Someday In This Forever 10.

author: amazinglife2011

Tom was searching for a book into his bag standing before the lockers. Whilst he looked around every now and then, waiting for Bill. He did not know why he was waiting for Bill, a freak. He saw Henry coming. Henry waved at him mouthing a „Hey“ Tom grinned. He waved back. Henry came close and punched playfully on his chest.
„So… champion, what’s up?“
Tom laughed. „Nothing special, just searching for a book,“ he shrugged. Henry narrowed his eyes smiling.
„Why? You didn’t bring it?“
„I did but it’s not here,“ Tom shrugged with a sad grimace on his face. A nerd boy from sophomore was passing by. Tom pushed him away. Henry sighed shaking his head frustratedly. The nerd boy tripped away. He looked back with terrified eyes. „Don’t dare to pass by me from the next time, will ya?“ Tom pulled his collar close to himself. The poor boy nodded in agreement fearfully. Tom smirked. „Good for you“ He left him and dusted him politely. He redid his collar and put his hands on his shoulder. „Go, good boy“ he left him and the poor weak boy almost ran away as quickly as possible. Tom laughed. Henry just looked away as if nothing happened.

„Okay… bye… have fun.“ He smiled affectionately at Tom and walked away unhappily.

„Bye,“ Tom waved heartily. He felt good bullying the boy though. Someone hugged him from back. Tom jumped. He turned back. It was Joey. Harry and Matt were standing behind him.
„Good morning, Tomi boy.“
„Good morning, guys. What’s new today?“ Tom leaned against the lockers with the bag gripped in arms against his chest.
„Nothing…“ Harry shrugged. „We just pushed Bill into the puddle yesterday,“ he chuckled. Tom widened his eyes horrifiedly.
„After the school,“ Matt informed. Tom rolled his eyes.
Boys raised their eyebrows. „What’s with the… shocked face, Tomi?“ they sounded suspicious.
Tom shook his head hesitantly.
„Uh… no… just… you know… guys!“ he faltered. Boys waited for his reply.
„Yeah… speak we’re waiting,“ Joey teased. Tom raised one eyebrow.
„Stop it. He just backed to school. Don’t you think we should stay calm for a few days? He can complain to the principle,“ he scolded causally. He sounded logical though. He was actually trying to save Bill from his own friends.
„Yes he’s right,“ Matt nodded. Joey and Harry nodded then.
„Yeah… we should stay calm at least for this week,“ Joey suggested.
„Good idea,“ Tom grinned widely. Bill was saved for one week __ at least.

„Let’s go. Classes will be starting by now,“ Harry walked ahead making his friends joining after him except Tom. Everyone turned back. „Aren’t you coming, Tom?“

„I’ve lost my book, let me find it first… I’ll be coming. You guys go ahead.“ He shrugged, still holding the bag against his chest. Boys shrugged.
„As you wish,“ they walked away talking about their new match after the school. Tom sighed in relief rolling his eyes. „Sometimes these guys are really annoying,“ he grumbled under his breath.

„Is this yours?“ Someone with so familiar voice asked from behind him. Tom’s irritated face turned softer. He turned back in no time.

„Hey Bill, good morning.“ He greeted heartily. Bill was holding a book before Tom. He did not react in Tom’s loving greeting.
„I asked is this yours?“ Bill asked lifelessly. Tom looked down.
„Hey it’s mine. Where did you find it?“ he grinned widely.
„On the floor,“ Bill uttered. He was talking in a very low voice so that no one will notice him.

Yet his tight stretched dress-up with the makeup and jewelries were enough to catch people’s attention. He looked more stunning than before with his tight black jeans, the skinny T-shirt and the thin fabric jacket. He did not wear that much jewelry today except for some bracelets, watch, some finger rings and the locker key chain. He had the black nail polish painted with the white one on the tips of his nails as every other day. His straight jet black hair was fallen over his shoulders. He looked gorgeous, so slender and thin. That was the first time when Tom noticed there was a beautiful tattoo on Bill’s left upper wrist. He had seen one already before when they hit him so bad. Tom raised one eyebrow.

„What’s the tattoo on your wrist?“ he pulled his eyebrows together curiously. Bill looked down at his wrist.

