Space-Time Story 24.

author: Janule
Worried out of my mind, I run down couple of stairs and I kneel down to him.

„Tom, what happened, what´s wrong with you?“ I feel horrified when I whisper my question, leaning over his limp body, trying to see his face. He is lying there in such a weird position. I hunch over him, as close as I can get, trying to brush Tom´s hair off his face, when suddenly I hear next to my ear: „GOT YOU!!!“

„You asshole!“ I yell at him loud enough for the whole house to hear when I see his smiling drunken face, on which I can easily see how happy he is that he got me again. The cloud of alcohol vapors surrounding him tell me all I need to really know.

„Stand up, you drunktard, you´re lying here like a sack of potatoes, I can´t carry you all by myself,“ I reason with him while I am trying to drag him up, sliding my hands under his armpits.

The door behind me opens and a sleepy Sabine emerges. „What the hell is going on, it is so late at night? Decent people can´t sleep,“ she says but she cracks up immediately when she sees how I am desperately struggling with my twin, and she comes to help me.

„Is he often like this?“ she asks while we try to half-carry, half-drag my brother upstairs to his flat.

„This is the first time, I’ve never seen him like this,“ I tell her the truth without giving it a second thought.

„I doooon´t waaaant to… goooo… hoooome… yeeet,“ the cloud of booze babbles, when we struggle to hold him up, one on each side.

„We´re almost there, don´t argue,“ I scold him while I try to find the keys in the pockets of his trousers.

„Biiiill… you´re touchiiiing me uneappropriately, you peeeervert… it´s not nice to do sooooo in front of Saaaaab.“ He laughs drunkenly at me, while I search already the fifth pocket of his baggy trousers. Finally I find the keys to his flat and push him inside through the doors or at least I am trying to…

„Let go off the door jambs or I´m gonna break your arms,“ I threaten him angrily, when he is holding stubbornly onto the door frame, refusing to co-operate.

„I doooon´t waaaaant to goooo… hoooome,“ he howls loudly and I am thankful that we don’t have any neighbours. „I waaaant to go to youuur’s… to your beeeed,“ he adds, finally releasing the grip on the door but wrapping his arms tightly around my neck instead.

I stumble and almost fall over if it was not for Sabine who catches me and helps me to stay put.

„Keep on dreaming, you can throw up in your own bed.“ I tell him with disgust and I push him farther into his flat.

At last he allows me to navigate him through the apartment without any significant resistance til he finally plumps into his bed.

„Thanks Sab, I can take it from here. Go back to bed, I will stay here with him for a while,“ I say to Sabine and when she leaves I close the door behind her.

I take Tom´s clothes off so he is just in his underwear. I throw his clothes that stink of alcohol and cigarette smoke onto the balcony and I tuck him under the blanket. His eyes are drooping and after a while he is fast asleep.

I go and get a bucket, just to be sure. I place it next to his bed on the floor and sit down close to him. I´m going to stay with him for a while so that he won´t choke if feels suddenly sick. He looks adorably cute even when he is trashed. I can already imagine what he will look like in the morning; on the other hand that suits my plan more than well. He´s probably going to sleep through the whole day and my intention is to get up early in the morning and go straight back to Ladybird.

He looks calm enough, but I can´t leave him here alone. I rest next to him and cover myself with part of his blanket. He stirs a little in his sleep when I put my arms around his waist but he continues sleeping contentedly. I better stay here with him. I would definitely miss having him next to me in the gigantic queen-size bed downstairs anyway.


I wake up when someone knocks on the door.

„Come in,“ I call out all sleepy in the direction of the door of my room and I know that it´s him. Only he knocks like that.

„May I?“ he whispers into the darkness when he sneaks inside quietly. I can hear how he turns the key carefully and locks the door.

„Of course you may,“ I smile at him. He is wearing one of his oversized white t-shirts and his hair is down. He looks like an angel.

