Someday In This Forever 1.

author: amazinglife2011

Hey there,

Well last time I sent you one-shots, today I’m sending you one with chapters. Its name is ‚Someday In This Forever‘ (of course twc).
By the way, I read some fan-fiction in your website today, wow what a huge collection you guys have! I loved reading those!!
Thanks! lots of kisses and hugs

Center Pole High School, Los Angeles, California.

Tom Trümper, handsome, young, sophisticated and the most wanted guy in the high school. He is the captain and the champion of the basketball team. There is no schoolgirl who is not crazy for him. Every girl wants a date with him. And the cheerleader, Rebecca, she is one of the beauty queens in this entire school. There is no guy except Tom who is not crazy for her. Rebecca is Tom’s girlfriend. Tom has three more friends, Joey; Harry and Matt who he usually walks with everywhere he goes. They always belong together. Rebecca has two best friends, Kelly and Raven. Most often Rebecca joins Tom’s group along with her best friends. This entire group of friends have all same subjects so that they can stay together even during the class.

Tom is demanded everywhere, to teachers, girls and even to the seniors because of his welcoming behaviors. Well, this welcoming behavior is only for those who match his class and status. Tom is as nice as Gandhi to big and strong guys and beautiful girls but the worst bullier ever to weak people, including girls. His entire friends circle is the most popular bullier gang in the school.

Present day

The burning warm sunlight of Los Angeles fell above the house. A few gentle knocks noised at the door. „Tomi… wake up honey. You said you had an assignment today.“ A female voice so loving called from the door. Tom who was now buried under his blanket moved a little bit. He was hearing his mother knocking but he decided not to bother to get off the bed abandoning the comfort.

„What he didn’t get up?“ He heard a male voice this time talking to his mother. Tom smiled slightly hearing them.

„Tom, son wake up… Did you forget our deal?“ His father called. Tom’s eyes snapped open when he reminded the deal he had with his father, Gordon. Immediately Tom pulled his blanket away and got out of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and yawned widely with a peaceful moan. He stretched his body for a while and opened the door.
„Yeah, yeah I’m up,“ he said pointing at his face. Gordon chuckled.
„Good for you kid. Go get ready for the school,“ he playfully messed Tom’s hair with his hand and Tom bent his head near to his father’s hand so that it would be easy for him.

„Mom… I don’t want cereal today.“ Tom declared kissing at his mother’s cheek.

„What? And you’re telling me this now? You’re already late, Tomi,“ Simone uttered, tired of her son’s new desires every day. Tom curved his lips.

„Uh… okay, I’ll go with the cereal if you say,“ he shrugged halfheartedly. Gordon laughed.
„That’s my boy,“ he patted on his head. Tom grinned at him.
„I’ll go change.“ He got back into the room closing the door behind. He pulled his baggy clothes out of the chaotic closet which he loves the most about his style. He never likes the feeling of fabric on his skin. It prickles his body.

Simone served the bowls and plates and poured the cereal and then milk into the bowl. Gordon pulled his sleeves up to his elbow and sat with a peaceful breathe. Simone sighed that caught his attention „What?“ Gordon asked.
Simone shook her head. „Nothing,“ she put the spoons next to the bowls and took her seat. Tom was getting ready for the school. She rested her face on her right palm wearily with another deep sigh.

„What’s wrong, Simone? You didn’t even greet me a ‚Good Morning’… what’s been into you today?“
„Nothing… just thinking about him.“ She sounded dim. Gordon’s questiony face turned soft and upset.
He coughed a bit. „I’m sorry I couldn’t help you getting his custody… but I think you should tell Tom about him. He has the right to know… you know… “ he shrugged.
„I know, Gordon, in fact I understand but… I’m afraid how he’d react when we’ll tell him about him,“ Simone said worriedly.
„That’s true… our Tom’s short tempered. Who knows how he’d react. Remember, last month he broke his guitar just because you let the neighbor boy borrow his t-shirt,“ Gordon sighed.
„Would we ever meet him, Gordon?“ Simone asked with a hope in her voice.

