Someday In This Forever 24.

author: amazinglife2011

Bill and Tom were lying on Tom’s bed. If it were Matt, Harry or Joey, he would’ve been playing game in PSP or maybe playing basketball or smoking or doing anything boyish. But it was actually different with Bill. Bill was doodling on Tom’s right palm and Tom was observing every single move and expression of Bill. Meanwhile, Bill’s left upper wrist’s tattoo caught his eyes. He stared a long time at the tattoo and tried to figure out what it was. There were curved lines around a word and there was ’89‘ written next to the word. He narrowed his eyes and scanned with a sharp view. Bill was utterly distant, lost in thoughts and doodling. Tom moved a little bit to lie comfortably but that distracted Bill. Bill jumped.


„Nothing,“ Tom shook his head and kissed on Bill’s forehead. Bill pouted. Tom chuckled at his annoyed face. „Bill.“ He called softly.
„What’s the tattoo on your wrist?“ Tom asked stroking his palm over the tattoo.
„It’s a new tattoo. I got it last month from LA Ink on my 18th birthday.“
„Does it come with a specific reason?“ Tom asked, curious.
„Hmm,“ Bill nodded. „It’s ‚Freiheit89‘ which means freedom89.“
„Hmm… I turned 18 last month means free from the child restrictions. Dad presented me the car and I got the tattoo on my birthday,“ Bill grinned, he was glad to explain.

„What’s with the 89?“
„1989, the year I was born,“ Bill informed.
„Oh… I was born in the same year,“ Tom shrugged.
Bill rolled his eyes. „Every single child who is 18 this year was born at 1989… insane,“ he scoffed. Tom smirked. He slowly put his hand on Bill’s waist and started caressing till his chest. Bill raised one eyebrow. „Don’t do that,“ he scolded.
„Don’t be so rude, Billie,“ Tom said nagging and started getting over Bill. Bill moved away and giggled.
„You’re not gonna be successful.“
„At least let me kiss you,“ Tom suggested with a puppy face.
„No way,“ Bill declared.
„How about having sex?“ Tom prickled his hair naughtily.
„Like I said… never in this forever,“ Bill said and chuckled.
Tom jumped from the bed where Bill was standing right now. Both of them collapsed on the floor with a loud boom noise. Fortunately nobody was hurt. Both of them laughed with open hearts.

In a few seconds, there was a knock at the door.

„Are you alive in there, kids?“ Gordon asked.
„Yeah, still alive, dad,“ Tom replied laughing. Gordon shrugged.
„Okay… be careful with whatever you guys are doing,“ he said teasingly and walked away downstairs. Tom laughed. They got up. Bill dusted his clothes and then Tom’s.
„We tripped because of you,“ Tom accused.
„You did this not me,“ Bill accused back struggling to hold his laughter. Tom suddenly wrapped his arms tightly around Bill.
„Gotcha.“ He winked. Bill sighed.
„Okay, you win. Now leave me,“ he surrendered.
„Why so soon?“ Tom said bending forward, close to Bill.
„Gosh! I need to apply lip glosses from the next time so that you won’t kiss me anymore,“ he said jokily.
„Just because Becky smells like strawberry that doesn’t mean I don’t kiss her,“ Tom said mischievously smiling. He licked Bill’s lips. Bill looked away. Tom lay on the bed with Bill. He pulled him closer to himself, not leaving a single inch gap between them. „Can we make out at least?“
„Can’t we do something else, something pleasant?“
„There’s no other work more peaceful and pleasant than having sex,“ Tom said with a perverted smirk on his face. Bill raised one eyebrow.
„Mr. Trümper“ He called aloud yelling. Tom widened his eyes horrifiedly.
„Shh… shh what are you doing? Don’t call him,“ he pressed his palm on Bill’s mouth so that he will no longer call his father. Bill chuckled. Tom sighed in relief. He left Bill. „Unpleasant defensive brat.“ and scolded. Bill giggled.

That day they stayed together. Tom usually goes out with his friends but he had never been into the house with a friend for the whole day. It was not even boring as he thought it could be. Bill was effectively a good company to give. Tom discovered that Bill had the ability to make him laugh and forget everything else. He loved being with Bill. He loved everything about him. He loved the entire Bill, a lot. Simone and Gordon liked the child. They had lunch together. Bill was polite like Tom explained to his father. They were glad to meet such a pleasant polite child. In the evening Bill headed for his home. Jörg was in the house waiting for his son to come. He was happy to get the note. He felt ease in his heart knowing that his son eventually got a friend to pass the time with. At least that was better than dying alone in the bedroom. Bill was not that frank with his father. So he better decided to tell him that he had fun nothing more than this. Unfortunately he did not tell Jörg about Simone and Gordon.