„None of your business,“ he replied, cold.
Tom sighed. „Can’t you just talk well to me?“
„Why do I have to? Who are you to me?“ Bill muttered too much rudely. He handed the book to Tom when their fingers touched each other’s. Bill instantly narrowed his eyes and pulled his arm back in dislike. A sudden shiver ran down Tom’s spine leaving goose bumps on his arms. He smirked. „Disgusting,“ Bill grumbled under his breath.
„So we’re going together, right?“ Tom peeked carefully at Bill’s face. Bill raised one eyebrow cautiously.
„To the class… why? Where did you think?“ Tom teased smirking.
Bill rolled his eyes. „Solche ein Arschloch (Such an asshole).“

„What? What did you say?“ Tom sounded confused. He rubbed his forehead. He could speak German when he was a kid but now he forgot the language since they left Germany when he was so little.

„Nothing,“ Bill answered with a slight smile. He was glad that the guy did not get him. At least that way he can abuse them without any tension of being replied back or taken revenge back. Tom grimaced.
„Yeah whatever…“ he said childishly.
„We’re getting late for the class,“ Bill walked ahead. Tom followed after him.
„Hey Bill, wait,“ he called. Bill rolled his eyes and stopped. He turned back.
„I’m so sorry,“ Tom said apologetically.
„What for?“
„Yesterday my friends pushed you into the puddle… that’s why,“ Tom sighed.

Bill raised one eyebrow. That guy must have gone crazy. Why was he apologizing for his friends? In fact, it was his idea, wasn’t it? He thought to himself.

„I’m getting late,“ Bill grimaced and walked away leaving Tom’s head down with shame behind. Tom sighed.
„Wish you could understood what and how strange I feel for you,“ he shook his head sadly.

Bill went into the classroom. He took his seat resting his face on his hands. Mr. Collins, the calculus teacher has not yet come. He sighed with boredom. No one would talk to him to throw his world-weariness away. He softly started humming into the noises of students around him. He knew no one would hear him but at least he was the listener of his own song. He hummed and started writing a song with it. He loves singing and writing songs. He had already written twelve songs before. Mr. Collins entered. Students stood up and greeted him and he greeted back. The entire class Bill wrote song whilst wrote down what M. Collins did on the board. He was bored, actually bored to death.

At the lunch break, Tom was putting his books into the locker. Rebecca was with him. She was sticking with him so much today. She was leaning against him all the time since the classes started in the morning. Tom was fed up with her but better decided to stay calm. Tom locked his locker and put the key into the pocket when Rebecca tiptoed and kissed on his cheek. Tom snapped at her. A smirk flashed on his face.

„Love you.“ She uttered passionately, though she sounded like a bitch.
„Love ya too, baby,“ Tom responded boredly. „Hey, I have a match after the school today… you’re coming, aren’t you?“ He asked, serious.
Rebecca wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him down close to her face. She licked his lip ring. „Of course I will… I’m the cheerleader after all. I’ll cheer for you.“
„As if it’s something new,“ Tom grumbled under his breath.
„Did you say something?“ Rebecca narrowed her eyes suspiciously. Tom snapped. „No, nothing,“ he shook his head.
„Mmm… love you,“ she moaned like a bitch.

Tom sighed with a false smile stuck on his face. She kissed him and her tongue slipped into his mouth gradually. Tom replied back to her kiss. They kissed passionately and travelled each other’s mouth __ Tom did not like the strawberry and gummy-bear smell of her lip gloss.

„Becky… come here. We need you.“ Raven and Kelly came running. Tom pulled back making Rebecca get away from him, but politely. Rebecca rolled her eyes.
„What is it, girls?“ she clucked her tongue. Tom was still licking his lip ring.
„Mr. Roberts wants to talk to you,“ Raven informed.
Rebecca wrapped a hair strand around her index finger.
„Why? Does he want a kiss from Becky Johnson?“
Tom raised one eyebrow. Kelly and Raven exchanged a ‚What!‘ glance and turned to face Rebecca.
„No he wants to talk about the cheerleading. As you know, he’s the fitness teacher.“
„Ohh… “ Rebecca rolled her eyes uninterestedly. „Okay… Let’s go“ she shrugged boredly and looked back at Tom one last time. She gave him a blow kiss. „Bye baby.“
Tom grinned falsely. „Bye.“

author: amazinglife2011

One thought on “Someday In This Forever 10.

  1. I liked part when Bill said something with Aschloch :D. Tom's reaction was perfect: "Anything you wish." 😀

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