Someday In This Forever 18.

author: amazinglife2011

Tomorrow was Halloween. Bill has not yet recovered fully to attend the school. Why this fortune has to be so rude with Bill? What was his fault? What is Tom’s fault that the fate tortures him keeping Bill away from him most of times? Tom thought to himself sitting among his friends in the cafeteria during the lunch break. Everyone was talking about the Halloween and the party in CDP. Tom was distant, thinking about Bill. He just wondered how he might be. He could not sleep well last few nights. Bill’s repeating remembrance did not let him. Sometimes he cried hiding his face into the pillow when he remembered it must be hurting on Bill’s neck and he was stupid; he could not save Bill from being hit. On the other hand, he was happy as well; at least he could convince his friends to be good with Bill.

Someone pressed fervently on Tom’s thigh. He jumped. It was Rebecca sitting next to him with a naughty smile on her face. Tom blinked. He gave her a slight polite smile.

„Hey baby,“ he greeted softly, not too fine. Rebecca narrowed her eyes worriedly.
„What’s wrong? Are you upset?“
„No actually…“ Tom broke off. He did not know what to say. His friends were staring at the pair with curious eyes.
„What?“ Tom rolled his eyes. They shook their heads.
„Nothing,“ and looked away.

„You should be glad, baby. It’s Halloween tomorrow. You’re coming to the party with me. In fact you’re gonna pick me up to the party, aren’t you?“ She asked rightfully, though she sounded like a bitch.
Tom nodded with a grin. „Of course, baby… I am,“ he promised.
„We’re gonna have fun tomorrow after the party… on the bed.“ She whispered passionately into Tom ear. Tom smirked.
„Why nawwwt?“ He grinned widely. Others coughed teasingly. They heard what they said. Rebecca rolled her eyes.
„Come on, guys! Leave us alone.“ She scolded. Others burst into laughter. Tom giggled on her back. But suddenly a question ticked on his head. Was Bill going to attend the party? What if, not? No way, party would be dull without Bill. He sighed and cursed the worthless fate.

Tom rang the doorbell. The entire house was decorated from inside and outside both. Tom’s parents were really childish who still love to decorate the house during the Christmas and Halloween. Tom is never into these decorating and celebrating things. All he knew was just how to have sex with beautiful girls. But now it’s sort of changed. He had not noticed a single girl, not even Rebecca since he had been getting weak for Bill. He just thinks of him. Most often he wonders what Bill might be doing like Bill was a celebrity and he was his diehard fan.

Gordon opened the door.
„Welcome,“ he grinned at his boy.
Tom raised one eyebrow smiling. „Thank you, gentle man,“ he walked in as Gordon moved aside. „Dad, our house is looking like a Christmas tree. You’re still childish, aren’t you?“
„Huh… I was thinking about throwing a party, but you said you were going to CDP,“ Gordon shrugged.
Tom nodded, „That’s true… Dad, I’m hungry. Where’s mom?“
„It’s Halloween, my boy. She must be stuck with the Halloween card customers. Besides, she sells pumpkins during Halloween, did you forget? There must be a big crowd of shoppers around her shop,“ Gordon shrugged.
„Oh,“ Tom rubbed his forehead. „I just forgot… anyways, did you get the pizza I told you?“
„Yes boss,“ Gordon saluted. Tom laughed at the gesture.

„I’ll go change and please join me in meal,“ Tom walked up the stairs to his room. He took shower and changed clothes; baggy clothes of course with a matching cap on his head.

When he came down, he saw Gordon putting a transparent plastic bag filled with lots of chocolates putting on the counter. „Is it for Halloween?“ Tom asked from the dining table. Gordon looked back from the kitchen.
„Yes, these are for the kids and I’ve bought for us too.“
Tom rolled his eyes smiling. „Dad, you’re not supposed to eat chocolates at this age.“
„Sorry? I’m still young enough, young man and I’m not diabetic.“ Gordon said proudly getting the hot pizza out of the microwave.
Tom laughed. „Dad… you’re so puerile.“
„And I guess I’m proud of that,“ Gordon said swelling with proud. Tom laughed shaking his head slightly. Gordon walked to the dining table and served the pizza piece to his boy. He took another piece and joined his son eating together.

