Someday In This Forever 16.

author: amazinglife2011

„I’ll drop Bill, I have car,“ Michael said wrapping his arm against Bill’s waist and Tom burned with jealousy, though he knew Michael did not mean anything wrong. He then felt the necessity of a car rather than a shiny racing bike.
„No, you don’t need to drop… I have my car. I’m fine. Don’t worry,“ Bill said moving Michael’s arm from his waist. He was still shocked at Tom’s sudden attack on Paul. He once looked up at Tom, who was staring down blankly, thinking of asking Gordon for a new car. „Tom,“ he softly called his name for the first time. Tom was distant. Michael shook him a bit. „Hey, Tom.“
Tom jumped; he looked in all directions confusedly for a while, uninformed from what they were talking. „Tom, here,“ Bill said with a soft tone and a slight grateful smile on his face.

This time Tom’s eyes flickered at Bill. His confused face turned softer and kind.
„Hey… are you fine?“ he put his hands in his pockets. Bill smiled blinking.
„Yes,“ he nodded. He wanted to thank him but he saved his ‚thanks‘ for this time.
Tom could not see the slight change into Bill’s behavior. All he worried was about Bill’s health right now.
„I’m sorry, Bill, I have bike… maybe Michael can drop you. He has car,“ he said frustratedly. Bill chuckled.
„That’s okay. I have my own car. No one needs to drop me and I’m not a girl,“ he said grinning teasingly.
Tom flushed into red. He cared about him as if he was a girl and he cannot take care of himself. „Sorry,“ he rubbed his forehead childishly. Michael and Bill laughed.

„Thanks, Tom. That was so kind of you. I heard you are a good guy and today you proved it. No one protests for Bill,“ Michael shrugged.

Bill sighed despairingly. He did not know why, but he could not thank Tom, though he was thankful to him. Tom sighed, „Yeah, I’ve always been wrong about him.“
Michael grinned, „Anyways bygones are bygones. Bye, Bill. Take care and drive well,“ he patted on Bill’s shoulder and walked out of the room. Bill wanted to say something to Tom, but he went after Michael before that. Tom actually did not notice him. Three of them walked out. It was already dark on the sky. Matt, Harry and Joey were waiting out at the walkway. They sighed in relief when Bill came out healthy as well as alive. They were still not aware of why they were waiting for Bill. They just knew Tom cared about Bill.

„Hey, Bill… you fine?“ Matt asked, still looking puzzled.

Bill looked down immediately.
„Hmm,“ he nodded a little bit. Tom smiled. „Bill, go home,“ he uttered thoughtfully.
„Bill your dad has come. He’s waiting for you there. We’ve met him. He was so worried. Mr. Robertson said you’re gonna be fine so soon. He was right,“ Joey said slightly smiling at Bill. Not only Bill, but also Tom and Michael were surprised and shocked at their well behavior. Tom secretively mouthed a ‚thanks‘ to his friends. His friends smiled and nodded in reply.

Bill walked to the waiting room. There was sitting his father on his back at the door.

„Papa,“ he called in German from the door frame, very softly.
His father turned back. Instantaneously he stood and almost ran to his son. He held on Bill’s thin shoulders.
„Are you fine, Bill?“ He hugged Bill adoringly.
„Oww, Oww… hurts,“ Bill moaned. Tom was standing out of the room. He took a step ahead but then he remembered it was his father. He would take care of his son. He smiled to himself. He once again looked back at his friends.
„Thanks for the help, guys.“
„It’s alright, Tom. How could we let you fight alone?“ Joey said smiling back. Matt patted on Tom’s back.
„And… can anyone tell me why did we do this… for that Kaulitz?“ Harry asked raising his eyebrows.
„I’ll explain later,“ Tom promised.

There Bill’s father left his son and carefully he came out of the waiting room through the empty space next to Bill. Bill stepped after him.

„Thank you, kids. Thank you for helping my son,“ he said gratefully.
„Our pleasure, uncle,“ Tom replied before anyone else could. Bill’s father’s eyes flickered at Tom. He narrowed his eyes smiling and patted on his head.
„Okay, I’ll go take him home,“ he waved at them and took his son out of the school building.
They walked the lawn and passed the gate.
„You brought the car?“ Bill asked.
„No, I walked till here. We’ll go in your car,“ his father replied. They talked very peculiarly to each other.
„Hmm, okay,“ Bill went to the parking lot. He handed the key to his father. They got into the car. His father drove to home.

Michael has left by now. Tom and his friends were walking through the lawn. All of their hands were in the pockets. Winter was knocking at the door. Besides it was night. Cold breezes brushed over their rough manly skins.