Gordon nodded vacantly. „I think we altogether should go meet him. Maybe that can control Tom’s temper. I don’t think he’ll be angry if he meets them face to face. Jörg will be happy too.“
„Jörg will be happy! Are you kidding? He warned me not to try meet him since the court parted the boys.“
„I understand his feelings, honey. He’s also a father, you know.“ Gordon stood and walked to Simone. He sat next to her. „Everything will be fine,“ he consoled rubbing on Simone’s back. Simone shook her head.

„No… nothing will be fine. It’s too late now. They were 3… just 3. Tom doesn’t remember anything. He’s 18 now, quite big to remember him.“ Simone said sadly. All of a sudden she postured straight excitedly. She took Gordon’s hands in her hands. „You know what… I always imagine how he looks like. Does he look the same to our Tom? What do you think?“ she asked curiously. Gordon narrowed his eyes smiling.
„Well…“ he pulled his shoulders up. „He might be,“ he nodded. Simone grinned.
„I knew it… he looks like my Tom,“ she put her hands together and imagined. „He must be so beautiful, right?“ she asked.
Gordon grinned. „Of course, honey,“ he kissed softly on her forehead. Simone grinned back at him.
„Oh… I have such a cute family,“ she closed her eyes and hugged Gordon snugly. Gordon laughed
„Sometimes you act like a child,“ he teased.

Tom cleared his throat from the staircase.

„Uh-huh… someone’s having private moments,“ he teased. Gordon and Simon laughed charmingly. They moved away. Tom smirked. He walked down. „You guys should have another kid… you know I can see the desire in your eyes,“ he pulled their legs. Simone glared at Tom. Tom giggled. He darted on the chair with an odd loud noise and started eating with his nose wrinkled, showing the displeasure to the cereal.
„Tom, don’t do that,“ Simone scolded.
„Uh… don’t scold him.“ Gordon scolded her lovingly. Tom tittered and made a funny face at his mother.

„I’m done… goodbye mom, goodbye dad,“ he hugged both of them together in a bear hug and rushed to the door grabbing the school bag from the living room’s couch. Simone rolled her eyes.

„He had just three spoons and he says he’s done…“ Gordon laughed.
„Leave him,“ he shrugged and walked away.

Tom rides his own bike. Gordon got him the bike one month ago on his birthday when he turned 18. Gordon is a psychologist and Simone has a card shop; they earn quite well to get whatever their son demands. Gordon has promised his son to get him a car next year and they will sell the bike.

Students were going in through the huge gate. Some girls were gossiping around the walkway, some nerds were finishing the assignments they could not finish last night. Some boys were talking and walking. Tom parked the bike and got off. Girls started whispering to each other. Some girls were smiling at Tom. Tom smirked. As soon as the girls met his eyes, he winked at them and walked away into the building. Harry and Matt came running.

„Howdy, Tomi boy,“ Harry punched playfully on Tom’s chest. Tom laughed a little. He put his hands in his pockets.
„Good morning, boys. Where’s Joey?“ He looked around for him.
Matt shrugged. „I got the message from him last night… he’s sick, he won’t come.“ Harry nodded in support.
„Ohh,“ Tom narrowed his eyes worriedly. „We should visit him after school.“
„Sure, sure“ Harry grinned as if he wanted to suggest the same thing. Tom smiled.
„Let’s go.“

They walked to the lockers. Tom pulled the small key out of his pocket and opened his locker. He threw his bag inside and pulled the book out which he needed for the first class. So did his friends. They headed for the classroom when Rebecca flashed out of nowhere with her friends.

Tom grinned charmingly. „Hey good morning, Becky,“ he hugged her gently and kissed on her cheek. Rebecca blushed looking down.

„Good morning.“

„Whoooooo.“ Others teased. Tom and Rebecca laughed simultaneously like a wind-chime. Then others joined them laughing.

