Someday In This Forever 2.

author: amazinglife2011

It was near 4:30 when Tom reached home. He opened the door and entered throwing the bag on the couch.
„What’s wrong, mom? Where are we going?“ he sat next to Simone who was now sewing the cushion that Tom tore unconsciously while sleeping on the couch. Before she could answer Gordon spoke.
„Relative,“ Tom looked up at Gordon. He was in the kitchen putting the cookies into microwave. „We’re going to visit some relatives in Germany. Go pack your clothes, son,“ Gordon tried his best to sound casual.

Tom chuckled with half mouth hung open.

„A relative in… Germany! Dad? I mean… no actually we never visit any relative… all of a sudden who’s this relative?“ he was utterly surprised at the sudden news. Gordon and Simone exchanged a quick glance.
„Trust me they’re good. You’ll love meeting them.“ Gordon assured.

Tom could not digest the matter.
„Back to Germany? You said we left Germany when I was 3. It’s been so many years dad… they might’ve forgotten you,“ he looked away. Simone sighed, she was almost teary.
„They forgot us?“ she said in a shaky voice. Tom snapped down at his mother.
„Mom… what’s wrong?“ He sat down in front of his mother taking her hands in his hands. „I’m sorry, mom… I didn’t know they’re that close to you. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.“ He kissed several times on the back of her hands. „I’m sorry. I love you. I’ll pack my clothes for… Germany,“ he sighed. „But don’t cry,“ he kissed on her cheek and rushed upstairs. Gordon sighed. Simone looked up worriedly at Gordon.
„Everything’s gonna be fine, right?“
„Yeah right, honey.“ Gordon nodded assuring.

That night Gordon could not keep his promise about going out with Simone like Tom did not keep his promise waking up early in the morning. Tom was done packing his clothes. They had their flight after three hours at 12:00 AM. It was 8:00 pm. Tom was lying on his bed dressed up. He texted his friends that he will not go to school next few days. He was going Germany to visit some unknown relatives. In half an hour they headed for the airport. And in more two hours and fifteen minutes, they were in the airplane. The more time went by the more hesitation and tension grew in Simone’s head. She could not even imagine how Tom would react when he will go Germany and meet them like Gordon planned this morning. Eventually the plane landed to Germany next afternoon. Tom and Simone were waiting out passing the exit with their bags. Gordon came out in a few minutes.

„Yeah, let’s go“ he walked to the parking lot.
„Where to?“ Tom walked after him with his mother’s and his own bags. Gordon has his suitcase in his hand.
Gordon looked back at his son.

„I have a friend, he’s come to receive us,“ he grinned widely.
„Is he the one you’ve come to visit?“ Tom asked following after him and looking back for Simone every now and then. Simone was a few steps away from Tom.
„Uh… no no… like I said relative,“ Gordon shrugged. A chubby middle aged man covered with winter clothes was waiting against a car with a board in his hand „Gordon Trümper“.

„There he is,“ Gordon pointed at him. „Let’s go,“ he grinned and almost rushed to the man. „Careful dad, don’t slip,“ Tom warned smiling.
„Hey, Patrick,“ Gordon hugged the man. Patrick hugged him back.

„Where are Simone and Tom?“ Patrick looked over his friend’s shoulder. Simone waved her hand from her side. Patrick’s grin widened. Tom raised his eyebrows.
„You haven’t told me about this Patrick uncle before,“ he taunted. Simone sighed.
„I’m sorry… We thought you don’t like meeting people.“

Tom gasped in disbelief. „You’ve gotta be kidding me,“ he rolled his eyes and looked away. Patrick patted on Tom’s shoulder as they reached near them.

„Come on, sunny boy, get into the car. You’ve grown so big, still look so little though,“ Patrick teased. Tom narrowed his eyes and Gordon smiled crookedly. „Don’t mind just kidding,“ Patrick said laughing. He got into the driving seat, Gordon next to him. Tom and Simone were in the back seat. The car looked old of course, like the one from the 1950’s. Tom did not like the look and how the old chipped paint flashes from every single corner. He just sat carefully not being touched with anything around him. His arms were folded against his chest. He did not even want to keep the baggage into the old dirty dicky. However, he managed.

