„So, TOM, I would like to eat something,“ I tried to look hungry when I was speaking; pizza was lovingly lying in my stomach and making me warm. „What about spaghetti?“ I gave up, because Tom looked like he was about to die, I had to help him a little bit. I love him, so what? I can’t hurt him on a purpose…
„Of course, Bill,“ exhaled my brother with relief and smiled at me. I thought that he was really happy about my choice. I could clearly imagine his fear all the way from bedroom to me.
He started checking my refrigerator, then he opened cupboard and continued. TOM would ask me questions like what type of spaghetti I would like to eat, what kind of sauce… but I couldn’t want this from my Tomi, he’s glad that he is still alive. I sat down on chair and watched him. He sometimes looked at me to see if I am watching him, but he was doing very well.
Sauce was bubbling in the pot; water for spaghetti was boiling, so it will be all done in a while. I was really enjoying sitting here and watching him as he was working, I could see his perfect body even if he had on his big clothes… Or I could imagine it perfectly, because TOM had the same. Sometimes I let him walk there just in his boxers to see my brother’s body, but original is original. I couldn’t wait to touch him.
„Enjoy your meal, Bill,“ He put food in front of me, it looked really delicious. I wasn’t hungry but I couldn’t hurt him. I started to eat slowly as I watched him from the corner of my eye. He went back to the counter and just like TOM started to wash dishes. He was wondering if it would be better put them inside washer, but he did it manually. Clever boy. I was full enough so I put my food away and thanked him.
„It was really delicious, TOM, but I’m full. You made really big portion for me,“ I gave it to him. He couldn’t know how big of portions I usually eat, I was maybe on a diet, or not? My brother was silent, just grabbed my plate and put it on counter. He scraped everything into the bin. Well, my android would put it into refrigerator for me to eat it later, he has saver mood installed in him. But I was sure that there was enough in the pot, for us, to have dinner together.
When I gave him food, he started to focus on it. I had tasted a little spaghetti from the pot; I dipped them in the sauce and then ate them, fast. It was my one and only chance to eat. He ate only little of it and then told me that he’s full and that it was too big for him. What the fuck? I wasn’t surprised anymore that he’s so skinny, he eats like a sparrow. It could have not been even ten bites. I was so angry that I threw the rest away. I would love to eat it but I couldn’t. I hoped that I didn’t have sauce anywhere on my mouth; I turned back to the counter and unseeingly washed my mouth. In this occasion I drank a little of water… blah, it was disgusting, I haven’t drunken water in five years, but thirst was thirst. I was standing in front of the kitchen sink as long as it was possible, but he probably didn’t want to go away, damn.
So… it was done, I cleaned everything and didn’t have anything to do, so I had to tell him my report or I would be suspected. TOM never did anything for too long.
„Would you like me to cook something more for you?“ I asked him hopefully and when I realized that he could want from me some cake, I stopped. Okay, so let him switch me into a sexual partner, what could I do? I won’t run away before it.
Bill nearly killed me with his wish.
„TOM, switch into the masseur function, I need to recover my back. They got really horrible beds there, I am really in pain and I can’t wait to feel your incredible fingers,“ he cooed and I just had to say:
„Of course, Bill. Function switched to masseur…’voice control‘.“
So this is my funeral. If I survive that I would survive everything. I automatically turned around and went to the bedroom, now I was acting really like a stiffened robot. I knew where I’d find masseur deck-chair and everything else I’d need. I hoped that I would be able to imitate him; I knew his massages very well. I just needed to remember where did he started and how it was. I hope that I’ll remember…
I lied on my stomach just in my mini-boxers, pulled my ass up little bit and waited. I hoped that he won’t fuck my back up. It won’t last long, just a while, just to make him hot. Then it won’t be hard, he’ll come to my bed really easily. Besides, he’ll have to listen to me.
He started very well… really just like TOM, he probably had experiences. I assumed that he had used this function as much as possible. Damn, where did he put TOM? I hoped that he didn’t hurt him. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his fingers on me, TOM had to be good teacher because it was more than enjoyable. Slowly but surely, he was coming closer to my bottom, I pulled it up a little bit more and felt how was he hesitating if he could continue on my lower back or not. I lifted myself up a little bit and turned to him, he was looking at me questioningly.
„It’s enough, TOM, it was really good, and I feel really better now. Now go and wash your hands, then come back, I can’t wait for it,“ I told him and indicated what I wanted from him, and then I watched him as he closed every bottle and cleaned it. I lay down on my side and then on my back. I was ready… for him and his perfect and long fingers and maybe even his perfect lips.