He approaches quietly my bed so that no one can hear us. The other boys‘ room is right next to us.

I lift the blanket and let him slide quickly into my warm bed.

„Did I wake you up?“ he asks quietly and leans closer to kiss my cheek.

„No, I just got out of the shower, I was just resting… well, I was kind of snoozing, but you can come always, any time you want,“ I finish quietly, then kiss him on his forehead and look at the clock. It´s almost eight in the evening. Tomorrow early in the morning we fly to Riga, so I´m glad we can spend some quality time together.

„You look really beautiful,“ Tom whispers and traces my eyes and lips with his finger.

„You must be kidding, I have no make-up on, my hair isn’t styled and-“ I don´t manage to add anything else, because Tom silences me with a kiss. It´s the first time we are totally alone since that moment at yesterday’s party.

„I like you most like this, honey,“ he tells me when our lips separate.“You are only mine then. When you´re all made-up, you belong to everyone, but not like this… when you are like this I have you just to myself,“ he breaths out and strokes my face.

„I´m always yours… I have been for three years already,“ I answer and return his tender touches.

He smells of shower gel and his skin is still damp. Under the blankets, I wrap my arms lightly around his slender waist and pull him close to my body. My hand moves tentatively under his t-shirt and strokes his back.

His hand, that was just a moment ago caressing my face, is now slowly moving under the covers and starts to explore what is hiding underneath. I can feel when he touches my hip. He moves slowly to my behind, grabs it tightly and pulls me right against his aroused groin.

„I love you,“ he whispers into my hair and kisses my lips tenderly.

„I love you more… and infinitely long,“ I look into his dark brown eyes glazed over with desire while pulling on the fabric of his t-shirt that he still wears, trying to rid him of it.

When he registers my effort, his hands abandon my body for a moment and he quickly pulls his t-shirt over his head and drops it to the floor. He presses himself back to me even harder and returns to kissing me slowly.

I share his passion and our tongues fight desperately for dominance at a wild rate. He´s so tender, so attentive. I have a feeling that he´s afraid to go farther, not wanting to scare me. He knows that I´m the inexperienced one here but I want to show him what I am capable of when I´m madly in love and on fire.

I decide to take the first move and hook my fingers under the hem of his boxers. I´m scared, but I want to overcome it. I have loved him for so long and finally his gorgeous body offers itself to me to be touched. I had nearly stopped hoping that it would ever happen and suddenly it´s here.

With a trembling hand I am trying to slip that thin piece of clothing slowly down his hips. He arches away from the bed to help me and when it is all way down to his ankles, he takes my hand and presses my open palm carefully against his crotch.

„Do you see what you´re doing to me?“ he groans breathlessly into my ear and while incasing my hand in his, he moves it slowly showing me what is expected of me to do. He turns from his side to his back.

I take him in my trembling hand, starting to slide my enclosing fingers up and down his erection shakily. Ragged breaths and soft gasps escape his lips as he forces his head into the pillow, exposing his delicately carved neck to my kisses and gentle bites. My hand is now calmer and steadier with the gained experience and the rhythm of my moves gets more regular and confident.

Tom moans quietly into my hair and I move further and further down his body spreading kisses across his skin. I want to taste him… I’ve done it so many times in my wet dreams and now I’ve finally got the opportunity to do it for real.

I push the blanket aside and cover his beautiful flat belly with my lips. Tom’s chest rises faster and faster, his strained breath is forced to quicken by his growing arousal as he watches my slow journey to the tip of his manhood. Just a few millimeters and I will touch him there; for the first time I will touch his most sensitive spot.

„Bill, oh God… please…“ he let out a strangled moan when he feels that I am close, his hand subconsciously searching for my head, pressing it against the wanted target.

He is so soft there to the touch… when I finally sweep over the slit in his dick’s head and slowly and tenderly circle my tongue around, tentatively replacing my hand that holds him with my mouth. I keep the same rhythm and my free hand ghosts over his groin and tummy. When he starts to thrust deeper into my mouth I have to put my hand back because I feel like I might suffocate.

