author: amazinglife2011
Bill was sitting on the porch, waiting for Tom. It was near 10:15 AM. Jörg was out to the garage. The bike whooshed to their parking lot and stopped with a sudden harsh break. Bill jumped as Tom put off his helmet. He got off the bike and hung the helmet with the gearing handles. He got the cap out of his baggy pocket. He redid his messed up hair. „Fuck off!“
„What’s wrong?“ Bill asked from nearby.
„Look at my hair. I look like a nest of birds,“ Tom complained. Bill giggled. He stepped near and helped Tom redoing his hair. He tied the rubber band tightly around his blonde dreaded plait. Then Tom put the cap on his head making the dreads come out of the gap at the back of the cap. Bill grinned with satisfaction when everything was done. They walked to the house.
„Where’s Mr. Kaulitz?“ Tom asked while walking.
„To his garage.“
„It’s Sunday, did he forget?“
„Don’t people drive cars in Sundays?“ Bill smirked.
„Oh…“ Tom rubbed his forehead, confused. They walked in. Bill closed the door. The entire house looked tidy and beautiful. Bill has again cleaned and organized the house before Tom came. It looked more beautiful than last night, beaming into the sunlight.
„Wow! Great job on the dusting- cleaning, maid Bill.“
„I’m not a maid,“ Bill elbowed Tom. Tom sniggered making funny faces at Bill.
„Would you like to have some donuts?“ Bill asked.
Tom shrugged. „Why not? I’ve always been fond of food,“ he mocked at himself.
Bill was in the kitchen chuckling. He backed in a few minutes with a bowl full of colorful donuts. Tom picked a pink donut and held it before Bill.
„For you, maid.“
„Why pink?“
„Because you’re sort of girly and you’re a maid. So your favorite color is pink,“ Tom teased.
„Of course not. My favorite color is white and black and I’m not a maid.“
„Are they even counted as colors?“ Tom scoffed.
Bill rolled his eyes. „Do I look good in my dresses?“
Tom smirked naughtily. „Sure you do, baby,“ he winked.
„Then black and white are colors.“
„What? Why?“
„Because I wear black, white and grey only,“ Bill notified.
„Hmm… whatever… what’s with the grey?“
„Black and white makes grey together,“ Bill informed putting a donut into his mouth. Tom smirked. He bit on the other side of Bill’s donut. Bill rolled his eyes. „Is it necessary to act like a pervert all the time?“
„Yesh!“ Tom leaned forward over him. Bill leaned away. He handed Tom the bowl to keep his hands busy and sat on the other sofa laughing. Tom clucked his tongue halfheartedly. „What Bill… huh,“ he pouted. Bill giggled.
„Gay pervert,“ he mocked. Tom poked his tongue out and made faces at Bill. Bill laughed.
„I have to complain to your parents that you’re pervert.“
„Excuse me, my parents know everything about me, even that I kissed you,“ Tom swelled his chest proudly. Bill shook his head.
„You’ve gotta be kidding me,“ he smirked.
„Hey, I mean it. They’re so frank with me. I can share anything with them.“
„Really?“ Bill narrowed his eyes smiling. He was surprised.
„Mm-hmm. Why? Aren’t you frank with Mr. Kaulitz?“
„I don’t have anything to share with my dad except for some unpleasant moments I pass in the school.“ Bill shrugged. Tom sighed.
„Hey“ he left his couch and sat next to Bill. He took Bill’s hands in his hands. „I promise… from now on, I’ll never let a single memory of yours be unpleasant. No one will ever dare to hurt you. Nobody has the right on my, Bill.“ Tom sounded serious. He meant it. He felt protective for Bill. He did not know why, but he just did. Bill just sighed and shook his head in response. No one has ever told him such words. Nobody ever pledged him his defense.
„Bill, can you get me a paper and a pen?“ Tom asked.
„Sure,“ Bill walked away up the stairs. Tom waited for him stuffing some donuts into his mouth. In a few minutes, Bill returned. He held the paper and the pen before Tom. He stretched out his arm to take it, but Bill moved it away. „Wash your hand at first,“ Bill reminded him. Tom rolled his eyes. He walked away and returned few minutes later with wet hand. He jokily wiped out the water with Bill’s t-shirt. Bill laughed. „Evil“. Tom grabbed the paper from him and started writing a note. Bill peeked.
„Dad, I’m going out with Tom. Don’t wait on me. Take care.“ He wrote and put the note half hidden under the vase on the table. „Let’s go now,“ Tom pulled his hand. Bill pulled back „Where to?“
„To my house. I want to introduce you to my parents.“
„Excuse me, I not you boyfriend; neither am I gay,“ Bill cleared his opinion.
