Someday In This Forever 14.

author: amazinglife2011

Simone was making pasta for dinner. Gordon has just backed from the hospital. He was in the bathroom getting freshened up. Tom walked down the stairs.
„Hey mom, what’s in the dinner?“
„Pasta,“ Simone replied from the kitchen.
„Wow! Yum,“ Tom rubbed his palms against each other hungrily. He sat on the chair and waited for his mother to bring the pasta. The lip smacking odor of pasta and the sauce entered his nostrils. Tom could feel his mouth watering. His stomach was eagerly lingering. Finally Simone came out of the kitchen with the big round bowl in her hands. She put the bowl onto the table and served on Tom’s plate at first. Tom gave her a wide cheeky grin. Simone laughed while he looked really funny.

Simone served on another plate and kept the plate for Gordon. She served on her own plate and went into the kitchen once again. „I’ve made apple pie, you wanna try it?“ She asked from the kitchen.
Tom nodded with mouth full of pasta. He was swallowing the pasta like he has come from Haiti and starving for so many months.
„Tom, would you like to eat apple pie?“ Simone asked once again, more affectionately.
„Hmmm,“ Tom replied gulping. „Okay, wait,“ Simone said from the kitchen. Gordon came out of the bathroom. He walked downstairs.
„Hey, Tomi boy,“ he greeted while sitting before Tom. Tom gave him a grin with mouth full of food. Gordon raised his eyebrows. „Pasta, hun,“ he chuckled.
Tom nodded. He cleared the entire plate. If possible, he would have eaten the plate as well.

Simone came out with the big round apple pie. She has designed it with the vanilla cream and cherries on the top that gave the pie a more attention-grabbing look. Tom left a deep sigh with a big relief after finishing the entire plate. Simone put the pie’s plate on the table. She and Gordon exchanged an expressionless glance watching their son finishing food much faster. They burst into laughter. Tom grinned cheekily,

„Sorry… I was so hungry,“ he shrugged smiling quietly. Simone cut a big piece of pie for her son and passed it on his plate. In no time, Tom started gulping the pie. Gordon laughed. Simone took her seat. Gordon and she stared into each other’s eyes and whispered something confidential to each other, something romantic maybe.

Tom interrupted. „Mom, dad?“

Both of them jumped. „Yes, son,“ Gordon uttered.
„What about mom’s relative? Have you lost your interest or still searching for them?“ Tom asked chewing the pie. Both of their faces turned serious at the question. Tom could see that unmistakably.
„No, I’m still searching,“ Gordon said hesitantly.
„Since when have you been searching for them, dad? Can’t you even use a little bit of technology? Use the internet. You can search for them in Facebook as well. There are so many ways. I can help. Tell me the name,“ he said very causally. Simone’s eyes turned watery at the very moment. Gordon squeezed her hand like a consolation.

„No, I’ll do the job. You don’t have to worry about them. Thanks anyway,“ Gordon said with a loving smile on his face. Tom raised one eyebrow.
„So why are you taking so much time? Mom cries for them… by the way, who are they to us, mom? Your sister, brother, my uncle, your uncle, dad’s uncle, whose uncle? Who is this relative?“
„Uncle,“ Simone chuckled frustratedly. Gordon squeezed her hand once again to control her emotion. He was afraid that she would tell him everything being emotional.
„Oh so it’s an uncle,“ Tom nodded.
„No, it’s not an uncle. It’s a friend of Simone’s,“ Gordon lied.
„Friend, a lady or man? But you said relative I guess.“
„Yeah we count them as relatives,“ Gordon lied.

„Why are they so special, mom?“ Tom peeked at his mother’s sad face. She was not replying him a single word. „Mom, hey mom, why are they so special?“

„Because… “ she spoke. „Because they are special. You used to play with them when you were a kid and we were in Germany.“
„I used to play with them? Do they have a daughter? A beautiful one? Mom, tell me,“ he bent forward and shook Simone for the answer. Gordon stayed silent.
„No they don’t… my friend has a son. You used to play with him when you were 3. He was so polite and beautiful… he was like you.“ She replied absentmindedly. Gordon widened his eyes. He soon squeezed her hand once again. That’s when Simone backed in senses. Tom raised one eyebrow.
„Like me? What do you mean like me?“
„I mean beautiful like you.“ She smiled.
Tom nodded. „Oh… what’s my childhood friend’s name?“ he asked curiously.
„It’s Bi…“ Simone was about to answer when Gordon interrupted.

„Hey Tom, leave this matter. There’s a good news for you,“ he almost sang.

„What is it, dad?“ Tom narrowed his eyes smiling. He knew his father has changed the topic yet he cooperated.
„I’ve bought a new guitar for you. You said you broke the last one,“ Gordon said musically. Tom snapped at Gordon. „You really bought one?“
„Yes, I did.“
„Wow! Thanks, dad,“ Tom left his chair and ran to his father. He hugged him warmly kissing on his cheek. Last month their neighbor’s boy came to borrow one of his favorite shirts and Simone gave him the t-shirt. Tom burst into fury when he came to know that. He broke his guitar into two pieces in ferocity. The guitar used to be his life once upon a time. He did not eat or sleep well next few weeks. But humans are humans. They forget everything with time. So does Tom. When he can forget his past Germany’s life, then why not just a guitar?

„Where is it, dad?“ Tom hopped excitedly.

Gordon laughed. „In our bedroom.“
„Why there?“
„Just to keep it a surprise.“
„Okayy,“ Tom hugged his once again and rushed to his parents‘ bedroom.

The beautifully wrapped guitar case was lying on the bed. He took a deep peaceful breath in and sighed in relief and delight. He tore the wrapping paper and got the guitar case out. He opened the box. The guitar was inside the plastic packet of guitar’s shape. He unzipped the packet and pulled the guitar out. A cold breeze swept over his skin. He hugged the guitar. The cold touch on his chest soothed his heart. He has really missed his guitar. He then held it perfectly and started playing the chords, one of his favorite tones. He has been playing and learning guitar since when he was 6. He loved it.

author: amazinglife2011

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