Someday In This Forever 25.

author: amazinglife2011

One month later

Tom was leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face. He could not help remarking.

„You look hot, Billie… gotta fuck you.“
„Shut up,“ Bill politely scolded. Tom chuckled.
„Just look at yourself… I bet you’d be turned on too.“
Bill rolled his eyes. He was half naked. The t-shirt he was wearing was ruined in a wrong experiment in the lab. The liquid exploded turning his t-shirt into green. Bill cleaned the ink from his face.
„I look terrible, don’t I?“
Tom clucked his tongue.
„Nah… you look like green lantern.“ Instantly Bill shot him a venomous glare. „The weak one… the weak green lantern,“ Tom teased. Bill threw the tissue paper at Tom, Tom laughed. „Can I lick you?“ He asked very casually. He often asks these weird perverted questions without noticing the place around. He never cares about the situation. He just asks like a brazen faced.
Bill grimaced.
„Like always… it’s a no.“

„Aww… that’s makes you more cute and attractive,“ Tom mocked.
„Shut up,“ Bill rolled his eyes and stepped near Tom. Tom smirked. „Can you get a t-shirt for me from my bag? It’s completely ruined. I brought an extra t-shirt. Here’s the key,“ he took off the chain and handed it to Tom. Tom smirked. He quickly kissed at Bills neck and ran away from the washroom. Bill shook his head smiling. „Such a pervert,“ he sighed. In a few minutes, Tom returned with Bill’s t-shirt.
„Here it is.“ He held it before Bill. When Bill was about to take it, Tom moved his hand away. „At first, give me a kiss before anyone comes,“ Tom demanded.
„I’d rather go out half naked,“ Bill said passing by Tom.
„Okay, okay. Hold on. You’re so stubborn, Bill.“ Tom handed him the t-shirt halfheartedly. Bill made a face at him and walked out of the washroom. Tom followed after him. Then he caught Bill’s speed and they walked alongside.

It’s been one month since Tom’s breakup with Rebecca. Nothing has changed much – yet so many things have changed. Rebecca does not talk to Tom anymore. She has got a new boyfriend. He’s not a basketball player but he’s cute. He’s not even as strong as Tom. Somehow Rebecca loves him. Tom knows that this time she has got the true love. He was not really meant for her.

Harry has proposed Raven a week ago. As predicted, she refused. Since then Harry wanders like a broken hearted lover. His friends believe even he will get the true love one day. He’s still cheerful with his friends though. He realized he does not need anybody else when his friends are with him. He realized it when he was just eight years old. Matt and Joey are still single. They are happy together, pulling each other’s leg all the time. Tom and his friends do not pick at others now, they don’t bully anyone. They have been so much frank with Bill. Bill loves being around people. He does not hide in his bedroom anymore. Tom was single too. As always, he tries to brainwash Bill to have sex with him and the response of it is always the same ‚Never in this forever‘. Bill was glad to have people around who do not make him feel like an alien. He knows he is a human, so normal like others. In a word they were happy. There were a few days left to the winter vacation. It was December. Oh yes, Gordon has brought a new car to his son just a few days ago.

10:30 PM. Bill heard the beeping of the mobile from his schoolbag. He jumped from the sleep. He blinked wearily and rubbed his eyes. He got out of the bed and unzipped the bag. It was Tom’s mobile. He had kept it in Bill’s bag during the game. Bill sighed. He peeked at the screen. The number was not saved. So it did not show any name. Bill shrugged. He backed to the bed and laid down comfortably keeping the cell phone next to him. In a few minutes a message beeped into the mobile. Bill jumped. He clucked his tongue with annoyance.

„Seems like Tom’s got a lot of fans,“ he said smiling. He did not want to see the message, but after all he was ruled by his hormones. His curiosity possessed him and he hit the button ‚view‘. The message was from Gordon’s number.

„Billie it’s me, Tom. Can you please get me the mobile tomorrow? You know tomorrow’s Saturday. We’re not meeting at school. Please, come home. Love you. Goodnight“

Bill grinned. He took his own mobile out from under the pillow and typed: „Tomi, I’ll be there. Don’t worry. Have a sound and worriless sleep. Goodnight. Love ya too,“ he sent the message and left a sigh. He kept the mobiles on the desk and yawned hugely. He was actually sleepy. He lay down and turned the lights off. Then he does not know what happened next.

Next morning

Bill got ready to go. He has put a lot of makeup today; the eye-shadow was darker than ever around his eyes. He looked gorgeous in that entire black outfit. He felt happy. He knew today was another new day with new possibilities. He does not know why but he felt like something good was going to happen today, something unexpected but good. These days he is searching for a part time job. Who knows if he gets the job somewhere? He pulled the keys from the desk and walked out.

„Papa… going out,“ Bill yelled cheerfully from the staircase.

„Where to?“ Jörg stood immediately. He was having breakfast.
„To Tom’s, why?“ Bill stopped.
„I had some works with you… well… not that important though,“ Jörg shrugged, he did not want to interrupt in Bill’s way.
„No you can ask me. What is it, dad?“ Bill stepped near his dad. He picked a sandwich from the plate and took a bite.
„I’ve gotta go check on the car of one of my customers and Gary (Gerald) needs the rudder catalogs.“ He agitated. „Could you please go and hand over the catalogs… only if you have time.“

Bill looked distant. He thought something for a while and nodded to himself meaningfully. „Who’s gonna make you late Uncle Gerald or the customer?“

„Of course, it’s Gary. He always wastes the time in useless conversations. You have to listen to him and kill your time,“ Jörg shrugged. He sounded helpless.
„How much time would the customer take?“ Bill narrowed his eyes significantly.
„About an hour.“
„Okay,“ Bill grinned. He took another bite from the sandwich. „I’ve got a plan.“ he ran away and backed after a few minutes with a paper in his hand and the sandwich half eaten in his other hand. He handed the paper to his father. There was an address written in the paper.
„It’s Tom’s address.“ He replied before Jörg could ask about it.
„If you’re done before me, go to him and,“ he pulled Tom’s mobile out of his pocket, „give it to him, okay?“
Jörg grinned widely. „Sure.“
„I’ll go to Uncle Gerald,“ Bill agreed. He turned and asked. „He’s in the garage, right?“
„Mm-hmm,“ Jörg nodded. „Okay, where are the catalogs?“
Jörg nodded. „Oh yes,“ he went to his room and returned in minutes with lots of catalog books in his hand. He handed them to his son. Bill grinned. He turned around.
„Bye, dad,“ and walked to the door. Jörg followed after him till the door. „Hey, Bill,“ he called. Bill turned.
„That’s really so sweet of you. Just make sure you’re not gonna get lost.“ He patted on his son’s shoulder.
Bill chuckled. „I wondered why you didn’t give me these works before. I could’ve stayed busy.“ He said jokily. Jörg laughed.
„Take care,“ he kissed on Bill’s forehead. Bill grinned. „Bye… and don’t forget to say ‚Hello‘ to Tom’s parents,“ he ran away waving.
„Will do that,“ Jörg promised waving back.

author: amazinglife2011

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