Gordon took a bite and the cheese came out bursting from the pizza. „Mmmm, yummm yummm,“ Gordon moaned in delicious taste. Tom laughed, he too took a bite.

„So…“ Gordon chewed. „What’s going on in your school? Everything’s fine?“
Tom stopped chewing. He sighed and thought something for a while. Gordon noted that. He finished the food in his mouth and cleared his throat to catch Tom’s attention. „Maybe not fine… what happened, son?“ He asked gently.
Tom sighed shaking his head. „Nothing’s fine, dad…“ he grimaced to himself sadly and looked down taking another bite from the pizza.
„Why? You had a fight with your friends?“
„No it’s not with them.“
„Then who it’s with?“
„It’s with the boy for who I had to stay late at school a few days ago, you remember?“
„Mm-hmm… what’s wrong with him?“ Gordon narrowed his eyes. He was curious, he was always curious to hear from his son.

„Dad, he’s the new guy in our school. He joined about three weeks ago. He loves to put makeup and wear jewelries but that doesn’t matter to me. Well, that used to matter to me and my friends. We used to bully him when he first came. One day we beat him so much, but I felt bad for him later. I really regretted dad. I cleaned his blood from the floor with my bag to hide it from the principle. Whenever I see the bloodstains, I feel like crying out loud but I can’t. It hurts in my chest, dad. I don’t know why, but it does…“ Tom broke off. His voice was shaky at the last word. Gordon was listening to him very attentively.

„Dad, I won’t lie to you. I don’t wanna hide from you… I guess I like that boy. I don’t know what kind of liking this is but… I feel like crying when I don’t see him. He didn’t come to school the entire week after we hit him. I missed him, so bad. I also cried, dad. That’s why I was so silent those few days. It felt awful inside like my heart was gonna come out of my chest tearing my ribs apart and ask for apology from the boy. I love him, dad… I just do,“ Tom blabbed without any second thought.

Gordon chuckled. „So this is it,“ he nodded. Tom looked up immediately, shocked.
„You won’t scold me? I love a guy! Do you even have any idea what this means?“
„I got it. Its love of course, but its more humanity or maybe something else than love, something more deep although I don’t know what this actually is,“ Gordon shrugged. He looked very casual, still okay with whatever his son has just informed him.
„Dad… I love him. I… I… dad… I also kissed him, dad,“ Tom hesitated. Gordon raised one eyebrow with a teasing smirk. „I couldn’t stop myself. I don’t know why…“ Tom sighed frustratedly.
„Okay… should I consider my son as homosexual?“ Gordon teased affectionately.
„Dad… don’t tease me,“ Tom almost moaned like a child. Gordon laughed. „It’s really something different with him. I don’t see or need anything or anyone else when I’m with him. He makes me feel strange and… complete,“ Tom uttered surprisingly. Even he did not know what the feeling was with Bill. Today he finally got the word ‚Complete‘. He felt complete with Bill. He actually did. Gordon narrowed his eyes smiling.

„So what’s the problem now? Who hurt him recently?“

„It’s actually one of the senior boys. We were then beating the boy that behaved rude with him.“ Gordon smirked. „But mistakenly Matt kicked on his neck and he had to get emergency medical treatments. Maybe he’s almost recovered now… or I don’t know, but he’s not coming to school once again. God knows how he might be. I miss him so much, dad. That’s why I’m upset,“ Tom shrugged.
„Ohkayy,“ Gordon finished his pizza. He stood and sat on the table before his son. He took Tom’s face in his hands. „Look, boy, I have a great solution of this problem.“
Tom narrowed his eyes curiously. „What solution?“
„Why don’t you just collect his address and visit him with chocolates?“ Gordon suggested. He sounded logical with the chocolates because Bill actually loves chocolates. A wide grin spread on Tom’s lips.
„Oh yes! It didn’t come in my mind! Why? Gosh! Thanks, dad.“ He hugged his father burying his face on Gordon’s tummy. Gordon laughed. „It tickles,“ Tom laughed. „I love you, I love you, I love you.“ He stood and kissed on Gordon’s cheek and ran away upstairs excitedly. Gordon smiled at his back.
„What a kid,“ he sighed smiling.

author: amazinglife2011

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