„I never said you’re gay… well I said but that’s too long ago. Anyways, I always tell them about you. They really like you. They know all of my friends. Please don’t say no,“ Tom requested like a child. He rather nagged than requesting though.
„What if you take me somewhere I don’t know and fuck me? Or kill me?“ Bill teased.
„Hey, nice idea. I’d rather choose to fuck you than killing,“ Tom teased back. Bill rolled his eyes.
„I have two conditions then,“ Bill folded his arms against his chest and stood curving his waist which he always does. Tom shook his head in disbelief.
„Such a player… what is it?“
„One, We’ll go in my car and Two, I’ll make the lunch at first,“ Bill said. Tom chuckled.
„I thought you’d say I can’t kiss you and I can’t fuck you. Thank god you didn’t say that. Now I can rest assure that you want me to fuck you,“ Tom said sneering. He sat back on the couch and took the note out. He started writing under the take care. „I’ve made food. It’s on the table,“ and looked up. „Done!“ He winked. Bill, who was still staring at him with disbelief in his eyes, rolled his eyes and walked away into the kitchen. Tom giggled. He laughed too much that his stomach already started hurting. He almost rolled on the floor. He loves teasing Bill and especially when Bill rolls his eyes, grimaces, laughs and pouts. He loves to see new and unusual expressions on Bill’s face which he had never seen before or you can say Bill never got a chance to express those expressions. Tom loves the way Bill rolls his eyes and walks away from him when he does not have an exact word to scold Tom back. He laughed and Bill cooked the lunch in the kitchen rolling his eyes every time he heard Tom’s laughing.
Later that day
Tom had already brought his bike. He could not leave it before Bill’s house. So he had to ride the bike till home and Bill followed after him driving his car. Tom now badly felt the necessity of a car. He has started hating the bike. He parked the bike and Bill parked the car. They got off of their vehicles. „Come on,“ Tom pulled him to the door gently. He rang the doorbell twice.
„Unmannered unpleasant twisted perverted child,“ Bill murmured under his breath.
„I heard that Bill,“ Tom almost sang. Bill smirked.
Someone opened the door after a few seconds. Tom grinned and walked in.
„Hey, mom. I’ve brought Bill with me. Come on in.“ He pulled Bill inside. Bill silently stepped in. He felt uncomfortable. He had never been into someone’s house, not even the neighbor Mary, the old lady in Germany. He looked back at Simone who was now closing the door.
„Hello, Mrs. Trümper,“ he smiled politely. Simone closed the door. She stared at the boy for a while like she has already met him and was trying to recognize him right now. She gave him a confused smile back.
„Hello dear. What’s your name?“ she asked smiling.
„Mom, he’s Bill,“ Tom said before Bill could. Simone narrowed her eyes surprisingly. Gordon walked down the stairs. He raised one eyebrow and chuckled watching the makeup covered boy who actually looked like a girl. He patted on Bill’s shoulder.
„Hello Bill, nice to meet you.“
„It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Trümper,“ Bill grinned.
„How’s your neck right now?“
„It’s fine, sir,“ Bill relied politely.
„Good. Go have fun. We’ll make cookies for Bill. Come on, honey,“ Gordon said smiling and walked to the kitchen pulling Simone gently with him. Simone was still staring at Bill with confused eyes. Only Gordon noticed that. He waited for the kids to go. Tom took Bill upstairs to his bedroom. Gordon now turned toward Simone.
„What’s wrong? Why are you watching the boy like this?“
Simone looked down thinking. „I felt like I’ve seen him somewhere. Besides, he’s name is Bill,“ she uttered.
Gordon rolled his eyes. „Honey…“ he held on her shoulders, „there are lots of people named Bill.“
„Then why is he only Tom’s friend?“
„Just because he’s Tom’s friend and he’s name is Bill, that doesn’t mean he’s our Bill. That doesn’t mean he’s Tom’s brother,“ Gordon tried to explain.
„But I think he’s our Bill.“
„Son at first sight? Honey, you sound funny, do you know that?“ Gordon sat before her.
„What if Jörg shifted to LA from Germany?“ Simone guessed.
Gordon sighed. „Then we’ll find him out and meet our Bill.“
„Will Tom be able to forgive us even after hiding the matter of his twin brother?“ Simone asked worriedly.
„I don’t know… I still don’t know that. But one day we’ll have to tell him that you took him and Bill went with Jörg,“ Gordon said with frustration.
Simone sighed and leaned her head against Gordon’s arm. „I’m sorry for being stupid with the boy.“
„It’s okay. Tom said that Bill’s not comfortable with outer people. Let’s try to be frank rather than making him feel that he’s a freak,“ Gordon suggested.
„Hmm“ Simone nodded. She got over-emotional for a while. But now she was okay.
author: amazinglife2011
Počet zobrazení (od 15.6.2021): 3