One Day You’ll Be Mine 5.

author: Janule
Okay, let me see what you got… I switched on the light and pulled the curtain away. TOM was standing there without any movement, just like I left him. I carefully grabbed him by his waist and pulled up. Damn, he is so heavy… I bet that he weighs more than me but it’s hard to guess. I carried him to the middle of the living room with really loud snuffling and stood him there. It’s so weird to look at someone who looks like me… It’s scary. But it has one advantage: I can see myself from my back; I can’t do that in my normal life. I dressed myself in the same clothes as he has, so we could be indistinguishable, I don’t even know why I did it. It hasn’t got any special reason; maybe I will scare him a little bit when he sees me. Damn… What if he’s programmed to create an alarm when he sees someone who isn’t Bill?
I dipped my hand to his pocket and pulled out the remote control. I played with it until the bottom rolled up. My eyes almost jumped from my head! I saw a sticker which was glued there in a very careful way and it had eight numbers on it. Yeah, this is Bill. Hairsplitter until he’s dead. He has to have the password written on the remote control so ha can’t lose it or something… Ah brother, you just don’t know how you are making things easier to me. When I looked at the number more attentively I recognized date of our birthday, 01091989. Of course… What else could he think up so he could easily remember it? Nizy… maybe he did it for sure, if he lost his mind or something. But he is risking that someone could rape his lover. Not that I am going to do it but I have to check it, I found him here so… so what if he’s embarrassing me in front of Bill?

So let’s go, TOM… I pressed the main button on the controller and I could see little writing on the display: „Enter a password“.
Okay…well… I carefully and slowly entered his password, I checked it up to eight times and pressed OK, I waited for what would come…
„Welcome, it’s TOM 001, your personal partner. Please wait, system is loading last configurations.
Last used configuration is: … „Cleaner“ … „Voice control“.
If you want to change it press button for MENU on your remote control.
You haven’t chosen change of the configuration, now wait please, system is loading.
TOM 001 is ready to make all your wishes about cleaning come true. Thanks for using him.“
„You’re welcome,“ I whispered and stared at my copy. He was speaking with my own voice! I hate when I have to listen to me, I’m used to it from all the interviews but this was really shocking! I was standing there and just staring at him… and he was doing the same. I thought that he would move or blink or something, but he’s doing nothing… He was probably waiting for some commands. I stepped closer to him shyly. What if he attacked me when he recognized that I wasn’t Bill? Well… I had to try it.
Suddenly he moved and glared at me with his brown eyes … well, my brown eyes. It’s ridiculous when I think about that this is me for Bill. Unbelievable…
„Identification of unknown person, wait please,“ he said with my voice. I was not shocked as before, all I could think about was what he’d do when he found out that he didn’t know me… I started to say good bye to my life, when he said:
„Tom Kaulitz, birthed on 1.9.1989, Leipzig, brother, status VIP, listen to his commands.“
Uff! A big stone fell down from my heart that you just couldn’t imagine. So Bill had added me to the system like a VIP and this fella has to listen me… he’s nice. I was really scared that he would throw me through the window.
„Good afternoon, Tom.“ He smiled at me with my face and added, „I am pleased to meet you.“
„Good afternoon, pleased to meet you too, Mr.,“ I answered politely, I felt stupid for him though, so I decided not to, he is quite formal. What about that he looks like me… He’s a stranger… I meant android… He speaks a little weird, not fluently, it’s not really good, he has got a really weird accent… He’s copying me in a really good way. Damn, I am not used to speaking with myself…
„Do you want me to clean this mess, sir?“ He pointed at the carpet and winked conspiratorially.
„Yes, that would be great.“ I nodded quickly and watched him as he went somewhere for the vacuum-cleaner. I went after him, I was really curious about how he walks and what all he could do. He was really moving like me… my dreads were swaying on his back, they were peeking out from his cap… it’s so funny… He opened the closet in which he was hidden and took the right box. He has to know the layout here really well, I wonder if Bill does something in there too, but I think not. He took the vacuum cleaner out and with a smile took it to the living room, he cleaned and put the vase back, and then he put the vaccum back into the closet. Wow, this is really cool service… he didn’t say a word, just did what I told him, cool toy. I would need it double time with all my offensive language.
„Would you like me to clean something else, Mr. Tom?“ He smiled at me again and showed me his teeth in a really friendly way.
„No, thanks, I think that’s all,“ I answered and grinned at him. I wondered where got those teeth, maybe from porcelain… „And could you just call me Tom? We’re both Toms, so…“ I asked him without hesitation.
„Of course, Tom. I would love to. If you don’t need me now, please switch me to my sleep mode or change my function. I have nothing to do as a cleaner,“ he asked me. „You just have to say the name of the function, it’s nothing difficult,“ he added when he saw me stare at him dumbly and not know what to do. He chalked out gently with his look to the papers which were laying on the table.
„Aha, okay… so…“ I looked into the papers so I could choose one. „So masseur…“ I told him happily. It would be perfect; I hadn’t had a massage in years…
„System is working on your progress, wait please. Function „masseur“ loaded, voice control,“ he told me proudly; I think that I am starting to like him. I hope that I don’t have to be aware of him; I hope that he won’t hurt me, I am VIP for him.
„What type of massage do you want, Tom?“ I saw my lips and eyes smile at me.
„I don’t know, which types do ya have?“ I asked him ‚cause I didn’t really know anything about it.
„I offer relax massage, which will relax your body and make it ready for your brand new day; medical massage will find your problems and take away pain from your muscles; Chinese massage will take away pain of your knuckles and back-bone; Thai massage will drive you to quite the sexual mood. I have to warn you, that my Chinese massage is really painful.“ He blinked at me and waited for me to choose something. I didn’t want to do experiments so I chose the easiest one. I didn’t want him to jump on me, I saw Thai massage one time and I think that I saw that little yellow woman jumping on people…I don’t think that I would survive that…
„I want the first one. Relaxing one…“ I pleaded him and waited.
„Come with me please, to the bedroom,“ the android told me and I jumped a little. I was little bit frightened… Most likely it’s because of this flat. I would never come here with Bill, but with TOM? Why does he want me to come with him to the bedroom?
„Could you do it in here?“ I asked him shyly. What if he could switch his functions by himself and he would abuse me there? Raped by myself… I don’t need that. I don’t know if he needs regular sex too. Bill is away for week now and what if this android has to practice? I don’t want to risk it.
„Of course. I will bring all things for massage and deck-chair here,“ TOM nodded and walked away. I have to admit that it was a relief for me. He didn’t have any ulterior motives. He is really just a machine…


