author: amazinglife2011
Bill parked the car and soon got out. He could see his father’s car parked there. Bill was already sweating a bit in tension. His heart was pounding faster. He ran onto the porch and rang the bell twice, worried and tensed. Gordon opened the door in a while. He looked shocked as soon as he saw Bill standing there. He scarcely gave him a false smile.
„Come in, Bill,“ he moved aside. Bill entered without delay. Simone was there crying on the couch hiding her face behind her hands. Jörg was away looking somewhere else distantly with his arms folded against his chest. He was frigid. Bill looked back at Gordon who looked confused now. Then his eyes flickered at the staircase where Tom was standing. Either he looked confused and scared. Bill took a step ahead.
„Papa, Was ist passiert? (Dad, what happened?)“ He asked very softly. Simone looked up instantly. She left her couch and wrapped her arms around Bill. She hugged him warmly and started kissing on his forehead.
„My son. You’re my son. My Bill,“ she repeated the words crazily and kept caressing on Bill’s head. Bill was in shock. None of the young boys knew what was going on. Tom walked down from the staircase.
„What’s wrong with you, mom?“ he stammered.
Jörg cleared his throat. „Tom,“ he called. Tom turned.
„What’s going on here, Mr. Kaulitz? Do you have any idea?“ he asked anxiously.
Jörg nodded.
„I’m sorry, Tom… I’m sorry, I didn’t choose you, son,“ he suddenly started weeping. Gordon looked among the people confusedly. He did not know what to do. Tom gasped.
„Huh! What the fuck is going on here? Someone please bother to tell me,“ Tom yelled, he was furious this time.
„Oh no,“ Gordon murmured under his breath. Tom was short tempered and he does anything when he’s furious. Bill panicked. He started panting heavily in distress. He yanked himself away from Simone.
„What’s wrong?“ Tom squealed. Simone wept. „Mom, what’s wrong? For god’s sake, please tell me!“ Tom shouted crazily. Bill shuddered. He got somewhat of hint from the scene. He silently walked to his father and turned him confronting their faces.
„Würdest du lass mich wissen, was ist mit Simone passiert? (Would you please let me know what happened to Simone?)“ He asked, he asked indirectly. He wanted his father to tell him that Tom’s mother was his mother Simone, the one he has nightmares most often; the nightmares of getting away from her.
Jörg sighed. He could no longer bear his own weight. He sat down on the floor effortlessly „She’s your mother Simone,“ he cried putting his hands together apologetically.
Bill closed his eyes tightly for a while. Tom widened his eyes. Now the entire matter was clear to him. He already knew Bill’s story from his real father Jörg when he went to Bill’s house the first time.
„Hold on…“ Tom interrupted. Gordon snapped at Tom. He just prayed to god. Tom walked to his father, Gordon.
„Dad… is he my real father?“ He asked, not wanting Gordon to say a yes. Gordon looked down apologetically. He nodded.
„Yes.“ He sighed and looked up. „Tom, we’re sorry we hid your past from you. We wanted to give you a new life. We wanted you to be happy. Please don’t get us wrong, son,“ he uttered in a remorseful voice. Tom scoffed. He looked away and stepped back from his father.
„Shame on you… how could you? How could you hide this from me?“ His voice was filled with hatred and abhorrence. Bill opened his eyes. He silently cried. He collapsed on his knees and cried. Tom shook his head in disgust from his parents. „I hate you… I hate all of you. Bill is my… my brother… my twin brother!“ he repeated in disbelief.
„Identical twin brother,“ Jörg corrected. Both Bill and Tom snapped at him this time.
„What?“ To gasped in disbelief. He has always felt so familiar whenever he saw Bill. He just found out it was not that he has seen Bill before, it was he has seen himself in the mirror and Bill’s face reflects on his face too. That’s why he looks familiar. He looks almost alike but his different style made him different from his twin brother.
„Tom, you’re ten minutes older than Bill,“ Gordon said, still afraid.
„Stop it! Just stop it!“ Tom shouted. Bill shuddered. He just wept silently and so did Simone. She could not even talk. She felt guilty. Jörg was silent now. He had no words to answer any of his sons.
Tom stepped near Jörg. He stood there still for a while, very cold and frigid. Jörg looked up at his son. „I’m sorry,“ his voice was shaky and broken.