His constant moans make me afraid that the others will hear us. „Quiet honey.“ I let him out of my mouth for a while to say so and then return immediately to my ministrations that are bringing him his exctasy.

Tom snatches my pillow and presses it with all his power to his face to silence his final scream.

I can sense all muscles in his body tensing and twitching and when he arches and then relaxes again I can feel in my mouth that I brought my love to his completion. I swallow and crawl back to heavily breathing Tom. His face is still half covered with the pillow as he is trying to get his composure back.

I take the pillow away, putting my head on his shoulder, stroking his chest. He embraces me tightly and kisses my hair.

„Thank you,“ he whispers, still trying to catch his breath and I trace his lips with my thumb.

„I love you, Tommi,“ I reply and I feel happy. I have been longing for this moment for three miserable years and now I’ve been rewarded with everything I’ve ever wanted from life. I don´t need fame, money, fans‘ adoration, I need only him. My love, my Tom.

„You taste delicious,“ I whisper into his ear with a smile and Tom bursts into a loud laughter. I cover his mouth quickly with my hand so that no one can hear him, but then pull it back again quickly when taken by surprise when I feel the tickling of his wet tongue on my palm. Chuckling happily away, he rolls me over to my back and presses into me with all his weight.

„And now I have you in my power,“ he growls his threats for the effect and squeezes his hands around both of my wrists. He holds my hands over my head and starts to tickle my face with his hair.

„Noooo,“ I whine when he moves to my neck and into my armpits where I´m extremely ticklish. He tortures me like that for a while but then he loosens his grip on my wrists and starts with tender kisses.

I wrap him into my arms, squeezing him tightly, pressing him against me with all the power I have. I love him so much.

A sudden movement of Tom´s hand wakes me up. He´s tossing around, turning from one side to the other and he´s shouting something. It´s still dark outside but I can´t see what time it is.

„Shhhh, honey,“ I am trying to calm Tom down, my tight hug restraining his movements.

„Bill, no, no, no, I don´t want to!“ his scream is suddenly clear and comprehensible and his eyes fly open and he sits up on the bed. His breathing is as if he has run a marathon and he´s staring into the darkness.

„Tommi, honey, what did you dream about?“ I ask him so he notices that I’m there with him.

His body jerks as he turns to face me, my voice must have frighten him, and he throws himself against me putting his arms around my neck in deadly grip.

„Bill, that´s great,“ he breathes out into my hair and holds me tightly.

„What´s great?“ I feel puzzled when I ask him.

„That you´re alive…“ he answers and I push him back onto the pillow. „I had a dream that you died. It was horrible. You won´t die, will you?“

„Don´t worry, I won´t,“ I promise and shortly after he starts breathing regularly again, sleeping the deep sleep of a drunk.

I remember my own dream. I can still feel the love I was passing to Tom when I was eighteen. It was so intense, beautiful, pure. I´m grateful that my memory blessed me with this experience, I wouldn’t like to know about it just from Tom’s telling me. I am sure that I will remember eventually everything, but this was really special. Our first time love-making. Considering I was totally inexperienced, I was rather courageous. I jumped straight into it and it paid off. At least judging by Tom´s reaction it must have been magnificent.

When I decide to go back to my sleep and close my eyes, I´m thinking that it´s a pity that I won’t probably have a dream sequel.

author: Janule
betaread: TokioKoos & green_and_blue

One thought on “Space-Time Story 24.

  1. I´m excited and able to say one word… Awesome!♥
    I couldn´t breathe at the thought. Tommy´s hair is down… OMG. Angel Tom. Sight for the gods.
    I fell under the spell of your story!

    Opět překrásný díl, jsem pokaždé tolik nadšená. Ta představa Tommyho v rozpuštěných vlasech – oh, krása.
    Děkuji opět za skvělý zážitek!♥

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