Someday In This Forever 6.

author: amazinglife2011

Henry was still holding Bill. He helped him walk till the washroom. His arm was wrapped around Bill’s waist. Bill walked unevenly. Henry stopped before the mirror.
„Go clean your face,“ he suggested and loosened his arm.
Bill looked up at Henry with grateful teary eyes. Henry almost leaped watching those eyes staring at him with an unexplainable expression. He looked away hiding his face because he was Tom’s friend. Tears came out of Bill’s eyes. Bill looked away painfully. He bent down.
„Ughhhh!“ he groaned in the pain. Henry quickly held him again.

Bill turned the faucet on and cleaned his mouth. He pulled himself away from the basin and turned off the faucet. He put off his gray jacket which was also stained with blood.
„Give it to me,“ Henry took that from his hand. Bill looked exhausted as well as sick yet gorgeous and beautiful. He walked into the toilet. Henry sighed behind. Poor boy, he thought to himself. Bill put his T-shirt off. Red bruises were grinning brightly on his pale soft skin. His entire chest was sealed with bruises on places. He sighed. He dared to touch a red mark. As soon as his palm pressed the area, an electric shock of pain vibrated his entire body. „Ah“ he panted. Tears ran down like fountain from his eyes. He sobbed softly sitting on the floor unconsciously. He sat quietly there for a while. He had no potency left in him to get up for now.

Henry could hear him sobbing gently. He felt pity at the weak boy. He sighed; he had nothing to do with it. He heard someone open the door of the washroom. He looked over there. Tom and his friends were coming inside. „Oh no,“ Henry grumbled under his breath. He caught Tom’s attention.

„Hey, bro,“ Tom greeted politely and conveyed his attention at Harry who had gotten a slight pink bruise down his face where Bill had punched him. Harry was watching his face carefully into the mirror. Tom was rubbing his palm caringly at his back. Matt and Joey went to toilet. Harry grimaced faintly.

„I look terrible, don’t I?
„Nah,“ Tom clucked his tongue. „You always look handsome, not more than me though,“ he teased. Harry laughed and shouldered him cheerfully.
„I’ll go pee,“ Harry notified and went into the toilet.

Tom shrugged and waited leaning against a closed toilet door. Bill was into the next toilet. Henry widened his eyes horrifiedly. He just kept praying to god. He quickly hid the stained jacket behind him which no one noticed till now. Tom hummed a song and smiled politely at Henry every now and then. Henry smiled back. Even he started singing the song with Tom loudly so that Tom will not be able to hear Bill sobbing. Tom grinned widely at him and sang the song in chorus. His friends laughed from the toilets. In the meantime, a senior boy came in.

„I knew you’d be here. You stay into the washroom during the whole lunch break. That’s why I came here to find you,“ he uttered teasing.

Henry frowned.
„Excuse me… “ he grimaced. Tom and that guy burst into laughter.
„Come on let’s go,“ he called. Henry’s face turned pale.
„Why? Where?“ He wanted to save Bill this time.
„Gosh! Come with me,“ he pulled him. Henry hung the jacket next to the towel and put the key into the pocket. His friend pulled him out. Henry left the washroom praying for Bill. He knew praying was useless yet he prayed. Tom waved them before leaving. He kept humming the song once again.

„Hey did you talk to Becky yet?“ Joey asked from the toilet.

„Not yet… I’ll talk to her from tomorrow. That’s her punishment,“ Tom chuckled while saying. Boys laughed. Then the door opened of the toilet where Bill was. Tom stopped laughing, there was still a grin stuck on his face. Bill came out with the T-shirt in his hand. Tom’s grin faded. Tom looked down at the weak boy’s upper body. His entire back and torso were bruised with red marks. Well, there was also a star tattoo on his right hip.

Tom’s mouth hung partly open. He had never seen someone’s wound after hitting him till bleed. He could not believe his own yes. Could he be that kind of beast? But what was his fault? Bill has punched his friend at first. But Harry also put the meat into his locker before that. So who was the culprit? He knew his friend was wrong. He could not afford to watch the wounds anymore. He looked away immediately. The thin attractive fragile chest was bruised that looked like he was going to shatter into tiny pieces if someone punches him once again. Tom felt embarrassed and awkward in his chest. His stomach squirmed. He felt like his heart was going to come out ripping his ribs apart. His lips started shivering at the worst sight. His felt his eyes filling with an unwanted liquid. He struggled to hold the tears.

Bill sneezed. He was not even in clear sense. He did not notice anything or anyone around him. He did not hear any song humming when he was into the toilet. He stumbled. Each step made him feel like his ground was vanishing from under his feet. He had no control on his own body.

Tom narrowed his eyes worriedly. Bill tripped once again. He was about to collapse but Tom grabbed his waist before his fragile body could touch the tiled floor. Tom sighed in relief.

„Hey… Hey, are you fine?“ he whispered softly near his ear. He did not want his friends to hear him. Bill wrinkled his face with hatred. He gasped in disbelief. He tried to push Tom away but failed with his weak might. Tom took the T-shirt from his hand and made him wear it. He pulled him gently with himself into the toilet where Bill was in, a few minutes ago.

Harry came out of the toilet zipping his jeans.

„Tom… are you gone? Tom?“ He called. Tom did not reply. He put his palm on Bill’s mouth so that he will not make a sound. Bill frowned thickly at him. He cursed Tom with all the abhorrence. Matt and Joy came out.
„What?“ Joey asked.
„Tom’s gone… let’s go,“ Harry uttered and walked to the door. Matt and Joey shrugged. They followed after Harry without noticing the jacket still hung next to the towel.

Tom sighed in relief when they were gone. He came out along with Bill.

„Look, you need to go home, take rest. I can ditch the class if you want me to drop you home,“ Tom offered. Bill snapped up at him. He punched on his face.
„How dare you? How could you even think that I’ll go with you,“ he yelled with revulsion in his voice. He gasped and turned and stumbled again but he controlled himself this time. Tom wanted to help him.
„I didn’t hurt you that bad, did I?“ He asked innocently. Bill pouted at him with teary eyes.
„I can’t move a single inch… I hate you, Trümper. I hate you,“ he cried and knelt down with no strength left in his feet. He cried at the top of his lung. He cried as loudest as possible. Tom watched the scene with wide horrified eyes.

author: amazinglife2011

One thought on “Someday In This Forever 6.

  1. Tom is such a… ! 😀 He might feel worse. I hope that Tom won't hurt Bill again.  
    I'm not surprised about Bill's reaction. He should kick Tom's ass. 😀

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