author: amazinglife2011
Tom parked the bike. He was expressionless and his eyes were a bit puffy. Someone put his hand on his shoulder. Tom jumped and looked back immediately.
„Whoa, calm down dude. What’s wrong?“ Joey said grinning. He looked really refreshed and healthy. A wide grin flashed on Tom’s face.
„Hey you’re back,“ he grabbed Joey’s arms and hugged him warmly. „How’s your health now?“
„Yeah, fine,“ Joey pulled back. „Come on let’s go they’re waiting for you,“ Joey pulled Tom into the building with him. Tom laughed. Joey almost danced. „We have a breaking news.“
Tom narrowed his eyes smiling.
„What news?“
„Don’t be so impatient.“
„Yeah whatever… “ Tom shrugged. Girls were waving at him. He winked at them and stopped „Hey Joey… you go. I’ll be right back and don’t forget to keep Becky busy,“ he said mischievously. Joey smirked. He let go Tom’s arm and walked away. Tom walked back to the girls. „Hey girls, good morning,“ he leaned against the wall. Girls started giggling. They whispered something to each other.
„Hey Tomi.“ Some of the girls greeted him. They walked close to him. Tom smirked. Automatically his arms got wrapped around their waists.
„So what’s the hot news today?“
„That Tomi’s back to school.“ A girl replied smirking at him. Tom leered and licked his lip ring attracting the girls.
„Okay then… see you soon,“ he left the waists. „Bye,“ and waved at them smirking. He walked to the corridor with still a mischievous smirk stuck down his face.
„Hey, guys,“ he hugged the boys altogether. They laughed and hugged him back. The girls along with Rebecca were grinning.
„Thank god you’re back… my beauty was dying without your sight,“ Rebecca said leaning against Tom’s chest. Tom raised his eyebrows. He chuckled and pressed a soft kiss on her lips. She grinned. „Okay, boys, come to the class hurry… let’s go, girls,“ she pulled Kelly and Raven along with her. Tom grimaced on her back. He at first wiped the sticky glossy strawberry smelling lip gloss from his lips and made a funny face mouthing a „yuck“. Joey, Harry and Matt burst into laughter.
„No seriously, guys… I actually hate her lip gloss,“ he pouted. They laughed.
„Hey, Tomi, we’ve got a new freak in our class. He joined yesterday,“ Harry notified.
Tom raised one eyebrow. „Really?“
„Mm-hmm,“ Matt nodded smiling evilly.
„Cool,“ Tom smirked. „A new freak means a new victim,“ he grinned. „Attack!“ he whispered. „Yesh!“ others announced simultaneously. „He must be into the class right now… let’s go.“ Joey said heading for the classroom.
The teacher has not yet come. Students were chattering, especially girls. Some boys were watching girls with dirty eyes, some were talking over games and some were reading but there was only one person sitting in the middle who looked really, really different; actually poles apart. His jet black hair was long, neck length. But they were all puffed up, making them look more different. There were some golden and brown strands in his hairs. He had an eyebrow piercing and dark black makeup on his eyes with a perfect coat of mascara on his lids. His elbows were on the table and fingers were locked together. He was resting his face on his hand. There were black pearled rings in every single finger. He had black nail polish nicely painted on his nails and the tips were painted white. He had a few necklaces around his neck. His clothing was black, fashionably tighter, tighter than ever on his thin slender body. He looked so perfect, debonair and… sexy. He looked rather like a girl more than like a boy. His feminine features were making him more gorgeous and unlike the others around him. But hesitation, uneasiness and discomfort was clear on his beautiful thin face.
Tom felt an unexplainable happiness watching their new victim. He raised his eyebrows and smirked.
„Whoo! She’s hot and definitely sexy though she’s a freak,“ he uttered to his friends.
„Excuse me, it’s a he not she. He’s the guy and he makes himself look like a girl. That’s what makes him a freak.“ Harry cleared.
