One Day You’ll Be Mine 9.

author: Janule

Today’s morning was finally a little bit sunnier. First sun lights started to show up just when I was getting into my car. I decided to go check my flat. Only rich people live in ours, who don’t wake up before nine o’clock, so I hoped that I wouldn’t meet anyone there because it’s just seven in the morning. But still, I decided to use a mask, in case Bow-Wow would bring Mrs. Kragner out for a morning walk. Mrs. Kragner is a really original seventy year old rich widow, who is living just for her dog. I don’t understand where she got such a stupid name for this dog, but you can hear it called by her really high voice ten times a day. I would bet two million that everybody in this house knows what name her dog has, because her „Booow-Wooow, stoooop,“ is really annoying.
I parked two streets away from my house so that nobody could see me and put on dark sunglasses, amice deep into my face and started to walk towards my home. Fortunately Mrs. Kragner was walking out from house just when I was at the corner of the street. Her ten minute walk is just right for me to get inside of the house.
Ugh… Finally at home. I like it here… I miss my daily welcoming procedure from TOM here, but it’s for a good cause, I will make it through. My first steps led into the living room, to check how my Hibiscus is doing. If it all works, I think that I will keep him, I owe it to him. It was my only chance to get Tom into the closet, it’s his worth. He looks good; there isn’t any big damage on him. I put down the abrupt line, which was inconspicuously glued to the florist so I could erase the last things from my decoy. I’ll see if Tom will tell me the truth or not.

I looked into the closet so I could check how full TOM was when my loving thief took him away. Yeah, 93% is good stuff. In the place where my brother found him I had installed a charger on which I have to place my android, just sometimes during the night so he could be all alive during the next day. When he has frozen in the middle of a massage, I have it just for the sixth day, I realized that I fully forgot to charge him. Capacity of batteries is minimally one week, so I think that it would be enough for Tom, if he won’t do some ultra-difficult things with him. But it will probably be really close. If he doesn’t charge him on Friday, I’ll come home and TOM will be out of service. Well… except my stolen carpet everything is alright so I’ll go check what my brother is doing. I guess that he won’t go out today but you can never know. I bought some food and then parked in front of his house.
Fundamentally, I was right, except morning shopping when my brother dragged me to the nearest shopping centre. He had paper in his hand, probably from TOM with a list of things which he has to buy. I was really shocked when I saw his heaping shopping cart, because of the things which I saw I think, that he still lives just with his instant soups, frozen pizzas and other similar foods, because his cart was filled with basic stock. Poor TOM, I think that he doesn’t have anything he can cook with. Since I have him, I stopped to going out because the food he can cook for me I can’t find anywhere, in any luxury restaurant. TOM is really my darling.
Tom has gotten back with his purchase and since that time I’ve been standing here like a fool. Probably they are enjoying themselves there and I am here for nothing. I was going to drive away when I saw a silver Honda with dark windows parked in front of the house. Some worn out man about forty years old has came out from it, dressed like a pimp, black sunglasses on his nose, hair sleeked into a quaff… Bleh… totally barbarity. I opened my window a little bit to hear what he was saying, finally something exciting. I was really curious to why he had arrived but my curiosity ended in a moment, when he put his finger to the direction where was… there, somewhere on the keyboard for the home-phone, where he has pricked his ugly finger to ring, there was Tom’s bell. Damn… with who is my twin meeting for God’s sake?! Shits like this? Or is it somebody from his company? What? He has shouted into the microphone that he has brought pizza? And where he got it? Such an idiot… maybe in his car… But when the doors of the Honda opened, there came out… holy shit! My perfect copy!
Oh my God… this girl… or boy… they looked just like me five years ago… hair black like a raven with white stripes, little bit bouffant, black Dior sunglasses on their forehead, from my distance I think that they would have the same make up as I used to wear and mainly…they have got my old clothes which I had sent to charity. It won’t be the same as mine, they wouldn’t have money for that, they probably bought the same, but it looks scary. What is this supposed to mean?
When they lifted up their left arm to make up their hair I saw on their forearm an identification mark, it has finally switched on in my mind… This had to be Suzan Kramer, one of these freaking fans which have tattooed themselves as I am. Every time, when I showed my new tattoo to the public, she sent me a photo of hers in two weeks… She was really crazy. She wrote to me unbelievably romantic letters and she was constantly pushing and pushing to make me meet her, she told me that she couldn’t live without me and that if I won’t call her, she will commit suicide… Well… she was kidding, little girl. But what was she doing here? At Tom’s? Oh… No this can’t be true… no… this can’t be happening… THIS is his famous Suzy? Oh my Goooood!

