I am really glad that the cops didn’t want to see what I had in my car.


„So TOM, you are at home again,“ I said to my plastic friend when I pulled him out from the car and placed him on the floor in the living room. I was hardly breathing, I was really exhausted, I would maybe fall asleep standing. But I couldn’t. I had to find the charger; this is thing numero uno on my list. I turned TOM on, switched to cleaning function, because it was my first and best idea. He would want to rescue me and I really didn’t need this.

TOM had started to finding some mess to clean and I couldn’t talk to him about the charger. He didn’t react to my questions; he was ignoring me. Damn. I thought that he would help me to find it but it looked like I wouldn’t be informed about this little fucking detail. I let him to find his ‚mess‘ and went to find it by myself.

Finally! I have found it… I am really a jerk; it was in the closet where I found TOM when I saw him for the first time. TOM was standing in it and recharging, I didn’t noticed it when I found him, stupid me. I wasn’t interested in it before… So now I had to pull him into it and connect him to the pedals on the floor. So… everything is solved, just put him here and let’s go home.

„TOM?“ I looked around the flat and search, where the hell he was. „TOM!“ I called; I hoped that he will answer. Nothing… it was strange, he reacts every time and immediately.

I peek into bedroom and starred at my body, kneeling on the floor, he was trying to put the carpet in which I brought him, back on the floor. He probably didn’t like that it wasn’t at its right place. „TOM, why are you not answering when I call you?“

Nothing… silence. I came closer to him and bend down to him. Fuck! He’s dead… his battery is fucked. Ah man… I will bring him to closet and will connect him to it. I grabbed him by his waist; he’s heavy like bag of potatoes.

Oh shit… damn work… I couldn’t place him into the charger in this position… it’s nailed to the floor, probably connected to the electricity. TOM has to stand absolutely straight so he could be on the charger, but he’s frozen like an icicle. That’s all dumped… I’m fucked… really fucked.

author: Janule
translate: Lil.Katie
betaread: Ash

3 thoughts on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 11.

  1. Já tomu sice pořádně nerozumím, ale ráda čtu věci v ajině..
    A Lil.Katie má skvělou angličtinu i její beta musí být skvělá..
    Já jenom tak 😀 :*

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