Someday In This Forever 12.

author: amazinglife2011
Bill was sitting in the cafeteria. He has been late for the class. So eventually he had to ditch the class. His elbows were on the table and fingers were locked. His face was rested on the finger-lock. He still thought about the moment he passed with Tom one hour ago. How magically and automatically they were all of a sudden calmed down and staring at each other with no protest. Bill wondered how come he could not protest. How did it happen? Where were they lost? Has he ever seen this guy before? Does that guy really show the real emotions for him or that was just a ploy with those bullier people. Lots of questions span around his head like satellite. He held his head tight and closed his eyes. His head badly ached in tension. „Was geschieht mit mir? Warum benehme ich mich so seltsam mit diesem Trümper? Habe ich ihn zuvor gesehn? Habe ich ihn getroffen? Ich muss meinen Papa fragen.“ (What is happening to me? Why am I acting so strange with that Trümper? Did I ever see him before? Did I meet him? I have to ask dad) He mumbled to himself worriedly. Bill could hear the bell ringing. The class he has missed was finished.

Someone tapped civilly on Bill’s shoulder. „Excuse me?“ Bill did not move. The boy had to tap several times. „Excuse me,“ he called aloud. Bill jumped. He looked back horrifiedly. „Whoa! Relax… just me.“ A boy named Michael was standing behind him with lots of posters in his hand gripping tightly against his chest. In a way he was Bill’s classmate. They have three same subjects. This guy sits with him in zoology class. Bill’s horrified face turned soft.
„Oh… I’m sorry… I was just…“ he broke off. He rubbed his forehead faltering. Michael shook his head.
„It’s okay. How are you?“
„Fine… you?“ Bill gave him a false smile politely.
„Fine too.“ He grinned. He looked around hesitantly. „Can I seat?“ He asked so swiftly.
„Sure, sure,“ Bill stood and pulled a chair out for him. Michael sat putting the brand new posters onto the table.

„Uh… I needed your help if you…“ he stretched the last word long lastingly, waiting for Bill to reply.

„What kind of help?“ Bill narrowed his eyes smiling warmly.
„With these posters,“ Michael uttered. He left a deep breath out. „I do part time jobs of selling posters of small concerts and shows in clubs, bars, pubs and buses you know. I’ve got a Halloween party poster this time from a famous club. Club DP… you know it?“ He asked eagerly. Bill shook his head.
„No… I’m still new in LA. It’s been barely one year,“ Bill shrugged.
„Oh… This is a famous club in this area. Anyways… let’s come to the topic.“ He postured straight. „People would buy the posters and they have to be members of the club for the Halloween night to join the party. And I can’t do this alone. I asked for help from so many people. They said no. They’re ready to go to the party but never ahead to do some work. So I thought you’d be helpful.“ He nodded saying. Bill raised one eyebrow.

„Come on… don’t say no. I always see you sit alone, bored… the same all the time. This work can distract you. Trust me. Besides, you are gonna be paid for your work.“

„Who’s gonna pay me?“ Bill sounded serious this time.
„The club. They told me to manage someone for the membership seal and I’ll sell the posters. This is the pass and we can go for free if we do their work. They’ve hired the fourth floor’s right corridor of our school for the selling desk… now please say yes. I’ve been talking for so long. My throat hurts,“ he acted being in pain rubbing on his throat.
Bill laughed. „You’re so puerile.“
„Huh! What do you mean?“ Michael asked with a confused face.
„You’re childish,“ Bill cleared. Michael rolled his eyes. „I mean what makes you think so?“
„Because you’re pretending to be in pain,“ Bill revealed.
„Hey no seriously… it’s hurts. I’ve been talking since the morning,“ Michael protested. Bill giggled.

„Okay… I’ll do the work,“ he answered smiling. Michael’s mouth hung open.

„Really? Are you really gonna work?“
„Mm-hmm,“ Bill nodded meaningfully.
„Great! So our work will be starting from after the school. We’ll sell them this entire week until the Halloween. They have a basketball match today though… anyways; we’ll sell them for two hours every day. The first thing we are to do is to stick one of these posters at the notice board so that students will know about it,“ Michael uttered.
„Okay,“ Bill stood to go and pin the poster at the notice board when Michael spoke.
„Which I’ve already done this morning.“
Bill raised his eyebrows and sat again.
„Okay so get ready for today after the school,“ Michael punched playfully on Bill’s shoulder. Bill chuckled. Michael stood taking the posters in his arms.

„Hey, can I ask you one more thing?“ Bill stood.

„Go ahead,“ Michael permitted. They walked alongside for the lockers.
„What’s this Halloween?“ Bill asked curiously.
Michael narrowed his eyes in disbelief, still walking. „You don’t know anything about Halloween? Gosh! Who am I asking for the work?“
Bill looked down apologetically. „Like I said, I’m from Germany. I have no idea about America’s festivals that much.“
„Oh… didn’t you celebrate Halloween last year?“
„No“ Bill shook his head.
„When did you come to USA?“
„Last December.“
„Okayy… “ Michael nodded meaningfully. „So we Americans celebrate Halloween on 31st October. They say all the ghosts, spirits, witches and zombies are released this night to haunt kids or something like that… I don’t have a clear idea actually.“ He shrugged. „Kids get dressed like witches and zombies and they knock at every door for chocolates and candles. If someone refuses, they throw eggs at them. And we grownups have parties and enjoy the Halloween night wearing creepy dresses. That’s all,“ Michael explained in one breath. Bill looked glad to know a new thing.

„Thanks for saying and not getting mad at me,“ Bill said chuckling. Michael laughed. „It’s okay.“

They stopped at the lockers. Michael was about to stick a poster at the locker but Bill immediately interrupted. „Not here.“
„Why?“ Michael was surprised.
„It’s Trümper’s locker,“ Bill notified.
„Tom Trümper,“ Bill uttered with a troubled tone.
„Oh… doesn’t matter,“ Michael stuck the poster and walked away. Bill followed after him. Michael opened his own locker and put the posters into the locker. „They’ll be here until the classes finish,“ Michael notified.
„Hmm, okay“ Bill agreed. They took their zoology books out and headed for the classroom.

author: amazinglife2011

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