Harry cleared his throat to catch their attention. They exchanged glances on the next moment.
„I know you want my explanation, don’t you,“ Tom said smiling, eyes still ahead.
„Actually I do,“ Harry said expressionlessly.
„Well guys, I think I know Bill,“ Tom said, concentration on the main gate of the school ahead.
„What do you mean you know Bill?“ Matt asked surprisingly.
„I think I’ve met him before. I don’t want to hurt him anymore,“ Tom sounded frustrated.
„That’s still not a good explanation,“ Harry said rolling his eyes.
„Okay, stop chatting here. Let’s go to my house. Mom and dad aren’t home,“ Joey interrupted.
„Good idea,“ Tom said. „Hold on a second. He pulled his mobile out and dialed the landline number of his house. Gordon picked the phone in seconds.
„Hey dad… It’s me, Tom. Yeah, I know. I’m sorry dad… my friend was hurt. We had to wait here for him. No, it’s not them… someone else. Anyways, I won’t be home tonight. I’m in Joey’s house. Don’t wait on me, okay? Love you… pass my kiss to mom. Goodnight.“ He hung up and sighed, „Let’s go.“ All of them headed for Joey’s house.

Matt was sitting out at the porch leaning against the balustrade. Harry was sitting on the stairs opposite to Matt. Tom was sitting on one balustrade and Joey was on the other. They were all quiet and blank.

„So… Explain now,“ Harry broke the silence.
Tom left a deep breath, „Well…“ he thought how to start. „Okay, don’t interrupt while I’ll be explaining, will you?“ he asked, hesitant.
„No, promise.“ Three of his friends promised simultaneously.
Tom sighed making himself ready.

„That day he came out of the toilet after the fight when we were in the washroom. You were in the toilets,“ Tom postured straight. „Guys we’ve never bothered to see people after hitting them so bad. We’ve never asked them, if that even hurts or not. If does then how much. We never cared for them. But that day I saw him… the most pathetic scene of that weak boy. Trust me I was about to cry. He was actually really hurt. And it wasn’t even his fault with the lockers. Harry kept the meats in his locker. His punch was a natural response I guess.“ He shrugged, trying to be impartial. Harry furrowed his eyebrows. He stood.

„He punched me,“ he yelled.
„That’s because you laughed at him. Please calm down and listen to me,“ Tom yelled back. Matt pulled Harry’s arm down making him sit.

„Bill was shaking in pain. If you were there, you would’ve cried too. We beat him so bad that he couldn’t attend the school for the entire week. Maybe I wouldn’t have said these things… but… but… I’ve seen him guys… believe me. He was not even agreeing to my help to stand. From that day I saw his bruises and nightmares of him every night until he came to school. I’ve regretted enough. Those bloodstains on my bag haunt me to death whenever I even try to breathe peacefully. I feel like Bill’s gonna come and ask me over and over about why did I do it? What was his fault? I couldn’t sleep well, I couldn’t eat well… couldn’t even concentrate on games or classes. I had to melt guys… I had to… besides, I think I know Bill. He seems familiar. After all that, I can’t be rude with him. I thought you would break our friendship. That’s why I didn’t tell you. But today you guys were really supportive. Thank you so much for that… that was a favor,“ Tom finished his speech in one breathe. He hid the private moments with Bill from his friend. He better decided to keep that kiss thing confidential. He actually feels something more for Bill, but his friends were not comfortable people for expressing that. Matt, Harry and Joey were quiet and calm. They were listening to him very courteously.

Matt cleared his throat, „No… that wasn’t a favor, Tom. That was our way to show you that we care for you and whatever you do, you can count on us,“ his face turned soft. He stood and stepped near Tom. He wrapped his arms around Tom and grinned at him. „I’m with him. I’ll behave well with Bill. I need no more explanations. I trust him“ he declared. Tom grinned back at him widely. They waited for other friends to express their opinion. Harry looked away grimacing. Joey was still quiet, thinking of how to react.

„And if any of you trusts, Tom, you can join us,“ Matt announced smiling; he knew both Harry and Joey will be with them in a few minutes. Joey left a noisy sigh. He jumped down from the balustrade. „Okay count me in,“ he shrugged and leaned against Matt. Matt’s grin widened. Tom actually did not expect this from his friends. His eyes were already watery.

„Harry? I’ll blab to Raven that you like her. You know how much argumentative she is,“ Joey blackmailed. Harry widened his eyes horrifiedly.
„No way“ he yelled. In no time he ran to his friends‘ crowd.
„Okay, okay… I’ll also behave with Kaulitz, but just for you, guys,“ he said like an angry unpleasant child. Others burst into laughter. Tom sighed, „Thanks guys… thanks once again.“
„It’s okay, Tomi,“ all replied in chorus.
„You don’t know how much I love Bill…“ Tom thought to himself.

author: amazinglife2011

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