Someday In This Forever 19.

author: amazinglife2011

Halloween, kids were ringing the bell on every ten minutes. Gordon and Simone were on supply duty. They were serving the chocolates among kids coming every now and then. Tom could not even rest well on his bed. This beeping doorbell has already decomposed his ears. He kept lying on the bed with two pillows pressed tightly against his ears. Every time the bell beeped, and he rolled his eyes. Even his eyes were exhausted of getting rolled again and again. All of a sudden his mobile rang and unfortunately he thought it was the doorbell once again. As usual he rolled his eyes when the screen light fell on his eyes. He jumped to peek at the light. It was his mobile half hidden under a pillow. He sighed and took it. The screen said 6 missed calls from Joey and 4 missed calls from Harry. He wondered when the doorbell did ring and when the mobile beeped. He shrugged and called at Joey’s number. In a few seconds Joey received the call.

„Hey Tom, where were you?“
„Oh… I thought it was the doorbell,“ Tom said rubbing his forehead, confused.
„What?!“ Joey sounded utterly surprised.
„Nothing… forget it. What were you saying?“ Tom leaned against the pillows.
„You’re coming to the party, aren’t you?“
„Of course I am. Why asking?“
Joey shrugged. „Nothing, just asking… getting assured you know.“
„You’ve been asking this same question from the last week. You’ve asked this over 100 times,“ Tom sounded bored to death.
Joey giggled. „Sorry. Okay I’ll hang up. Take care and don’t forget to pick up Becky for the party.“
„Hmm… I won’t,“ Tom assured.
„Bye,“ Joey hung up. Tom rolled his eyes.
„Oww my eyes hurt,“ he clucked his tongue with complete annoyance. Eventually he came out of his room in a PJ. He walked downstairs rubbing his eyes.

„Mom… hey gorgeous where are ya?“ He called mischievously.

„Here sweetheart,“ Simone uttered from the porch. She was stiff among all the bags of chocolates and colorful candles. Gordon was sitting next to her. They were enjoying the time. Tom walked out of the house. He gasped in disbelief at the sight of his parents.
„You guys are… impossible,“ he sighed. Gordon and Simone laughed. Tom sat with them on the porch, still half naked. „Mom, my eyes hurt along with the ears.“ He said leaning on his mother’s lap.
„I know the reason behind the ears hurting. What’s with the eyes?“ Gordon asked humorously.
„Because I’ve been rolling my eyes since the doorbell has started ringing,“ he groaned. Simone burst into laughter.
„That’s why we came to porch so that kids won’t ring the bell anymore. They’ll just ask for the chocolates and candles.“
„Yeah whatever it is… they’re just disturbing troubled tiny monsters. The only difference is they stay in innocent disguises the whole year and come with their real monster faces during Halloween.“ Tom explained more humorously. Gordon burst into laughter. Simone slapped on his arm playfully. They all burst into laughter.

The Halloween evening, Gordon has explained everything to Simone that Tom told him yesterday. All the response he got from her was just teasing laughter. In times Gordon giggled too. Tom was on the way getting ready inside, just thinking about the same thing if Bill’s going to come or not. He felt completely bored. He has never attended a Halloween party before in his life. Well he did but just once when he was seven years old. He disguised like a vampire. And now he regrets looking so funny that day. He always loves to spend his Halloween nights having sex with pretty girls who want to date him the whole year. In a way, these festive nights are good opportunities for those girls to have some private moments with their dream boy. He did not know what to wear. He did not even buy a ghost costume. He lied to his friends that he had already bought a costume. Gordon suggested him to go with him shop but he refused politely with a „No but thanks“. Tom yawned. Girls have already started sending him messages and calls for the fun night on the bed. He did not open a single message or received a single call till now.

He jumped on the bed and yawned noisily in every twenty seconds. Another message beeped in his mobile. He grimaced. „What the fu…!“ He broke off and finally decided to read minimum one message. At least having sex is less boring than attending a show off party in masquerade.

He grabbed the mobile from the desk. The last recent message was from Michael. Tom narrowed his eyes surprisingly. „Michael!“ he murmured to himself. He opened the message. It said: „Hey Tom, U told me 2 inform you if Bill’s coming. I called him just now. He didn’t receive. I called his dad then. He said, Bill’s not f9. He’s not gonna come.“
Tom’s face turned pale.
„What did he mean not fine?“ he grunted to himself. „I need to see Bill… somehow I need to meet him else I’m gonna burst into myself within in a second.“

He soon dialed Michael’s number and called. He waited for seconds while the mobile was ringing. He received: „Hello.“

„Hey it’s Tom. What happened to Bill?“
„Oh, hey Tom… you’re ready for the party?“ Michael sounded cheerful.
„I asked what happened to Bill.“
„I don’t know… Mr. Kaulitz said he’s not doing well,“ Michael shrugged.
„Do you have his address?“ Tom asked worriedly. He could feel the worries and tensions radiating from his forehead.
„Yeah, I have. You’re going to Bill’s?“ Michael was surprised.
„Yeah… give me the address, now.“ Tom jumped from the bed and grabbed a pen with a paper from the study table. Michael told him the address and he wrote it down on the paper. „Thanks Mike, thank you so much. I’ll go right now. Bye… have fun in the party,“ and he hung up before Michael could say him a bye or good luck.

He grasped the wallet from the desk and put it in his pocket. He put on some new and clean baggy clothes and got the cap on his head. His dreads were tied together with a rubber band and pulled out through the cap’s gap on its back. He rushed downstairs where Simone and Gordon were passing some private romantic moments. Tom laughed from the stairs.

„Get a room guys or have some shame,“ he teased. They moved away from each other instantly. Tom burst into laughter. Simone stood. „You’re going to the Halloween party with this causal outfit?“ she gasped in disbelief.
„No mom… it’s not the party,“ he said whooshing toward the door. „Wait, wait, wait,“ Gordon stopped him. „Where are you going?“
Tom huffed.
„To the boy I love,“ he smiled a little while saying. Gordon smirked and so did Simone from the back. „Are you gay?“ she teased.
Tom sneered. „Keep guessing. I need to see him. He’s not well,“ he opened the door and looked back one last time.

„Oh dad…“ Gordon looked up at his son. „I need a new car, sell the bike in some… some hell.“ He said and waved. „Bye,“ he walked away in a rush.

„Can you believe that bike used to be his life once?“ Gordon sighed. Simone shook her head laughing.
„Our boy is a gay?“ she asked hilariously.
„I don’t know,“ Gordon shrugged.
„What happened with Becky?“
„Why do we care…?“ Gordon locked the door and sat on the couch and pulled Simone down making her sit once again. He kissed on her cheek. „Let him be.“
He pulled the mobile out of his pocket and texted Tom a message: „Don’t come home earlier. Hope you understand _Dad.“ Simone saw that. She raised her eyebrow.
„And what’s that supposed to mean?“
„You’ll see,“ Gordon winked.

author: amazinglife2011

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