Next day in the school

Bill walked through the corridor. He had his bag hung on his shoulder. He stopped at the lockers and opened his locker. The last few days seemed like years. He missed his locker. He still had the locker key chain around his neck. He put the bag into the locker and pulled a book out of the bag. He locked the locker and turned. Tom was standing there peeking over Bill’s shoulder. Bill jumped. He was suddenly frightened.

„You scared me,“ he murmured. Tom chuckled apologetically.
„Sorry.“ Bill nodded.
„Good morning,“ he greeted then with a slight smile on his face. Tom grinned.
„Good morning, Billa.“
Bill chuckled.
„That sounds funny.“ Tom sneered. Meanwhile Tom’s friends came.
„Hey, Tomi boy.“ Everyone greeted punching and slapping on Tom’s arms and shoulder playfully. Bill quickly hid behind Tom. Tom grinned at his friends.
„Hey guys, what’s up? How was the Halloween party?“
„Don’t ask, Tom. Becky’s over furious,“ Joey warned.
„Why?“ Tom narrowed his eyes.
„Because nor you went to pick up her neither you attended the party. She was angry. She broke three glasses into the party,“ Matt explained. Tom grimaced.
„Bitch,“ he mumbled under his breath.

„Yeah, later she paid for loses of the club,“ Harry spoke this time. His eyes had already seen Bill hiding behind Tom. He smirked secretly. „Hey Bill,“ he greeted. Bill looked down immediately. Tom then grinned once again and forgot Rebecca’s matter. He pulled Bill out from behind him.

„Bill, they’re my friends. I know you know them but not how you’ll know them from now on. They’re in order Harry, Matt and Joey,“ he said wittily. His friends laughed.
„In order?!“ Harry sneered. Bill chuckled slightly.
„Hello, Harry, Matt, Joey,“ Bill greeted.
„Hey, Bill,“ Joey smiled back politely. He hugged Bill at an angle and so did Matt. Harry did not hug but he sure gave him a slight civil smile.

„Let’s go. It’s time for the class“ Joey notified.

„Yeah, let’s go,“ Tom said. They walked to the class. Students were staring at them with horrified and shocked eyes. Bill was walking with those bullier people with no fear on the face. Bill was assured that Tom was going to defend him. As soon as they reached the classroom, Rebecca showed up sitting on her seat crossing her legs like a bitch, staring at the door, waiting for Tom. Tom raised one eyebrow. „Hey Becky,“ he greeted as he sat next to her.
„I wanna talk to you at the lunch break,“ was all she replied back to Tom. Tom chuckled sneakily. Others took their seats.
Harry was next to Bill. „How’s your neck?“ he asked formally.
„Fine, thanks,“ Bill replied with a smile. Joey saw that. He smiled to himself shaking his head.
Somehow they were successful to pass the boring classes then. As usual they all had the same subjects except Bill. Michael was glad to see Bill back to school. He asked Bill if Tom had really gone to see him at Halloween night. When Bill replied a yes, Michael was surprised, yet happy.

During the lunch break

Tom was sitting with his friends in the cafeteria. Bill was also there but on the other table with Michael. Tom did not force him to sit with them. He knew Bill was still uncomfortable with his friends.

Harry elbowed Tom gently. „What?“ Tom asked.
„Becky,“ Harry notified signing back. Rebecca was coming with Kelly and Raven behind her. She stopped before the boys and folded her arms.
„Tom,“ she called, cold.
Tom looked up and stood. „Hey Becky. What is it? You said you wanna talk to me.“
„Yes I did. Where were you in the Halloween night?“ She asked frigidly.
„Why didn’t you receive my calls? Do you even have any idea how many times I called you?“
„I’m sorry… I got an emergency. I had to ditch the party.“
„My friends asked me about you. And what could I say? That you bailed on me? Or I dumped you?“
„What?“ Tom narrowed his eyes chuckling, surprised.
„Yeah, should I say that I dumped you?“ Rebecca raised her hands and stroked softly on Tom’s chest. She tiptoed near him. Harry coughed. Rebecca glared at him. „Leave us alone, dump-ass,“ she uttered clenching her teeth. Tom frowned. He took her chin in his hands and turned her face confronting him.
„Talk to me, not to my friends,“ he was frigid.

Bill and Michael stood, they were all alert that here a fight was going to take place. Joey, Matt and Harry stood together in order a few steps away.