Tom just shook his head with disgust. „I’m rather surprised than angry at you,“ he uttered wobbling.
He looked away with loathing. „I hate you,“ he yelled. „Mom, I hate you too!“ he yelled. He looked around to get something on what he can put his fury. He took the vase from the table and threw it away. „Tom, control, son,“ Gordon tried to convince. Tom shot him a murderous glare. He walked out of the house. He looked back for one last time; he grimaced and pulled something out of his pocket. It was his car key. Gordon was surprised. Tom dropped it on the floor. „I don’t need anything from you, Mr. Trümper.“ He walked out. Bill snapped.
„Tom… where are you going?“ He asked worriedly. Tom did not care. He walked out like a whooshing rocket. Bill stood. „Tom… Tom, please don’t do anything reckless. Tom,“ he followed after him.
Tom walked away from the block. Bill quickly got out of the house. Tom was walking heedlessly in the middle of the road that made Bill more neurotic. Tom felt the heat of fury radiating from his skin. He could not see anything around him. He got everything now. He figured out where and to whom they went Germany to meet. It was not actually Simone’s random relative. It was her other son. That is why she cried when they could not meet Bill there in Germany. How could they keep him away from his brother? They let their fights effect on their kids. They separated the kids. Simone and Jörg seemed like criminals to Tom for the moment. He could not believe himself. He just walked faster irresponsibly.
Bill was now walking almost alongside to his brother. He grabbed Tom’s elbow.
„Tom… Tom, please calm down. Things can be fixed once again.“
Tom yanked his hand away from Bill. He scanned him head to feet with disgust in his eyes. He shook his head and walked ahead, faster so that Bill cannot catch his speed.
„Tom, please don’t walk on the middle of the road,“ Bill begged. He was nervous. He did not know what to do. Tom did not care.
„Bill, leave me alone,“ he ordered. „No…“ Bill yelled, forcing his word to sound serious. Tom stopped. He looked back and glared at Bill. „I said leave me alone. You can go to hell for now,“ he said clenching his teeth. He did not want to be rude at least with Bill but fury can make a man do or say anything. Bill did not move from his position. Tom rolled his eyes. „Bill, please go away!“ he yelled. Bill shuddered. He looked down and shook his head.
„No,“ he was strong to his words.
Tom gasped in disbelief. „Knock yourself out, Bill,“ he mocked with wrath.
Bill closed his eyes. He breathed in and looked up at Tom.
„Come with me,“ he pulled Tom’s arm with him. Tom did not protest; he did not want to. He walked with Bill.
„Where are you taking me?“ Bill did not answer. He quietly walked pulling his brother with him. They walked for a while. Tom was now quiet too. In a few minutes he realized Bill was taking him to Bill’s house.
„I’m so not gonna go to your house,“ Tom declared. Bill pretended as if he heard nothing. They were in the area of Bill’s house. They walked in. Bill opened the door with the extra key he had with him. They entered. Bill closed the door.
„Don’t go anywhere,“ he said and pulled the mobile out of his pocket. Tom rolled his eyes and folded his arms against his chest waiting for Bill’s next step. Bill typed a message for a while and sent it.
There the message beeped in Jörg’s mobile. He jumped. He came back to present. He was lost in thoughts, still on the floor. He stood holding the wall as support and pulled the mobile out of his pocket. He looked at the screen, a message from his son, Bill. He narrowed his eyes and opened the message.
„Papa, Ich bin Bill. Tom’s with me. I’ll convince him. I want my brother back. Don’t come home until we return to you three. Try to finish your fights before we come back.“
Jörg sighed. He looked back at the pair. Simone was sitting on the couch, crying and Gordon was consoling her.
„Bill sent a message,“ he uttered from afar. The pair looked at him worriedly. „Tom’s with him in my house. He said not to go there until they come here. And he wants us to finish our fights before they come. Bill’s gonna convince his brother,“ he shrugged. Gordon closed his eyes and sighed in relief. „Don’t worry… everything will be fine now. Let the kids decide what they want. They’re 18 now,“ he said smiling contentedly. Jörg nodded agreeing with him. Simone sighed. She nodded too.
author: amazinglife2011
Počet zobrazení (od 15.6.2021): 4