It was before the winter, cold breezes have already started blowing around. Tom rolled the window glass down. He peeked out resting his face on his hands, beautiful country side. The slight warm and cold varied wind whizzed on his face that made him close his eyes. He started breathing the comfortable air in and out. It’s really a first time for him in such a green area. He has lived almost his entire life in urban areas.

„So… “ Patrick looked up at the rear view mirror to talk to Tom. „You have the dreaded hair. You like it?“

Tom did not even hear him. He was lost with the wind. Simone elbowed him slightly. Tom jumped and hit his head on the window frame.

„Ouch! Mom,“ he pouted. „What is it?“ He rubbed his head where he was hurt.
„I asked do you like the dreaded hair,“ Patrick asked smiling fatherly. Tom sighed.
„No, I love it.“
„Who gave you the idea to do it?“
„I myself chose this hairstyle for me,“ Tom said uninterestedly. What could be wrong with that obese man? Why was he asking so many irksome questions? Tom thought to himself. Simone was afraid when Tom gets furious and a rude word slips from his mouth. All of a sudden the car stopped harshly. Gordon almost jumped.
„What’s wrong?“ he looked here and there vacantly.
„Oh no…“ Patrick rubbed his forehead.

„What happened?“ Tom asked apathetically.
„My old car has some problems, you know. Sometimes it stops at the middle of the road. It’s really too old,“ Patrick said apologetically.

„What?“ Tom frowned and gasped in disbelief. Simone quickly held Tom’s arm before he says anything unmannered.
„Uh… this can be fixed, can’t this?“

„Sure, this can be,“ Patrick got out of the car and so did others. „Wait here. I’ll be right back with the mechanic. The garage is in a walking distance,“ Patrick said running away. Tom rolled his eyes. He kicked on the tyre as soon as the large guy disappeared from the view.

„Tom, don’t do that,“ Simone scolded. Tom grimaced. He walked a few steps away from them and stood next to the street with his arms folded. The green farm fields were eye-catching. He silently grumbled under his breath and cursed the man and saw the beauty of nature. Gordon chuckled watching his son bursting.

„Don’t smile… I’m worried. He’s getting furious every second. What if he explodes there watching Jörg?“ Simone paced back and forth worriedly. Gordon shook his head.

„Don’t get mad at him, Simone. He’ll be fine when we’ll finally reach there,“ he struggled to hold his laughter. Simone rolled her eyes and walked away. She was getting more anxious. Now she has already started praying that however Tom should not meet them. May something happen and they would not be able to meet up.

After fifteen or twenty minutes, Patrick returned with a mechanic following after him. Gordon was still struggling to control the laughter. The mechanic came and repaired the car as he does it almost thrice a week with the same car.

„There you go,“ the mechanic moved aside. Patrick paid him. He walked away waving them behind. Tom got into the car with a grimace stuck down his face. It was by now getting dark. They drove about one hour and ultimately the journey ended. Tom was now so irate that he could even slaughter that fat guy for driving at a snail’s pace. Tom loves speed and Patrick seemed the biggest enemy of his life for the moment.

Patrick stopped the car in front of an old house. But it looked good, quite good. Simone crossed her fingers. Gordon pulled a chit out of his pocket and got out for the car. He stood there and matched the address in the chit with the house. He nodded after a few seconds.

„This is the right address, isn’t it, honey?“

Simone nodded slightly. She was already sweating in anxiety. Tom did not notice. He silently waited for his father’s next move. Gordon walked up the porch and rang the doorbell. No one answered the door. Gordon pressed the bell once again; once more the same scene, no replies. Simone was squeezing her eyes shut and her fingers were crossed.

„Excuse me,“ all of a sudden someone called from the next house. Gordon looked at the old lady

„Hello,“ he greeted politely. The lady nodded with a slight civil smile in reply.
„Are you here to buy the house?“ She asked.
„Uh… no… actually do Mr. Jörg Kaulitz and his son live here?“ Gordon asked, he sounded edgy. That old lady raised her eyebrows.
„Oh… so you’ve come to meet him.“ She stepped down from her porch and walked to him. „Hello, I’m Mary,“ she stretched out her arm. Gordon grinned and shook her hand.