„Hold on, guys… shh… shh,“ Matt signaled for them to be quiet. Tom narrowed his eyes questioningly smiling. Rebecca was almost leaning against Tom. Matt ran away from them after a boy who usually is a brilliant student with glasses on his eyes. At the same time Kelly and Raven greeted Tom ‚good morning and hi‘. Tom greeted the girls back politely. They were friends after all. And there Matt sneakily followed the boy of freshman to back to the lockers. As soon as the boy turned to open his locker, Matt pulled his underpants up out of his old jeans. Girls as well as others around the corridor started laughing at him. Matt giggled evilly. He ran back to his friends making funny faces. Tom and his friends burst into laughter. They always feel a peace and bliss in bullying weaker people. Tom and Matt gave a high-five, still laughing. They headed for the class then.

Classes were going well and boring as well. Tom sometimes snoozed, yawned and chatted with friends by chits. They were together the whole time since they had same subjects. After the school they walked out except Harry. Tom leaned carefully against his bike.

„Where’s Harry now?“ he asked impatiently. Rebecca stood next to him.
„He might be into the washroom,“ Matt shrugged informing.
„Now? At this time? You’re kidding, aren’t you?“ Tom raised one eyebrow waiting for Matt’s answer. Matt popped his bottom lip.
„Well who knows… he was saying that a freshman kid’s T-shirt matches to his one which he got last week. Maybe he’s there to get the T-shirt.“
„You guys,“ Tom shook his head. „Are such bad bullier,“ he teased.

„As if you aren’t,“ Matt teased back. Rebecca grinned.

„Hey, you know what, boys, I cut Haley’s hair today,“ she almost burst into laughter while saying.
Tom narrowed his eyes with a beautiful attractive smile on his face.
„Umm… Haley… who?“
„The girl sits at the last seat in our class,“ Rebecca informed.
„Ohkayyy,“ Tom chuckled.
„Are we going to Joey’s?“ Kelly asked interrupting.
„Nah… only us not the girls. You should go home,“ Tom suggested.
„Mmm,“ Rebecca nagged like a child. „Please, baby.“ Tom requested more lovingly than her. Rebecca sighed. „Okayy… let’s go, girls“ she turned and headed for her car. Kelly and raven followed after her. Raven turned back one last time and waved Tom a goodbye. Tom smirked and waved her back.

Harry came out of the building then. He had a T-shirt in his hand and an evil grin on his face. „This is it,“ he handed the T-shirt to Tom as soon as he reached near them. „I can’t stand anyone matching with me you know.“ Harry shrugged innocently. Tom sneered.

„Okay let’s go now… we’re already late,“ he turned serious. He was about to get on the bike when a message tuned in his mobile. He sighed and pulled the mobile out of the pocket. It was a message from Gordon. „Dad?“ he narrowed his eyes surprisingly. He opened the message.

„Be home after school as soon as possible. We gotta go somewhere _Dad“

„Oh no,“ Tom clucked his tongue. „Hey guys I can’t come with you today. Dad called home, he’s going somewhere,“ he sighed.

‚Where’s he going now? We had a deal that he’ll get mom out of house and let me have Becky alone at night so that mom won’t know only if I wake early in the morning. I didn’t keep my promise though… god knows what goes into his mind,‘ Tom thought to himself. Matt rubbed on Tom shoulder.
„It’s okay… we’ll tell him that Mr. Trümper called you home.“
„Thanks… bye,“ Tom hugged them together and headed for home.

author: amazinglife2011

3 thoughts on “Someday In This Forever 1.

  1. I spent so long searching for a story where twins aren´ t famous, interests me and i havent read it yet 😀 ..thanks to you i´ ve just fund it..the story looks very interesting and i can´ t wait for continue 😉

  2. I like stories, where twins are in school and they aren´t famous… and this story seems really interesting. I am curious on Tom´s response on Bill ( i suppose that Simone and Gordon were talking about him). 🙂 I look forward on continue.

  3. It sounds really interesting! ;)… Is that other boy Bill, Tom's departed twin brother?

    I belive, that Gordon's going to take Tom to his brother. I just hope that Tom won't be rude to his twin ;).

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