Someday In This Forever 8.

author: amazinglife2011

Tom was resting his elbows on the bench and his face was placed on his hands. He immediately sat straight and wrote down the sums on the board each time Mr. Smiths turned to see the students finishing the sums. As soon as he turned to write, Tom again sat drowsily. Rebecca once kissed quietly on his cheek before Mr. Smiths turns. Tom smirked. All of a sudden, they heard a knock at the door frame.
„May I come in, Mr. Smiths?“
All the students looked at the door in unison. They started whispering to each other. Tom’s eyes were still stuck at the door frame. His thirsty and keen eyes were staring there. He felt not only the soothing warmth, but also a peaceful ease in his chest. Bill was breathing heavily there with a questiony face.

„Come in, Mr. Kaulitz.“ Mr. Smiths permitted. He did not care about how Bill looks. Bill silently walked in without looking around. He was walking with his head down. He took his seat at the corner. Tom was happier. He then happily started paying attention on what Mr. Smiths was saying. And everyone else was staring at Bill with horrified eyes. They all had seen the worst case scenario last week. They were utterly surprised watching Bill attending the school. Nobody usually goes to school after being such badly bullied.

At the lunch break, Bill was walking through the corridor of the ground floor. He stopped at his locker. He put off the thin chain from his neck that he wore with other necklaces. He has started using the key as the locket of the chain. He unlocked the locker. A slight shiver of painful flashbacks vibrated through his veins. He could not forget how he returned here from the washroom leaving Tom behind. He stumbled on each step. When he opened his locker with the key that Henry put into his jacket’s pocket, he saw the meats pieces were still in there. Matt hid them here when principle was coming. They were gross of course but couldn’t they just keep it away from his locker? He had to clean these nasty things that day with that wounded body. He slept the entire day left and night when he returned home after the school. He also threw up back then at home because he was vegetarian and those meats hung around in his head all over the night. He still wonders how come the boys could open his locker to keep the meats.

Bill sighed awkwardly. He peeked in at first to see if there was anything gross. By god’s grace it was containing his schoolbag and some books only. He sighed in relief. He put the notebooks into the locker which he had in his hand and locked the locker. As he turned to go to the staffroom, he saw Tom staring at him leaning against the wall. He had a smirk on his face. Bill quickly looked away pretending as if he did not see him. He walked ahead, praying not be picked on or disturbed by the guy smirking at him. His heart beats were getting faster as the distance between them was reducing. Bill felt his heart pounding solidly inside. He wanted to turn around and run away, but he needed to meet the Zoology teacher, Mr. Holms. He stopped there and took a deep breath in, trying to encourage himself to go ahead. Tom raised one eyebrow smiling teasingly. Bill felt more hesitant and confused. He shook his head and walked ahead. He made himself clear that he was not going to be hurt by that guy gazing at him. Bill reached almost next to Tom. He took another quick step ahead when shockingly Tom grabbed his arm with a whooshing speed. Bill crashed against his chest. He panicked.

„What?“ he gasped.

Tom smirked.
„Come with me,“ he pulled his arm with him as he walked to the washroom of the fourth floor where usually his friends do not go. Bill struggled to get off his grip but his attempts were pointless as always. He was feeble. Tom went into the washroom locking the door behind.
„What the heck is wrong with you?“ Bill yelled.
„Shh,“ Tom gently pressed him against the wall and stepped closer. Bill widened his eye dreadfully.
„Where are you doing?“ he panicked.
„Don’t panic, Bill…“ Tom murmured. His breathe was falling at Bill’s smooth thin face. He wanted to lean away but there was wall behind him. „I’m sorry for that day,“ Tom uttered apologetically.
Bill raised his eyebrows cautiously. „Please leave me,“ he pleaded but politely.
„Relax… I’m not gonna hurt you,“ Tom put his finger tip on Bill’s lips.

Bill widened his eyes. He did not expect Tom like that. Besides, he was talking so adoringly. Since when did he turn out to be so romantic to guys? Was he even straight now? Bill wondered to himself at the moment. Tom bent close to him and unpredictably he pressed a soft kiss on Bill’s lips. Bill pushed him away without delay.

„Are you insane? I’m not gay,“ he shouted.
Tom smirked. He again compressed Bill against the wall but tenderly.
„Calm down… I’m not gonna hurt I said,“ he assured smiling like an angel at him. Bill raised one eyebrow.
„You’ve lost your mind. Is this a prank? If it is, then it’s really worst than ever.“
„It’s not a prank…“ Tom pressed himself against Bill. „My feelings are not prank. Why do they seem prank to you?“ He asked rightfully.
Bill gasped in disbelief.

„What’s wrong with you? You wanna hit me? Do it hurry… but just stop… stop it!“ he sounded disgusted.

„I’m not kidding, Bill… I missed you last week. I’m so sorry for hitting you that day… I’m sorry for everything. You don’t know how I’ve passed the entire week. There wasn’t a single second when I didn’t think of you… trust me,“ Tom sounded pure.
Bill narrowed his eyes with disgust.
„You know what? You sound so cheap. Leave me!“ he groaned struggling. Tom pressed himself more rigidly so that Bill will not be able to go. Bill rolled his eyes.
„Just tell me that you forgave me,“ Tom asked with love in his voice. He had found Bill irresistible in last few days. He did not know why actually was he doing all this but he knew he was right, just correct.

„Okay, okay, I forgave you… leave me now,“ Bill tried to push him away but failed as usual.

Tom grinned with a satisfaction on his face.
„I’m so happy you’re finally here. Promise me you’re not gonna leave the school, are you?“
„Ugh! For god’s sake… leave me! I’m not gonna leave the school,“ Bill groaned. Tom’s grin widened.
„Yes, yes… leave me now,“ Bill yelled.
„Thank you so much,“ Tom hugged him warmly. Bill looked away.
„Leave me please.“
„Love me please,“ Tom teased affectionately. Bill shot him a horrified glare.
„Leave me,“ Bill yelled.
„Love me.“ He teased once again.
„Leave me!!“
„Love me,“ Tom sounded utterly relaxed. Bill sighed. Tom laughed heartily. He brushed his fingers into Bill’s golden tresses. Bill started dodging away but did not succeed. Tom laughed.
„You’re so childish,“ he came close to kiss him again.

Bill looked away hiding his face. Tom held his chin and turned his face confronting each other. Bill squeezed his eyes shut. Tom chuckled and another kiss tapped Bill’s lips. Bill looked utterly horror-struck. Then Tom kissed a few times on his cheeks playing with Bill’s hair behind him. Bill tried inanely to push him away. He felt ridiculous. Eventually Tom left him and moved aside giving him space to go. He pointed to the door .

„All yours,“ he smiled kindly at Bill. Bill shook his head in disbelief. Bill unlocked the door and ran away. He thought it was just a trick to prove everyone that he was a gay. Bill did not want to be trapped in their new web. But he was too helpless and frail to protest because none was going to help him.

author: amazinglife2011

2 thoughts on “Someday In This Forever 8.

  1. Tom! :D… Nasty boy. :D… Poor Billy. I can understand him. Tom have almost killed him at first and He's like sweetie now. Uh, I think that Tom'll have tought times with Bill. I don't think that he'll have Bill's trust very soon.

  2. wow it´s amazing!
    Tuhle povídku by mohla nějaká hodná duše překládat:)! škoda, že nejsem v Aj tak zručná..
    Btw: Taky bych Tomovi nevěřila:D  Tak doufám, že mu to dá Bill pěkně vyžrat:) i když si osobně myslím, že mu za chvíli stejně neodolá.

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