One Day You’ll Be Mine 3.

author: Janule

In the morning I phone my mum, I need her to make sure that Tom will water my flowers. The stupid Hibiscus must be really dry, he’s drinking like crazy. Tom is really irresponsible about these things; he likes to forget about them. Mum is responsible and she always does what I want. It’s been twenty minutes since Tom arrived, he has stopped right in front of the main doors and disappeared into the house…
While I am ‚sunbathing somewhere on the beach‘, he is right now most likely really shocked about what he has found hidden behind the curtain, after he brought down my flower by virtue of invisible fishing line. I am sure that he will try to do something so I won’t figure out that he made a mess like that. I hope that I have planned it well and that my expectations won’t betray me. I hope that he won’t phone some cleaning company and that he will try to clean it from my beige fuzzy rug by himself… but whoa… instead of a vacuum cleaner he will find something really different.
Now it’s the most important time for my plan. I am shaking, my heart is beating in my throat, I’m hypnotizing main doors, it corners our common life… if this doesn’t work it will be a really big scrape. I have my phone ready, just in case… If he will phone me, he will scream at me about how can I have his copy in my flat and then it will be really screwed up.
If he doesn’t phone me it will be okay… And that’s what I need. For the first time in my life I wish that Tom won’t phone me. My phone is quiet… Good boy…


First thing which has come to my mind is that it’s our triplet. I am probably really a fucking idiot but what else I should think when I was starring right into my own face? I thought that this was our next brother which our mum had concealed from us because she hadn’t enough nerves for three toddlers. Maybe she gave him to a crèche right after our birth and Bill found him… But how could he push our own brother behind a curtain? It’s really strange and the strangest part is that he really looks like me. I am stupid… I know… I was still thinking about it, I just couldn’t figure out…
I slowly touch the cheek of my copy with my hand. It felt like real skin but it was a little bit colder. At that point I got it… Yeah, that has to be my perfect copy… maybe statue, something like the one of my brother which is made of wax and stands in a Berlin museum… yeah, it could be that but why the hell is it here? Did Bill want to surprise me with it? Our birthdays are after another quarter of a year… And where he would place it? I hope that he doesn’t want to build some Tokio Hotel museum… They won’t want it anywhere, I am sure of it… And where did he get my measurements? I don’t know about anything. I remember when they were making his wax figurine; these guys were doing such strange things. They were measuring him from head to toes, comparing him, writing something down on their papers, it lasted a really long time. It’s odd… this is all really odd.
I have one more time touched my own lips; they are softly opened just to say something… They are so soft, almost like real… A really bizarre situation. I pull the curtain away, so I have a better view of this looker. He is really good-looking. He has my clothes that I had bought something about month ago. Bill had probably bought them too when he left a pizzeria where we were eating. He told me that he forgot something and when he came back I didn’t want to ask because he was looking like he would kill me if I did. Now it’s clear… he wanted them for this statue…
I try to touch his hand but it is firm. It isn’t made from flexile material… and I see something really important. Something black is looking at me from his pocket. I grab it hesitantly, I am afraid that he will kick me for pawing him, but he has his eyes closed and is calm. He doesn’t make a move; he is firmly standing, not alive.
This black thing is a remote control. I stare at the RC like in some dream, then it came to my mind and I figured out what it is for… I find there a little white book too, and when I read the heading, it is all clear to me:
„Tom – Prototype 001 – Personal Android – Service Manual“
It’s a pity that it isn’t 007, I would feel better, but this number wasn’t for me. So, android… I think about what this word means, when I figure out what it means I jump back from him. So this monster will be really alive… Oh my fucking God, Bill is really a freak. So this isn’t any wax figurine, any museum… Why had he made something like that for himself? For what? I unconsciously grab my phone to phone him and tell him how crazy he is, but when I am about to press the button ‚call‘ something stops me… I don’t know what it is. I have respect for this lookalike, so I pull the curtain back and go to think in the living room.
With a look at the dirt which is still on the floor I remember why I came here. Bill will be back after a week, I have plenty of time. Now I have most considerable things on my mind, I have to figure out what that is I found behind the curtain. I sit down on his maintained couch, put my legs on the coffee table and open the manual. I start to read…
Congratulations on your purchase of our multifunctional android, which will replace your lover; your lover who doesn’t return your love. The strategy of our company is to make your life better, to achieve your satisfaction and happiness. For this you can choose your android’s qualities by yourself. This manual is just for model:
TOM 001, serial number: 56089543001, owner: Bill Kaulitz
This information is important for any complaints or communication with our company, please keep them safe like close guarded facts.

