One Day You’ll Be Mine 6.

author: Janule
Doors finally opened and I hoped that it wouldn’t be my neighbor who goes out with her dog five times a day. It’s almost one in afternoon and my stomach was starting to protest, I needed to eat something. I am stupid, I should’ve known that this would come and brought lunch and breakfast, but I have to make it. It’s Tom coming out.
Oh my God what is he taking with him? He stole my carpet from my bedroom that I bought last year in Taiwan? But it’s bigger than this. It’s long, something about two metres, how can it be so wide? Jesus… TOM’s cap has fallen down from it. He is stealing my TOM?!? I wasn’t planning this… I am really shocked…
He opened the backdoor of his car and stuffed TOM inside, he threw the cap after him and looked around to see if anybody was watching him… he is such a thief… I hope that he will bring him back. I think that he wants him for cleaning his flat; there is mess all the time. For what else he could want him?
I fired up and waited for my brother to drive out with my precious darling. I slowly drove after him, I am sure that we are going to his home. To where else? Not to his work, he can’t take an android there. I hope that he is not going somewhere to damage him, I would not survive that. I have to watch over him… what I can know; I just can’t know what Tom is thinking about him… Maybe he dislikes him. If he will touch him, I swear that I will kill him!

I will avenge… My dear TOMMY, I hope that my stupid twin won’t hurt you. Not any single hair. I maintained on that I wanted his dreads from human’s hair, it was really expensive… Oh my God, I am so worried about him. I want to take my phone and call Tom to ask what is he going to do with my precious android but it looks like he is really driving to his flat.

We are finally at home. It was really hard but I made it. I was searching for ten minutes in my brother’s flat for something I could pack him in. Nobody could see that I was taking away my own body. I found some colorful carpet, luckily TOM fit in it. It was really close but nothing has happened, just his cap fell down. I didn’t meet anybody, I hope that nobody saw me and now we are at home. If Bill saw me I would be dead.
I placed TOM in the corner of my living room and thought for a moment, how I will do it with him. How am I looking around myself, he could clean there a little bit, before I’ll call Suzy and invite her. I hope that Derek will tell her about my offer and double fee. It should work. I hope that she hasn’t got jaundice, if yes, I am doomed. With her job no one can ever know. But who cares? TOM can’t get ill from her and her job is not about me now. I took the remote control from my pocket and switched TOM on. I know the password now, it’s not a problem, I heard the same speech as last time. I kept TOM in cleaner function, because this would be what I need the most. If I hate something, it’s cleaning. The older I am the lazier I feel… I invite cleaning services sometimes for gross things like cleaning windows; I would never do this but this time it looks like it needs a really huge cleaning. TOM was now awake and looking around.
„Unknown premises wait please, loading new information.“ Yeah, check it here dude, I thought when he started to look around. I think that he needs to map it here to know what is where. After a while, he went to bathroom, corridor, toilet, kitchen and bedroom. When he came back he blinked at me. „You really need to clean here.“ He grinned, smiling wisely, I like him still more and more.
„Yeah, it’s really messy here. I’ll be really glad if you’ll clean it. Do you need something for it?“ I asked him just to be sure.
„No, thanks, all information is in my main memory. I will start with clothes.“ I nodded at him and watched how he started to grab all my tee shirts from the couch and armchair.
„I wanted to do laundry today,“ I apologized myself because I felt really embarrassed.
„There’s no need, I will make it,“ he told me and walked with all my clothes to the bathroom. I came with him and watched as he started to sort my tee shirts by colors. He is really clever… damn, my brother has such good luck. I want my own android too… I would get revenge on Bill and make mine based on him. Then he would know how it feels.
„Bon appetite, Tom,“ wished my cook, who has cleaned my entire flat in an hour and then offered me four meals to cook; after checking my fridge, of course. I am really happy… this is such a luxury. If he is good like this in bed, he doesn’t have any minus. Suzy would be really lucky…
„Thanks TOM,“ I smiled and started to eat something with really tasty potatoes, I could smell it from my cooker for half an hour. „It’s delicious,“ I complimented his cooking skills when I tasted the first bite. „You are a really good cook, I have to say that.“ He didn’t say anything and sat next to me. He looked from the window; he’s probably waiting for me to eat it. „Hmm… Bill’s lucky,“ I sighed and continued in eating. He didn’t say anything when I mentioned Bill; he probably thinks that I am his master now. I won’t provoke him. Just like he is not telling anything about Bill, he won’t be telling Bill about me. I hope…