Tom’s smirk widened. „Interesting and yummy… I might go gay. Don’t mind… okay?“ he said humorously. Matt laughed. Harry and Joey rolled their eyes smiling.
„Take your seats, boys,“ Tom said with an evil grin. They took their seats. Harry sat next to the new gorgeous person who did not seem to be so friendly.
Harry cleared his throat. „Well…“
The boy snapped a cornered look at him, he looked expressionless though.
„Hello… I’m Harry and you?“
A slight smile spread down the boy’s face. „Hi, I’m Bill, Bill Kaulitz,“ he smiled politely. Harry raised his eyebrows.
„Ahhh… cool. I found it here,“ he held a pen before Bill. „Is it yours?“
Bill narrowed his eyes a little bit.
„No,“ he shook his head.
„No have a look, it must be yours… look, look,“ he forcefully started handing Bill the pen. Bill leaned away.
„No, it isn’t,“ he cleared every time Harry leaned forward.
„It must be yours… see,“ saying that, Harry shook the pen vehemently in the air and all the blue ink splattered out darting at Bill’s jacket and also splashed a few drops on his face that made him look more stunning. Everyone started laughing.
Tom raised one eyebrow. Bill was closing his eyes so that ink will not go into his eyes. He gradually opened his eyes and looked down at himself. His jacket was utterly ruined with ink. He had a painful reaction on his face. He stood and others laughed at him pointing their fingers at him.
„Aww… sucks to be you, Billie,“ some guys teased. Rebecca and her friends giggled hiding their faces.
„You know what… I feel so jealous about your makeup,“ Rebecca taunted. „Lend me your nail paint, Bill.“ Another girl teased. A tear drop sparkled at a corner of Bill’s left eye. He did not care about any other taunt. He just ran away from the class room not by being ashamed, but to look good once again since his makeup was almost ruined. He rushed to the washroom. The face-wash he had with him in his bag was not able to make the stain disappear from his face. Neither could he clean his stiff leather jacket. As a result he had to put the jacket off and the blue stains on his right cheek were a bit faint now but not vanished. He sighed frustratedly and grimaced to himself. He put the jacket into the bag and threw it into the locker. He returned to the classroom with a slight frown on his face. The teacher, Mr. Hawking was already there giving his lectures. Bill hurried as he saw him from the corridor. „May I come in?“ he asked politely from the door frame.
Mr. Hawking turned to see. He raised one eyebrow watching the guy and the black smudges of makeup around his eyes. Bill still looked elegant but Mr. Hawking did not seem to be so happy to see the new student. He grimaced. „Come in Mr. Kaulitz.“
Bill silently walked in and took his seat when one of the boys made an awkward sound like crow with his mouth. Others gigged sneakily. So did Tom. Bill just kept his head down. He felt awkward and embarrassed among those people.
„Silence.“ Mr. Hawking scolded. He shook his head with annoyance and started giving the lectures once again. Students giggled and noted down what he said. Bill quietly wrote down the lectures. He sighed genuinely without a sound. He felt bad, actually dire because yesterday was his first day. Harry and Matt as well as other senior kids have already bullied him on his first day. It’s been one year he is been living in Los Angeles. He had to leave the last school because of the same problem. He had always had problems with people around him. No one ever wants to make him a friend because of his unusual attitude. They call him a freak. Now here he was having the same problem. He did not know that his father had sent him to another golden cage.
author: amazinglife2011
Počet zobrazení (od 15.6.2021): 3
wow so I like it so hopefully it stands up for Tom sometimes not? Well, I look forward to the Tom learns that his brother Bill and to let Rebeca .. Come next episode
This chapter has really surprised me.. it will be very interesting and I am really curious what will be Tom doing, when he finds, who is Bill 🙂
That was so HORRIBLE! I's kick Harry's ass! It hurt me for Bill. He was so happy that somebody talked to him and then… OMG. :/
I hope that Tom'll find very soon out who's Bill.
Thanks for nice chapter! 😉
*I'd kick
*I'd kick and It hurts … I was so annoyed