Your personal android will make all your dreams come true, whether it’s about help in your house, encyclopaedical information or your intimate side of life. All these details about manipulation are written in this manual and on a data-disc.

So intimacy side of your life, huh? So you want to tell me that this hard fella which is standing in Bill’s closet is a sexual machine? I hope not! It’s something like a dildo made in a bigger version? So he has bought this thing like a replacement of me and he is probably fucking with him… what a jerk… I have a good mind to call him and bawl on him like on a little boy! How could he? Abuse me like that? When I wouldn’t fuck him, he went and bought copy of me and he’s fucking with him, while I am suffering… How long has he had this thing? I would check it in the manual, but there isn’t any date of retail. It has to be really expensive to buy robot like this. I would really like to know how he works. But I haven’t got time for studying it now. I have to go to work, but I will take this manual with me. If I found that data-disk they wrote about here, it would be easier for me; but it’s not anywhere around me so I won’t try to find him. I have to go or I will miss my meeting.
I am too curious so I look in his closet one more time at my lookalike, I grab his crotch for fun and when I touch a copy of my dick, I just howl like a clerkish dog.
THAT FUCKING BASTARD!!!! Bill, you will take the consequences, you can be sure about it!
The way Tom ran out of the house half an hour later, I am sure that everything worked perfectly. I can see that he has with him the manual for TOM. I got him! He has clown down to my trap. Now I have to wait and see if he thinks like I thought.
I slowly pull out after him, I am careful about my identity, and my borrowed car is unknown to him. I am so happy… Jeez; I am so happy that I will probably sing aloud. I made it! Now Tom mustn’t do anything that is not in my plan, you can never be sure. He hasn’t phoned me yet, it’s a good sign.
Shit! I just have thought about it and my phone has started to ring in hands free… Damn. Tom… Oh God… Oh my fucking God… You can’t betray me now! I have spent years on my stupid flowers and so much money… Not now!
„Hi Tomi,“ I whisper timidly and stare at his car in front of me.
„Hey lil‘ bro,“ says Tom in a normal way. „So how’s it going in Spain? There is really bad weather; it really doesn’t look like a June. I’m just calling to tell you that you have your flowers watered.“ He is waiting for me to answer. Relax Bill, just relax… He is probably testing me.
„Thanks, you’re so good, Tom. I’m coming from a beach right now, it’s so hot here.“ I’m trying to persuade him but my voice is still shaking a little bit. I’m really glad that I have looked on the web what the weather is like in Spain. „I was fried like a cinder.“ I am ignoring his information about my flowers. „It’s boring, I am really looking forward to being at home again,“ I add, I don’t want him to think that I am happy in Spain. I am telling the truth but I am not in Spain. I would find some enjoyment in there.
„Cool. So when are you coming back?“ he asks me instead of pitying me for my boredom which I have here. I get it… He just wants to be sure how long I’ll be away from Germany. He’s smart, really. He can’t risk that I will come home.
„I have booked a flight on Saturday, as I told you before I went away,“ I tell him in a really surprised voice to assure him that nothing has changed.
„Aha, I had forgotten, sorry. Just one more water, yeah? Your hibiscus had almost dried leaves, so I’ve used a liter of water on him. I hope that will bring him to life.“ He’s reporting about my flora. He doesn’t tell me that this hibiscus was lying on the floor.
„Yes, it would be really nice of you, just check on them for me one more time,“ Fine… it looks like he will be at my flat really often.
„Okay Bill, I just wanted to hear you, now I have to end, I’m going to work,“ he is saying goodbye to me in a really strange way. I am sure that he just wanted the date of my return, otherwise he is more talkative.
„Bye bye, brother, thank you, you are so good that you care about my flowers.“ I hope that those green bitches will die; I’ll get rid of them as soon as Tom will be living with me. And I hope that it will be very soon…
Thanks for reading :o)
author: Janule
translated: Lil.Katie
betaread: Woobie

3 thoughts on “One Day You’ll Be Mine 3.

  1. It is very good and interesting 😀 And I'm glad that it is in English because I can understand something xD

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