Someday In This Forever 11.

author: amazinglife2011

Bill was washing his hands. He was in the lab few minutes ago. He did not like the illogical experiment he did in the chemistry lab. It exploded and surprisingly the explosion was not bigger and none was hurt except Bill has ruined his thin jacket once again. But this time it was his fault. Henry came in slamming the washroom door. Bill snapped at him. A grateful smile flashed on his face as soon as he saw Henry. Henry’s smiling face turned serious. He acted as if he saw nobody there. He did not want to make hostility between him and Tom, his champion. He just walked to the toilet to pee. Bill’s smile faded either watching Henry ignoring him. Bill sighed.

„Hey Henry,“ he called anyway.

Henry stopped; he looked like he did not want Bill to talk to him. He looked back uninterestedly „Hmm.“
„Thank you for that day,“ Bill smiled politely.
„Look Bill, Tom’s my best dude. I wanted to help him not you. I didn’t want him to go to the principle. That’s it. Don’t be so thankful,“ Henry uttered rudely and walked to the open commodes. Bill sighed. He silently walked out of the washroom. Tom was coming from the corridor. Bill quickly took the turn and started walking.

„Hey Bill, Bill stop,“ Tom called. He almost rushed after Bill. Bill took quick steps to get rid of Tom. He did not run so that Tom will not know that he had seen him already. „Billie, stop,“ Tom grabbed Bill’s wrist, not too firm. Bill looked annoyed.

„What is it?“ he clucked his tongue with exasperation.
„Come with me,“ he pulled Bill away with him, behind the school building where usually lovers go to make out __ nobody else.
„Where are you taking me?“ Bill tried to get off his grip as before but failed as before.
„Shh,“ Tom clucked his tongue. „Don’t struggle stupidly,“ he took him there. Luckily (for Tom), no one was there today. There was a lake behind the building, the big one. The school stadium was after the lake. There was a rounded way to return to the school building directly from the stadium. And the bank of the lake was quite wide like a small field and the bank was filled with grass and surrounded by lots of banyan, pine and towering coconut trees. Tom stopped behind the building and left Bill’s hand. Bill grimaced. He looked around for a while rubbing his wrist that Tom had held so solidly. It was beautiful far and wide.

„Wow… this place is beautiful,“ Bill uttered to himself.

„I know…“ Tom pulled his collar up. „You should thank me for bringing you here,“ he shrugged. That’s when Bill came to sense.
„And why did you bring me here?“ he asked apathetically. Tom leaned against a coconut tree. „Because I wanted some time alone with you.“
Bill gasped in disbelief.
„What? Are you gay?“
„No… are you?“ Tom asked back humorously. Bill looked away frustratedly. „You’re… so annoying.“
„Thank you. I’ll take it as a compliment from you,“ Tom teased. Bill folded his arms against his chest and grimaced.
„That was a compliment from me.“

Tom laughed. He bent forward pulling Bill’s arm close to him. Bill widened his eyes in shock. „You’re not gonna kiss me like yesterday, are you?“

„Actually Kaulitz… “ Tom thought something. „I am gonna kiss you,“ he teased.
„No, let me go,“ Bill protested and tried to pull his hand back. Tom pulled him close against his chest like he did yesterday. Bill pouted. Tom sneered teasingly. Bill glared at him poisonously.
„Don’t give me that look… it tempts me more,“ Tom teased lovingly. Bill gasped furrowing his eyebrows together in disbelief.
„You’re such a pervert… leave me,“ Bill yelled.
„Shh, stop yelling. I’m not fucking you,“ Tom placed a surprising sudden soft kiss on Bill’s lips like yesterday. Bill snapped.
„Ugh!“ he groaned hatefully.

„Hey,“ Tom asked very softly. He looked remarkably casual and calmed down.

„What?“ Bill groaned.
„I have a match today after the school. You’ll come to see me win the game, won’t you?“ Tom requested tenderly like a child.
Bill jerked in his arms. „I’m so not into sports…“ he struggled. „And why would I come to see your game anyway?“
„Because you love me, don’t you?“
„No!“ Bill yelled in shock. „I don’t… are you insane? I’m straight.“
„How much straight?“ Tom leaned forward putting his fingers into Bill’s hair. As Bill tried to lean away Tom clutched his hair still and stiff there. Bill panicked. He widened his eyes.
„Please don’t kiss me.“ He pleaded helplessly.
„Sorry my organs don’t stay in control. Apology please,“ Tom teased and rested his manly lips on Bill’s soft feminine boyish varied lips.

Bill squeezed his eyes shut in disgust. Tom’s lip ring gave a chilly touch on Bill’s bottom lip. Slowly Tom’s hungry tongue slipped out and slid into Bill’s mouth fighting all urges he had been through in his head till now. Bill’s eyes snapped open widely in panic. A sudden cold bone cracking shiver ran down his spine vibrating his entire body. Tom wrapped his one arm around Bill’s thin slender waist and other hand was working on holding Bill close in his hair. Tom found out Bill had a tongue piercing. He carefully explored Bill’s mouth. Bill did not reply back to his kiss. He knew he was weak and helpless. He feebly waited for Tom to halt at the kiss. He just pointlessly tried to push Tom away which did not even look like a protest in anyway. Tom explored the mouth greedily. He felt so familiar with the touch of Bill’s torso against his body. It felt like he had felt this same touch before. But where? Where did he feel the touch? Yesterday? No, it felt older, somewhere from the old memories. Somewhere so close, too close in a small space to be apart, like a cocoon.

Tom put his tongue out of Bill’s mouth when he felt the urgent need of inhalation. He breathed heavily taking Bill’s face in his hands. Bill looked dependently at the face staring into his eyes with curiosity. Bill’s narrow beautiful eyes looked somewhat memorable like he had seen those eyes lots of times earlier than; from some so close, so close with no worries of being taken away from the gaze. Tom could see his own reflection into those mysterious mirror eyes. Was it actually a refection or the other part of him? He could not figure himself out. For the moment Tom felt like a stranger. He could not recognize himself. It felt like he was watching himself for the first time in his life. He did not know who he actually was. He had seen his existent genuine face into those reflecting eyes, those light brown oceanic eyes. Unwillingly or maybe unknowingly tears filled Tom’s curious questiony eyes.

Bill’s livid helpless eyes turned softer. He was so close to Tom that his breaths were falling at his face. Even he could see his own reflection into those dark brown eyes at those tears. Bill’s eyes stared widely into those eyes at his mirror image. He could see himself clearly. They stared into each other’s eyes curiously with no blinks for a long time. Two slight drops of tears fell from Tom’s eyes directly at Bill face, down his eyes that looked like Bill was crying. Bill did not blink at the touch of the teardrops. They were surprised. Why did they seem so familiar to each other?

author: amazinglife2011

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