One Day You’ll Be Mine 12.

author: Janule

I would really like to know what I’m going to do. I can’t put TOM on the charger, I would have to tear it from the floor, connect it to electricity and connect it to his shoes in this squat position. I can’t do this. Electric, this word I know only in collocation with guitar and even with my guitar I couldn’t do anything, it was work for our techniques.

I collapsed to the couch and starred at a flaccid hibiscus. Fuck, this stupid flower, I completely forgot about it, I forgot that I have to water it one more time. It had got warmer inside, so it needs more water, it’s so dry and sad… Bill will kill me if he finds it here like this. When I go to get me something to drink I will water it, now I don’t want get up… I am really worn out… I’ll relax just a little bit and then I’ll do it.



I can go home today, finally. Oh god, I am so exciting to be in my own bed again, this creaky bitch has fucked up my back. When I get back home, I’ll let TOM to do me a favor, a really good massage. It’s nearly noon, suitcases are in the car, now I’ll have lunch somewhere and I’ll call Tom to tell him that I have landed at the airport, and then I’ll go home.

I am really excited to use TOM’s cooking skills; these bluffs which I have eaten here were really really disgusting. I will probably go to a pizzeria. On my way home, I’ll bring the car back to the car rental, take taxi and after a while I’ll be at home.

I am really curious which of my original plans have gone right and what not. If everything will be like I wanted, my brother will be standing behind the curtain, not wanting anything else than me to switch on function ‚sexual partner‘ and to use his services. This was my plan right from the begining; lead him to the idea of how to pay for his imaginary six years old debt and then go away without me noticing it. But he won’t make it. If he will stand there, I would enjoy him first… after all these years, during which I was trying to seduce him, he owns me more then he thinks.

It’s hard to say, if it will be like I want… maybe I’m not right and there will be android behind the curtain and my plans will be fucked, but something in the back of my head is telling me that Tom has changed. Last two calls from him were different. His last call was from yesterday, from work, he was apologizing for not being at airport when I come back, and he told me to take taxi, he said that he had a lot of work… so I hope that his work is at my home. Well… we’ll see.


„Your fucking bro‘ is calling again!“ I heard from the distance. Aha, Bill’s calling, this melody I have just for him so I could know who is calling me. „C’mooon, answer it, you know how he is, he is such an asshole,“ my phone wasn’t giving it up. „He’ll scream at you that your ignore him, answeeer it!“ When I am in public, people are turning after me to see what kind of idiot is screaming there, and I just enjoy their dullness.

„Yeah…Okay, I’m coming…“ I muttered for myself and leaned to my night table. I put my phone there at night, just to be sure. „Ouch!“ I screamed when I fell down on my ass. Shit, where am I? I opened my eyes and paused. Above me was table… damn! I have fallen asleep in Bill’s living room. I put hand into the pocket and pulled out my phone.

„Hey Bill,“ I roared in a sleepy voice as I blinked, I was trying to find some clock here. Damn, where he has a clock? Aha, there… fucking Jesus! Half past twelve!

„Hello, Tomi, I just wanted to greet you and tell you, that I have landed and that I am on my way home. Will you come to me after work to discuss our holidays?“ twittered Bill as I was sitting on his creamy fluffy carpet on the floor, starring at unwatered hibiscus, unloaded TOM on his all four kneeling in the hall, I wasn’t able to speak. I had screwed this up. Bill was on his way here and I was in a deep shitted hole. But I had to answer him something… damn, about what was he asking? I wasn’t listening; actually I stopped when he said that he is on his way home.

I rubbed my sleepy eyes and mumbled: „Yeah, alright brother, okay.“ I hoped that I can’t ruin anything with this, except he was asking me to fuck him tonight… in this case it wouldn’t be the best answer.

„Oki, I can’t wait to see you again, bye-bye,“ answered Bill happily and hang up. So… what now? Brother will be here in a half hour and I am dumped. I didn’t have a chance to recharge TOM, it was pretty clear. Nothing to do with it. I could water the hibiscus, I hoped the it will come to life in time. Okay, let’s get going, time is running out. But first I went to the bathroom, I needed to piss, I wouldn’t know how I would explain that his carpet is pissed on. Then I watered that stupid flower and tried to hide TOM, so Bill couldn’t see him in this position with his ass up, then I’ll prepare myself some apology speaking in which I’ll tell him that I have nothing to do with this all… But through the phone, of course… I would not tell him it by face to face… I am not brave enough for that.

Well… the flower was drinking, I have water it with liter of water so it should be enough. Now what with TOM… where I can hide this dread-head tiger? It’s how he was looking right now. I couldn’t put him under the bed, it was impossible. Closet wasn’t great idea, too; it’s the place where Bill will go first, I think, to greet his darling, and bathroom was out of the list just like putting him under Bill’s duvet, so the only option was balcony.

Yeah… I will put him onto the balcony in the kitchen and put a blanket on him, I hope he will survive it. Well… done, what next? Run away? Yes, I will run away, it wouldn’t be good if Bill sees me here.