„And may I know why did you not appear, Mr. Tom Trümper?“
„Because I don’t like witch parties and the bitches who celebrate the witch festival,“ Tom said with an insulting smirk on his face. Rebecca frowned.
„Did you dare to call me a witch?“
„I did, what are you gonna do?“
„I’ll slap you in front of the public.“ She warned. Tom scoffed and raised one eyebrow.
„Okay let’s try something else…“ She said insulting. „How about dumping you?“ she jeered.
Tom chuckled.
„How about I dump you?“
Rebecca clenched her teeth. She looked furious and Tom was expressionless. She pulled Tom’s collar of his jacket. „How dare you? How dare you not picking me up? How dare you lying to me? How dare?“ she yelled like a bitch. Tom rolled his eyes.

„Becky, I’m not a dog running after you all the time.“

„I won’t spare you.“ She warned.
„I’ve already eaten you up, Missy. I’m bored of cheerleaders. I don’t need anyone for now,“ Tom folded his arms against his chest. „I don’t wanna dump you, Becky. You need time to make up your mind once again. But for now… I’m breaking up with you. I’m sorry, Becky, but I really had to rush that night. Goodbye.“ Tom left a deep sigh that fell on Rebecca’s face. She was still breathing heavily like an angry wounded tiger. Tom turned and walked away from there, making his friends following after him. Harry looked back at Raven for one last time. He sighed and turned. Everyone else was still staring at Rebecca and her friends. Some weaker people giggled. They were happy that Rebecca was insulted in the public. She had tortured them enough. She had been quite rude and selfish with them. When it comes to Tom and his friends, he has already stopped bullying. They just stay busy in them for last few days. Some of the average brilliant students laughed at her and walked away from there.

Bill was still shocked. Tom had gone to him that night ignoring the party and now he had to break up because of him. Michael pulled Bill away with him to the lab. Rebecca was still standing there with her mouth hung partly open in disbelief. „Ughh!!!“ She groaned and kicked on the floor. „Come on, girls,“ she walked away making each footstep make a loud noise with her stilettos. In a few minutes the entire cafeteria was empty.

After the school

Nobody has talked about the breakup with Tom since the scene in the cafeteria. They walked to the parking lot to get their vehicles. Tom was silent and cold from the lunch break. Matt, Harry or Joey none has dared to ask anything to him. They just walked silently as if nothing happened. „Tom… Tom… Tomi,“ Bill called from behind. Tom stopped.

„Did you hear something?“ He said. Joey shook his head.
„No, why?“
„I thought I heard someone calling me,“ Tom uttered focusing.
Harry clucked his tongue. „No one’s here… let’s go,“ he pulled Tom’s arm. They started walking again.
„Hey Tom, wait,“ Bill huffed from afar. Tom turned. Bill was huffing. As soon as he saw Tom watching him, he ran to the crowd of friends. Harry sighed. „Yeah you were being called.“

Bill stopped before Tom. He was breathing heavily. Tom gave him a slight smile. „What is it Bill, you rushed?“

Bill nodded. „Important,“ he gasped.
„What is it?“ Tom held on Bill’s thin shoulders.
„Why did you breakup? You were in my house,“ Bill said breathing. Harry frowned. „What?“ he thought to himself.
„Did it all happen because of me?“ Bill asked apologetically.
Tom laughed in disbelief. „What did you say? Because of you! Of course not.“ He said aloud. „Bill, it was me who never likes festivals and celebrations… I’ve never attended a Halloween or Christmas party. I go to the New Year parties. You know why, because I can have sex with girls in that party. I just wanna have fun. Nothing’s permanent in this life. You have to try everything.“

„Tom, you’re upset.“ Bill took Tom’s face in his hands.

„Yes I am… not because of breaking up…“ He sighed „Because she was my childhood friend. Matt, Harry, Joey, Kelly, Raven everyone’s my childhood friend. I broke my friend’s heart and that’s hurting me. But that doesn’t mean it was your fault,“ Tom moved Bills hands and took them in his hands.
„But Tom… you shouldn’t have…“
„Bill,“ Tom interrupted. He sighed. „Stop finding your part of fault wherever you see something wrong. It’s not you. I don’t like Halloween costumes. I needed an excuse to run from the party. Then you were the best thing for me in replacement of witches. Thanks Bill.“ He hugged Bill snugly. Bill still could not get the matter. He just sighed and rubbed on Tom’s back.
„I’m always with you,“ Bill murmured.
„I’d like to pledge you the same,“ Tom murmured back. They pulled back.
„Bye… take care,“ Bill said. He waved at him and walked away. Tom sighed.
„My poor little teddy.“ He chuckled. „Let’s go, guys,“ and started walking again. His friends followed after him.

author: amazinglife2011

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