Someday In This Forever 26.

author: amazinglife2011
Jörg set the final tyre and wiped the sweats from his forehead. Mr. Peterson was standing right behind him peeking, trying to figure out if Jörg was done. Jörg sighed in relief and started collecting his tools.
„Is it done, Mr. Kaulitz?“ Mr. Peterson asked like a curious disturbing child. Jörg put his tools into the bag and stood.
„Yes, Mr. Peterson. Shall I go now?“ A big thankful grin flashed at Mr. Peterson’s face. He put his hand in his pocket and searched for something for a moment. He looked satisfied when he got what he was searching for. He pulled the wallet out of his pocket and got the money out. He handed it to Jörg and shook his hand.
„Thank you so much for coming Mr. Kaulitz. Nobody does this much for someone.“ He said appreciatively.

Jörg chuckled. „It’s okay. Bye,“ he signed for him as a ‚bye‘ and walked away. He got into his old car and drove to the address where Tom stays. On the way he sent a message to Bill that he was done here and now he was going to Tom’s house to pass the mobile. Bill replied to his message with an ‚okay‘ and a smiley face next to it. Jörg chuckled. He had to wander with his car around the block to find the house, but eventually he found it out after fifteen minutes adventurous search.

He stopped the car and the rolled the window glass down. He peeked out through the window. He matched the address written under the name plate. He did not notice the names of the people who live here. He sighed in a big relief. Bill has made him adventure a lot today. It was a better idea to go to Gerald after finishing the customer’s work rather than searching for just a house for a long time. He got out of the car and walked to the porch. There were beautiful plant-tubs on both sides of the porch. Jörg chuckled. It looked beautiful. He rang the doorbell once. A few minutes later, someone opened the door widely. It was Tom. He grinned widely as he saw Jörg there.

„Mr. Kaulitz, it’s you. Unbelievable. Come on in.“ He moved aside. Jörg gave him a slight fatherly smile and walked in. Tom looked around. „Where’s Bill?“

„He didn’t come. I’ve sent him in some other work of mine. Sorry,“ Jörg shrugged. Tom laughed
„That’s all right. I’m glad you came. Have a seat, Mr. Kaulitz.“ Tom grinned. He was completely polite. Jörg pulled the mobile out of his pocket.
„Here’s your parcel,“ he mocked. Tom laughed. He took the mobile from him.
„Mom… mommy… it’s Bill’s dad. Come here meet him. Dad… Dad.“ Tom called aloud. „Coming, dear,“ Simone replied back from the kitchen. She came out with a tray full of chocolate cookies she has made just now. She placed the tray on the table before Jörg and looked up.

„Hell…“ she broke off immediately. The smile from her face fainted. She could not believe her own eyes. She postured straight and her mouth hung open. Tom did not notice. He turned. „You guys talk,“ he walked away upstairs while Gordon came out. He gave his son a teasing wink while passing by him on the staircase. Tom sneered and walked away. Gordon laughed quietly and came down. This time his smile faded. His jaws dropped apart. They could not believe who they were watching right now. The entire world seemed unreal and just like a well planned stage to the pair. Gordon stepped next to his wife.

„Jörg…“ his mouth was still open in disbelief. Simone felt her heart pounding unevenly inside her chest. Old memories flashed in her eyes. Jörg was playing with his twin sons when Simone came with food and both of them fed each son. But that time was different. Back there Jörg was feeding Tom and Simone was feeding Bill. Another flashback came when Bill has started walking, Jörg was so happy. He was hopping like a child too. He held Bill’s hand and made him walk ahead with his support. On the next day Tom started walking and there were no boundaries to Jörg’s contentment. He also celebrated that night with his happy little family. He brought foods for his sons every evening. He played with them. Bill and Tom used to laugh together like a wind-chime jingling in air whenever Jörg or Simone entertained them. Jörg used to tell the bedtime stories when the two year old twins could not sleep at night. And sometimes he used to sleep in baby’s room telling the stories. He could never tell if he even finished the story. He loved his sons. They loved their sons. Suddenly a storm came and divided the family into two parts, Tom and Simone; Bill and Jörg. Simone still could not believe that they had been to Germany to find that person and now he was standing right before her. Her other son came to her house, played with his brother and they did not even realize. Once she doubted that Bill was her son but Gordon did not believe her. She knew it. She knew her son. It was their Bill. And Jörg has shifted to Los Angeles with his boy. Tears ran down her cheeks. There were no words in anybody’s mouth. Jörg was also standing there with his mouth hanging open as well. Neither could he trust his eyes.

„Simone… Gordon!“ was all he could say for the moment.

„Jörg… you stay in LA?“ Gordon asked, surprised.
Jörg nodded. „Yeah…“ his eyes paced right and left between Simone and Gordon.
„Bill’s my son. It’s my Bill.“ Simone uttered to herself, she was distant, lost in her own thoughts.
„He’s my son,“ Jörg corrected immediately. That is when Simone looked up at the person „Bill… he’s my Tom’s brother,“ she cried. She almost collapsed on the floor when Gordon gave her support, holding her tight.
„Control yourself, honey,“ he murmured near her ear. That scene did not seem to bother Jörg very much. He just pretended as if nothing was happening.
„We went to Germany in October to meet you and Bill,“ Gordon uttered. Jörg frowned.
„Bill’s still my son,“ he declared stubbornly.
„Look Jörg, it’s not about taking Bill away from you. It’s about Tom and Bill. Our sons.“
„Your son?“ Jörg raised one eyebrow.
„I adopted Tom. In a way both of them are my son too,“ Gordon cleared. Jörg grimaced. „But that doesn’t matter. I wanted the brothers to meet each other. Tom still doesn’t know that he even has a brother, a twin brother.“

„Look, I have no problem with Tom. He’s my son too. I don’t want you to tell Bill about it. He’s gonna cry to death. I can’t afford his tears,“ Jörg said.

„He’s my son too, Mr. Jörg Kaulitz!“ Simone yelled.
Tom came out of his room. He did not hear what his mother said, but he heard her yelling. He narrowed his eyes horrifiedly. He rushed downstairs. Simone stepped near Jörg and pulled his collar. „Don’t you dare take all the rights of Bill! You did nothing for your son. He stays with a father whose love is fake. He should know everything!“ She yelled. Jörg was cold, uninterested.
Tom widened his eyes.
„Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you yelling at Mr. Kaulitz? He’s a guest,“ he said hesitantly.
„Tom…“ Gordon interrupted. „Go to your room,“ he ordered.
„But dad, he’s Bill’s father,“ Tom felt scared.
„I said go to your room, son,“ Gordon demanded.

Tom gulped. He nodded slightly and walked up the stairs. He closed the door of his room and tried to listen to what they were saying. He heard their voices but not the indistinct conversations. He was now utterly worried and horror-struck. He did not know what to do. He paced back and forth worriedly. Eventually he grabbed the mobile from the bed and called the person his mind suggested at first. He waited for the person to receive the call. In a few seconds he jumped

„Hello… yeah… Hello Bill…“ he cried.

author: amazinglife2011

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