I sighed with relief when I woke up and found out that Tom’s car was still standing here. I had fallen asleep because it was just so boring. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was almost noon.
I hope that Tom found the password without problems; I glued it on the remote control so he could easily find it. I bet those boys are now talking or cooking lunch together. It’s hard to say which of TOM’s functions will interest Tom the most. I hope that he won’t be so brave as to fuck with his new twin… But no one knows what he will do. I think that he would want some massage; TOM is really good at them. As soon as I come back I will take one. Even though I would have him for the rest of my life just like a personal masseur, chef, and cleaner, it paid off to invest in buying him. And if he would bring my Tom to me, I would never be grateful enough to him.

It was really an amazing massage; I had never had so great a massage as this one, really! And even my masseur, to whom I was going because of my problems with my backbone, wasn’t that good! This was really excellent. I thought about stealing him away from Bill. Maybe if I trumped up a burglary here and took him to my flat? I would have a tidy flat like Bill, cooked up, regular massages, he would repair everything… and then he could replace Suzy for me… No, not that… that would be too much. Gross, I can’t make out with my lookalike and robot for God’s sake! Not that… but for these other things I would use him.
Meanwhile TOM carried the deck-chair back to the bedroom; I was thinking what to do with him. I can see that he works perfectly. But I am still thinking about his last function. How is he doing it? I would love to see him in action. But I can’t sleep with him by myself; I would feel like a really gross deviant. He wouldn’t care, it’s a machine, but for me it would be death.
Then something came to my mind… That’s it! Suzy! Such a great idea. She is used to me, she’ll do everything for money… she could check him. If I’ll pay more, she wouldn’t care and I will see how he works. I hope that she will be alright soon. She is crazy about money, with her skinny body and all of Bill’s signs on her body from times when she was frantically in love with my brother, she doesn’t have many costumers. Actually, I think that she has got just me and because of this they are keeping her in escort service. Accordingly, when I will pay her more, she would come to me on her knees. I know my whore too much. But how do I take TOM to my apartment?
„Would you like to have another massage, Tom?“ I heard my voice behind me. I froze, I was thinking so…
„No, this is enough. It was great, thank you,“ I answered and started to think again, how can I bring this fella to my car?
„If you don’t want my company, switch me to sleep mode or change my function please,“ the android told me and waited for what I’d do with him. I was staring at the remote control, and after a moment I saw the button ‚sleep‘. I pressed it and TOM stiffened.

One thought on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 5.

  1. No tohle je povídka! Nemohu se od ní odtrhnout! 🙂 Perfektní. V angličtině je to naprosto awesome… Ta představa TOMA a Toma stojících vedle sebe, Tomovy myšlenkové pochody. Prostě se bavím jak blázen u každého jednoho odstavce 🙂 A dva díly týdně jsou zatraceně málo… Velmi mi to přirostlo k srdci, jistě to bude ještě velmi zajímavé. 🙂

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