I saw lust in his eyes when he looked on my crotch and noticed what he had done to me. I laid there and looked at him seductively, even when I was sure that he was looking at me, I stroked the bulge in my boxers. This had to get him, or not? He’s not from stone.
„Yes, of course, Bill, as you wish,“ I answered, cleaned everything and went slowly to the bathroom. I felt his eyes on me; they were burning through my back, I couldn’t just go to the kitchen, to the balcony, grab my keys, handy and ran away. I just couldn’t, because of my love for Bill. When I saw TOM and Lucy, I figured out that I just can’t resist it, that I fell into it. And it would be right now. It’s my fault, it could be totally different but because I am a curious moron, I’ll fuck my own brother now. A person, with which I am desperately in love, and a person, who I’ve wanted for six years now.
I washed my hands carefully and sighed. I needed to shower, I haven’t shower for two days, so I washed at least my cock, which was standing proudly, ready for Bill… oh god, I was so horny… Bill needed gentle treatment and I will give him it. I will be like his TOM, and I hoped that I’ll wear him out and that he will fall asleep, if yes, I’ll walk away in peace. I didn’t want him to notice that it wasn’t me. He will fuck with his android like always. I’ll do everything that I know and can do, and that’s really a lot of things. It will be just me who will know what happened between us, who was it, who gave him so much pleasure feelings and lust. I will settle up my debt. Yes… I will settle it up and I’ll make it as it was the last time… well, it will be our last time.
„Would you like me to massage you some more, Bill?“ He remembered to tell me TOM’s phrase so I could switch him to other mood.
„No, TOM, it’s enough. Please, switch to mood ‚sexual partner‘,“ I told him softly, he could barely hear me. He was standing in front of my bed and tried to stay calm, but it was visible on him, he was nervous as hell. He was hesitating for a while and then told me just like me:
„Function switched to ‚Sexual partner‘ … ‚voice control‘.“ He was standing still and waiting for my orders. But before I could say something, he told me with the most erotic smile: „You look really hot today, Bill.“
I felt corners of my mouth to pull up into a smile, I remember as TOM was saying this when I tried him. So Tom knew how it worked. I was really curious how could he know it. He tried it by himself? Oh shit…
„Thanks, you too,“ I complimented.
„Fain, Billie, so what will we do today? I am all yours,“ continued Tom in his role. He really knew how to act. God knows how many times he tried TOM. But now I had to tell him my instructions, he won’t forget this.
„Tonight, at first I would love to cuddle with you, Tomi,“ I lowered my eyelashes and stroked again my erection with palm of my hand. It was still hidden under the soft fabric but it was clearly visible. Tom’s too, but he was trying to hide it with his hands. He won’t win; I knew what I was doing. But I had to continue. „Right before the climax, I want you in me, fuck me hard and uncompromisingly, just like only you can do it,“ I added and saw how he was blushing. He wasn’t used to how I would talk to him perversely like this.
„Okay, Billie, let’s go. ‚Function ‚gay sex‘ is on‘,“ he answered and made one of these seductive smiles. Oh god, he really knew how to flirt.
„Your cap, off, TOM,“ I whispered, I was trying to not sound as it was my order, but like request. He pulled his hand up in a slow motion and pulled down his cap. He had to suffer; I knew how he loved his precious caps… I didn’t let him to say anything and continued. „Now your T-Shirt,“ I added and watched him as he pulled it down. He was perfect… a lot of sexier than TOM… he had his muscles bigger than before. He looked hot… I was really out off the trail from him. „Pull your jeans and shoes down, Tomi,“ I told him sweetly so he could see that I felt something towards him. Let him think that I talk like this to my android too, but I couldn’t help it. I loved when I could address him as Tomi. It was so intimate. When I saw his hot body, I couldn’t resist and touched me on my penis… he eyes were following my hand, I was sure of it.
My brother opened his belt in slow motion, then the button, the zipper and let his jeans fall on the floor. When he stepped out of them, he kicked them away. He put his shoes off and socks were just behind them, he forgot that I didn’t want this from him. „Let your dreads free, honey,“ I added my last request. He pulled down his elastic band and shook his head, dreads fell on his shoulders. He was standing there just like angel, like a statue of perfection. I could stare at him for the rest of my life. There was just one piece of clothing on him, just this and then he will be there, in front of me, just like God had made him. And I hoped that I won’t wake up and that it won’t be just a beautiful dream…