Someday In This Forever 13.

author: amazinglife2011

Tom was in his basketball uniform sitting on the field with other friends. He was sweating very badly. He wiped the sweat from his forehead every now and then whilst listened to his friends gossiping like girls. Especially, how they bullied people. Tom felt bored. He drank water at times from the bottle he had in his right hand. They won the match today as every other day.

„Hey are you coming to the Halloween party?“ One of the boys asked to his best friend.

„In CDP?“ His best friend asked eagerly.
„Yeah, you are coming?“
„Of course I am? Where’s the ticket or… membership? Which one they demand?“ He rubbed his forehead.
„Membership. I read it in the poster on the notice board. Michael and the freak, Bill are working on the membership seal and the passes.“ The boy uttered. Tom snapped. He closed the head of the bottle and walked to the boys leaving the bottle on the ground behind.

„Hey guys, what’s up?“ He sat between them putting his arms on both of their shoulders.

Both of them greeted back in chorus like twins. „Hey Tom.“
Tom chuckled. „Nothing just… “ he thought something for a while. „What were you saying about the Halloween?“
„Oh, Halloween? Are you and Becky coming?“ Dan the first guy asked. „Hey, Becky,“ he called for her. Rebecca was far from them gossiping with cheerleading girls. Tom instantly put his palm against his mouth.
„Shhh… don’t call her and I don’t know if she’s coming or not. Just tell me about the passes and the membership seal.“
„Oh… you can get all the information from the notice board,“ Dan notified.
Tom nodded. „Ohkayyy and… who’s selling the tickets?“ He was waiting for Bill’s name.
„Michael and Bill,“ Dan shrugged; he pouted while uttering Bill’s name.
Tom’s eyes sparkled with trillions of stars. He stood immediately.
„You mean Kaulitz?“
„When do they sell the tickets?“
„After the school… maybe they’re selling now,“ Dan said distantly thinking of which getup he should choose for the party.
Tom hopped happily. „Great! I’ll surely buy one,“ he ran away screaming weird sounds with his mouth insanely. He was actually happy or you can say in high spirits.

He ran through the corridor for the notice board. He stopped with a harsh brake and huffed heavily. The purple-black glazy poster was shining among all other notices, placards and advertisements. Tom read the poster enthusiastically. It said the party was next on Saturday on the Halloween night in Club DP. Whoever wants to attend the party, he has to get the seal of membership at the right wrist and the seal would be validated till the party. Moreover, the guest has to come with the pass, each pass allows each guest. There was a little white paper piece stapled under the poster containing the writing of Michael. „The selling desk is on the fourth floor corridor. Passes will be sold after the school for two hours only until next Friday. Thank you. ___ Michael Richter“

Tom rubbed his palms against each other. „I’m coming, Billie… just wait for me,“ he winked. He ran to the fourth floor. As he was walking through the corridor, Henry stopped him standing confronting him. Tom grinned widely at him. „Hey bro, what’s up?“

„You played really well champ!“ Henry tapped on his shoulder proudly. Tom gave him a thankful look.
„Thank you,“ Tom uttered looking over Henry shoulder.
„Okay, now the main topic,“ Henry changed the subject. Tom raised one eyebrow.
„My parents have thrown a Halloween party in our house… and they’re gonna be in my uncle’s house, for a visit and we’re gonna enjoy. Please don’t say no, buddy,“ Henry requested as if Tom was a celebrity.
„Well…“ Tom agitated. He looked around hesitantly. „Well, I wanted to go to CDP… you know,“ he shrugged apologetically.
„CDP… oh, but that takes money for one night membership for Halloween, isn’t it?“
„Yeah, but that’s especially for the students this year. It’s their business,“ Tom uttered looking over, searching for the desk where Bill should be seen.

„So is it fun?“ Henry interrupted.

„Yeah, of course it is,“ Tom tried his best to be polite but he was actually distant.
„Okay, I’ll come as well. I’ll tell dad to cancel the party. I’m gonna go CDP. You know what; I’ve never been to CDP. I heard it’s so beautiful inside. But its lowest age limit is 19. They did a great job with the Halloween party idea this year. At least we won’t have to wait till we turn 19… hey wait…! I am 19… then why don’t I go and be a member? What’s your age Tom? 18? 17? Which one?“ He kept chattering like a big mouth. Tom did not show him a troubled face but he looked busy and remote. Henry was talking hysterically when he suddenly noticed Tom who was not really paying him any heed. Henry rolled his eyes and shook Tom. Tom jumped. His eyes flickered at Henry.
„Oh yeah… what were you saying?“ he gave him a polite smile.
„Why do you look so distant?“ Henry asked.
„Because the desk will be closed if we don’t hurry,“ Tom notified. Henry widened his eyes.
„Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go,“ they ran together for the desk.

Michael was sitting on the desk. He did not notice Tom and Henry coming. As soon as they reached near, Michael stood and started packing his things. He put his pen box into the bag and zipped the chain of the bag.

„Hey, hey, hey wait,“ Tom huffed. Michael snapped.
„Tom,“ he was surprised watching Tom at the last moment. „You want to buy the pass?“ He asked civilly.
Tom could not reply because of breathing heavily. He just nodded with Henry. A wide grin flashed on Michael’s face. „How was your game?“
„Fine,“ Tom gasped.
„You won the match?“
„Yeah,“ Tom nodded and gasped every now and then. Michael’s grin widened.
„Wow! Congratulations,“ he greeted.
„Thanks,“ Tom grinned back. Henry interrupted.
„What about the pass?“
Michael’s grinning face turned sad. „Oh… I’m sorry but you have to come tomorrow after the school. You know time’s over.“
„Can’t you just take bribe or please show us some mercy?“ Henry requested. Michael shook his head.
„Sorry I can’t help it.“

Tom’s eyes were still searching for Bill. „Hey who works for the membership seal?“ he asked looking around.

„Oh, it’s Bill. He’s in the washroom,“ Michael informed. Tom crazily wished to be in the washroom right now but he could not do that because of Henry. For the first time in life, Henry seemed disturbing and annoying to him. He sighed: „Oh.“
No one noticed his down face. „Ohkayyy… let’s go, Tom,“ Henry pulled Tom’s arm with him. Tom kept staring at the washroom door while Henry was taking him away. He restlessly prayed to see his face just once. The moment today behind the building was magical. He could not forget that beautiful face and those unexplained eyes. All of a sudden the washroom door opened. Tom’s eyes sparkled with delight. Bill came out putting his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. Tom wished he could put his hands in Bill’s back pockets. Unluckily the staircase came and Henry walked downstairs taking Tom away. At least he could see him for a moment. He was still looking beautiful. Tom sighed.

author: amazinglife2011

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