The big stone fell down from my heart when we parked in front of Tom’s flat. I was so nervous all the way there that he would turn somewhere and try to damage TOM and then bury him on some old tip. But it looks like my android has interested him and he just wants to enjoy him in his own flat. God knows what he wants to do with him there. I don’t have a chance to find out, I just have to hope that when I come back to my home, TOM will be there with no damages on him and that I will also find Tom, horny and ready. I hope that it will work because now it looks like it will.
I sat there for two hours, and it looked like Tom wouldn’t come out, so I didn’t have to be hungry any more. I would go somewhere for food, phone my mum and maybe Tom too, I have to hear his voice if I can’t touch him, and then I will go back to my pension. I got up early today so I am really tired from this never-ending sitting in my car. It doesn’t look like that, but my back is really in pain… I miss my regular massages. Ah an… but I hope that I will get some sweet reward for it in form of my cute brother.

„Hi Derek,“ I said to my phone… I talk with Derek every other day, so we are friends, I think… I talk with him more often than with anybody from my family. I didn’t have chance to say something more because he stopped me.
„However Tom, but Suzy is still sick, she phoned me today, but she was just rattling, she lost her voice. I can’t help you,“ he told me with sadness in his voice. I understand him, he must be sad because he won’t get my money.
„Hmm… It’s a pity, Derek, I wanted to pay double for her but if she’s still ill I have to wait. Do you think that tomorrow she will be good?“ I am trying to bait him.
„I hope so.“ I can hear excitement in his voice. „If I bring her tomorrow to you, will you still want to pay double?“ he checked my offer.
„Yeah, of course, if she will be able to do what I’ll want from her, it will be more than I ever wanted so I will pay double,“ I told him and started to think that tomorrow I will have Suzy here for sure; even if she would have to be silent the whole time instead of her moaning which she can do in a very good surround quality. If she wouldn’t be so slim and tattooed like Bill, she could have so many costumers. Her work is really high-quality, something you can never forget.
„Fine, Tom, I will phone her today, I think that as soon as I tell her your offer you will have her at your flat by tomorrow evening.“ Derek smiled into the cell phone; he was really excited about my money.
„Okay, I can’t wait to see her. Call me to tell me if she will come, okay?“ I insured and hung up.
So tomorrow Suzy will be here. I hope that she won’t be against hooking up with plastic TOM. She is a whore so she should be used to things like this…. Even… to things like this, no. I think that she has never met any android, just as me. Primarily I was quite afraid of him but then I got to know him, and he is really fine and polite. She could be afraid of him too, although he looks like me. But between the two of us, I would never ever let him put his dick into my ass… I don’t trust him that much… What if he went crazy in the middle of the sex and killed her? His tubes will go crazy and what would I do with her corpse? Well…I am too dramatic I think…I hope that TOM is a responsible android but how will Suzy react when I tell her that she has to fuck with a robot right in front of me, it’s hard to tell… what if she runs away? I have to tell her that TOM is robot, or not? I think that she’ll figure it out… When he sees her he’ll have to write information about her into his hard disc, name her and put her into some category. I think that I could tell him that but… on the first meeting with Suzy I can’t skip this procedure. I can’t teach him to act like me… he is just a machine.
Damn… I got an idea… What if I switch it? What if I tell her that it’s me acting like a robot? I can tell her that it’s just some sexual deviation, for example. Something like a dream from my childhood that I will be an android someday and now I want to try sex like this… for double fee, she has to do it, considering that she’ll think that it’s me… yeah, really good idea, dude. I have to do that job properly. Oh shit… but where will I be? How can I watch them if she thinks that she is fucking with me? Damn, another complication. Damn it. Every time when I think that I have it, another fucking problem has to come! How can I watch them during their sex?
Video camera! Yes, I have it! I am such a moron, why I didn’t see this before?

I had just started my car when Tom ran out from the house. Wide smile across his face, he was shining like a sun, I guess that it’s from the massage which TOM has done to him. I can’t see any other reason for it. He jumped into his car and pulled off, direction? Downtown. Ah man… he just can’t let me eat something!
He parked in front of the biggest market of electronics in Berlin. What does he want there? I am really curious, I have to admit. I would love to go after him and spy him. I hesitate if yes or no but I think that I won’t go. I think that he could see me, and I can’t risk that. If he saw me everything would be dumped. I just can hope that it’s something what will bring us together. I just can’t wait to find out how good he is in a bed like a lover…
author: Janule
translated: Lil.Katie
betaread: Woobie

3 thoughts on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 6.

  1. jůůů, moje angličtina asi nebude tak špatná, krásně tomu rozumim… 🙂 nebo že by to spíš byla moje paměť? 😀

  2. Jo, já si taky říkala, jak mi to čtení v tý cizí řeči jde, než mi došlo, že si pouze pamatuju českou verzi. :)))

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