„I used to be their neighbor but they don’t live here anymore.“ She uttered coughing a bit.
„Where did they go? Can you give me their new address?“
„They didn’t tell me where they gone. They just said that they’re leaving the country.“ She shrugged with her fragile shoulders. „His son had some problems with people. That’s why one year ago they moved to another country or maybe town … who knows.“ She sighed. „But the boy was so polite… so polite…“ she kept mumbling to herself repeatedly and walked away without looking back anymore. Gordon did not know how to even react. They have come this far to see Jörg and him but they just moved from the town. He sighed forlornly. He walked back to the car. He bent down to Simone’s side, who was still closing her eyes. Tom waited for his dad to talk.

Gordon sighed. „Honey… they left the town and their neighbor doesn’t have their new address. She says they live in another country,“ he sounded upset and sorry both. Simone opened her eyes. Tears ran down her cheeks. She was both and happy and upset. Happy that Tom did not come to know anything and upset because she could not meet the person whom she thinks of most of times. Tom softly rubbed his hand on her back.

„It’s okay… I understand you’re missing your relatives. Everything will be fine,“ he consoled. His anger was all vanished by now.

Tom was lying on his bed with his legs spread on both sides comfortably. He looked tired and expressionless. He rubbed his forehead. Meanwhile his mobile started vibrating and ringing. Tom looked up next to the lamp. He took the mobile. It was Rebecca calling. He sighed and received the call.

„Hey“ He greeted wearily.
„Hey, sweetie, you’re back and you didn’t tell me!“ She said worriedly though she sounded like a bitch.

„Hmm… sorry jet-lag,“ he replied yawning.
„Oh… did you meet your relatives?“
„No. They moved to other country. Mom was upset. Her sad face is breaking my heart, baby“ he sighed painfully.
„Ohh… I’m so sorry. How’s your dad?“
„Hmm he’s fine, taking care of mom.“
„I wonder who this relative might be.“ She rubbed her forehead asking.
„Yeah same here. I’ve never seen mom this kind of upset before. Wish we could meet them,“ he exhaled noisily. „Hey, Becky… I’m so tired. Can I call you later?“
„Sure baby. Why not?“ She sighed.
„Oh by the way… I’ll be school tomorrow. Bye,“ he uttered.
„Bye,“ she hung up and so did Tom. He felt bad, really bad for his mother.

That night Tom was turning his sides restlessly on the bed. He could not sleep. „This is it.“ He jumped out of the bed. He walked out to the corridor. He needed to have a walk. All of a sudden he heard his mother talking softly in her room. He narrowed his eyes. He stepped near and bent close to the door to listen to what they were saying.

„God knows where he might be,“ she sobbed.

„Shh, shh… calm down, honey. Everything’s gonna be fine. I’ll try to find their address. We’ll surely meet him, calm down, please,“ Gordon consoled. Tom felt his heart trying to tear his chest and come out to assure his mother that he is going to find them somehow.

„They don’t want us to meet them.“ She cried.

„There’s nothing like that. That lady said he had some problems with people. That’s why they moved. I’ll find them, honey. Please don’t cry,“ he promised, he was trying his best to console Simone.
Tom closed his eyes. He sighed. He ran back silently to his room. He knelt down to the floor and looked up. He put his hands together. „God, I never ask for anything from you. I’ve never even asked for a Christmas gift but please, please, please grant my wish today. Please do something and make us meet the relatives whom mom is crying to meet. I don’t know who they are but I know mom loves them. Please do something… please. I can’t afford my mother’s tears… please, please,“ he prayed whispering repeatedly and he does not remember when he fell asleep like that on the floor.

author: amazinglife2011

One thought on “Someday In This Forever 2.

  1. Ah, I'm so disappointed!:( I have been so curious and full of questions – How will the meeting end? What will be Tom's reaction? And then… Oh, no! They moved! Where? O.o

    I've already suffered heart attack! 😀 And btw. I don't like Tom's girlfriend. I think that she's not only being bitchy. I can imagine that she's gonna make Bill some tough times.

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