„Wait, don’t go so fast, you don’t know everything…“ I stopped Suzy, who stood up from my armchair. I was shocked that she agreed so easily and that she wanted immediately to start. Suddenly I realized that I hadn’t told her so much. I had to prepare her for what she has to expect from me, I didn’t want her to get frightened when TOM would start to tell her everything about his system…
She nodded that she understood and sat down, ready to listen.
„So… You’ll wait in the bedroom for me to concentrate, because this really isn’t fun. I have to be really like an android, so don’t you dare make me laugh, are we clear?“ I warn her even if I knew that she wouldn’t make him laugh even if she stood on her head. She has to believe that it’s still me. „Call me normally, Tom, don’t be surprised of anything that I do or say, it would be strange. But don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you, I am a very nice android,“ I smiled at her encouragingly. „Before I start doing something with you, I am to save to my database, give you a name and then I’ll start to communicate with you. Everything, what you’ll want me to do, you’ll have to tell me. Today I want from you just classic, okay? Nothing difficult, just normal sex like always…like gay guys. And when we finish, tell me that I have to go the kitchen for something to drink and wait for me to come back. Do you understand?“ Suzy nodded and stood up. I let her this time and when the doors from bedroom were closed, I had run for TOM. The laptop was on, ready on the table, the show could start now.
I was really curious how it would do. I didn’t know how TOM would be doing with Suzy, but I hoped that he would put her into his database and communicate with her normally. He has to have some program for brand new people, hasn’t he? But now it was too late to ask him, I couldn’t speak with him, he couldn’t see me, because he could think that I am his sexual partner and everything would be doomed. I placed him in front of the bedroom door, I opened the doors a little bit and ran to the living room, and then I turned him on with my remote control.
He jerked himself a little bit and opened his eyes; he was staring right in front of him. Nothing happened for a moment, but he probably thought he had to find a sexual partner. It wouldn’t be me sweetheart, so continue, continue… I was praying for him to go to the bedroom. Finally… he opened the door and walked in. Well… Now was my moment. I locked myself in the living room, in case Suzy ran away, and sat down to my laptop. Cameras were on, so I had everything in the palm of my hand.
In front of me was like a scene from some not so awesome porn movie… Suzy was sitting on my bed dressed in Bill’s classic outfit, which he’d worn some time ago… She has just three outfits from Bill which she changes. She asked some time ago if I mind that she wears my brother’s clothes, and I told her that I don’t give a damn as long as she’s good in my bed.
TOM entered the bedroom, his main report of his mode was behind us now, so now he was standing in front of my king size bed. He was watching Suzy for a moment, not moving and just waiting. I opened my mouth in surprise, and was really surprised that it didn’t fall from my jaws, when he said, „You look really hot today, Bill.“ I nearly fainted… Ph my fucking god… he thought that she was Bill. How did I not think about this, it was so obvious. I thought that TOM had better diagnostic possibilities, but it was no wonder, Suzy looked almost just like Bill. She had all Bill’s characteristic marks; piercings, tattoos, images… damn. This would be really fun…
„Don’t be silly, Tom,“ Suzy rasped out, surprised. „Why are you calling me Bill?“ Oh shit… she had her voice really hoarse like a man, she won’t persuade him that she’s not my brother. Oh god… right at the beginning such a score. I was really curious how this machine would take it when he finds out that Bill doesn’t have his cock. Maybe his main memory would explode.
„You want to pretend that you are somebody else, Bill?“ asked TOM, he probably had this function in his database. A lot of people have their own sexual deviation, he would probably tolerate it and let Suzy play what she wants to be.
„Nope,“ Suzy babbled and shut up. I saw that she was confused but she probably didn’t want to argue when she saw how weird my reaction was. I warned her against it, so I knew that she remembered it.
„Fain Billie, so what are we going to do today? I’m all yours,“ continued TOM in his role and pulled off his cap. From a camera that was recording them from the front I could see that he was making one of my famous sexy smiles. Suzy was staring for a while but then she realized that she had to answer or it wouldn’t continue.
„Like every time, classic, Perv… I mean Tom,“ she made a mistake with the title… habit is habit, „how you like it. Hot and fast fucking in the ass.“ She wasn’t really polite. Ah man… TOM would probably learn some new phrases…
„Okay babe, let’s get fuck,“ he answered assuredly. I was shocked. His database was bigger than I thought. Where did they get my vocabulary? „System is loading pre-set ‚gay sex‘, wait please,“ said TOM, his next android phrase. Suzy stared at him like he was an idiot, but when she realized that it was just a part of our game, she smiled.
„Load faster, baby, I just can’t wait,“ she whispered just for herself and shoved her t-shirt down. She didn’t wear bra, because she didn’t have anything to put into one, so she was now sitting half naked on my bed, Indian style, waiting for his next action.
„Function ‚gay sex‘ loaded, voice control,“ TOM confirmed, telling her that he’s ready to fuck with Bill all night long. Ah man… I would love to switch the position with him if Bill was really sitting on my bed, not just his imitation, which is making my lonely nights better. I threw my sadness over my shoulder and looked at the monitor again. I pressed record right in the beginning so I could play some moments again later. Maybe it will be good.
„So… Undress yourself, Tom,“ said Suzy hesitantly, when TOM wasn’t doing anything. She was used to me going right ahead by myself every time, but now she had to give instructions by herself… She still didn’t get completely that she had to tell TOM everything. He is hot, but just in talking, yet.
TOM immediately reacted and asked, „Do you want some special kind of undressing, striptease, for example, Bill?“ He probably had this refinement in his program. It’s not a bad function, it includes some new objections. I was really interested in what she’d tell him to do. She knew that I didn’t do this bullshit. Everything was always really fast and without useless delays.
„No…“ I could see on her face that she was hesitating on whether to accept this offer to humiliate Tom Kaulitz or not, but then she realized that I wouldn’t like it and that it’s maybe some test. „You don’t have to show me your body, I’ve known you for years, so everything off and jump on me, you Pervert.“ She decided to call me by my old title. If TOM will tolerate it from her, then why not, they would be relaxed.
„Alright, Bill,“ my copy nodded slightly and some romantic music started to play. Oh god, where did he get this? I didn’t have anything like that in my flat… He probably had it somewhere inside of him. Suz had to be shocked, wondering what’s wrong with me. Me, stubborn anti fan of this romantic shit, and I played it for her right during our action. Whew, I dreaded that this girl would be making fun of me for a really long time. But I had what I wanted, I underwent this hazard optionally. I shouldn’t be so curious of how an android fucks…
I think that I know it now… In a romantic way.
author: Janule
translated: Lil.Katie
betaread: Woobie

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