Damn, he’s calling, what the hell he wants?

„Ciao Tomi,“ He sounded different than before… half an hour?!? Shit! It all happened too fast! I have to go away from here or he will catch me!

„What’s wrong Bill? You forgot something?“ I blurted out as I was running through his flat to clean everything after me. I patted the cushion, carpet in the bedroom is done… I hoped that everything is alright, Jesus.

„I just… I just get off from the taxi and I see, that you have your car in front of my house,“ singed my brother the worst information which he could tell to me. „You are waiting for me?“ he asked happily. Oh shit, he’s there! I am really doomed; I can’t make it from here! What now? Damn, what now? Hide into the closet! No! It’s bullshit, he’ll come here for TOM! Yes! TOM! My salvation! Yes! I hope that Bill won’t recognize me! „Tom? Are you there?“ he asked. I completely forgot that I have to answer him.

„Yes… no… I meant… yeah, Billie, I left my car at yours yesterday, because I was there to water your flowers and then I went straight to a party, so I left it there to be able to get drunk, you know?“ it was the first thing which came to my mind, luckily I have done this sometimes so it’s nothing strange. Oh god, he’s probably in the elevator now or he’ll come to it in few seconds. I have to go to the balcony…now. I need both hands, so Bill, sorry. „Yeah, Patrick, I’m coming!“ I screamed so Bill could think that I am at work. „Billie, I have to go now, they’re waiting for me, so see ya, yeah? Bye,“ I didn’t wait for him to say good bye and hung up. I hoped that no one could look up there, because if yes, they’ll think that there is some gay party right on the balcony of Bill Kaulitz.

Cap was easy, but the t-shirt! Oh shit, where it got captured on him? Why do I have to wear such big clothes, shit! Finally! Now I have to strip down his jeans, boxers and shoes, I’ll keep his socks on him, I don’t want him to get cold. I stripped myself and placed them on the floor; I put a blanket back on him and ran back to the kitchen. I put on TOM’s shoes and clothes. Now I had to go the closet and get stiffened. Just this little thing. Then I’ll run away, I have used his beloved android for whole week, he’ll kill me.

So… stand straight with my back to the wall, damn, I have to step on the charger, I hope that I won’t get a shock, if yes, I’ll be dead. I hope that there will be some contacts missing; some which I don’t have in me… or could I switch it off somehow? No… there is no time for this. I carefully put one foot on the charger, it tingled a little bit, but it wasn’t that strong… I put on another foot, it tingled a little bit more, but still something that I could survive… the most important thing was that it didn’t kill me. Fain… I put the manual and remote control into my pocket and pulled the curtain in front of me closed.

Dude… It was perfectly in time, I heard keys in the lock. When Bill will be in the bathroom, I’ll run away…


I carefully unlocked door, I was shaking like a little child, and it was hard to breath. I hoped that I didn’t entwine in Tom and he is now waiting for me. I didn’t understand why he had left his car in front of the house, he had to know that I would see it, but he was probably nervous, poor thing, so he forgot about it. I have warned him, so he could know; I didn’t want anything to be ruined. I couldn’t wait to see him. Especially for switching on the best function which he has, my little beloved android.

I was slow on the purpose; I gave him five more minutes. I was talking to some man on the ground floor; he was going to go out with Bow-Wow. He told me that some irresponsible bastard has hit her head on the doors of his car yesterday night and that she is in the hospital now. This poor man had to take a care of her dog. Well, enjoy it. Maybe it would be better if that bastard hit her more, so it would be finally relaxing here. Her never-ending yelling is really crazy, especially in the morning when I want to sleep. Fuck her…

I was singing so Tom could know that I am at home already, just in case. I sang one of my favorites and slammed the door after me. I left my suitcases in hall and went straight to the closet; I didn’t want Tom to suffocate. My hand was shaking as I grab the knob; I had to make it… I couldn’t take a step back, not now when I was so close…not now…I had to be brave and hard.

I was just humming this time, my throat has gotten tighten as I turned on the light. White shoes were looking at my from under the curtain just as I left them. Jesus on the stick… Oh god, let be Tom here… I’ll give you everything, just let my brother be there…

„Hello, TOM! I am at home, darling, so come on, I need you to help me with my baggage,“ I started to talk to him so I wouldn’t be as nervous as I pulled the curtain back in a slow motion. I talk to him like this normally, even if he’s off, it’s nothing strange for me. Speaking has every time clamed me down. „So how it was here without me, huh?“ I chattered at him as I pulled the remote control from his pocket. TOM had his eyes closed, like always, I nearly cried that it wasn’t my brother but then, his eyelashes moved, lightly, but they did! It’s him, my beloved Tom.

I nearly screamed in happiness but I had to calm down, just to keep cold head. The hour was coming. The plan was staring to be true… I couldn’t ruin anything… He had to think that I didn’t know anything. So let’s go Bill… Good luck.

author: Janule
translate: Lil.Katie
beta-read: Ash

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