No-Man’s Land 8. (END)

author: Denie

„I need your help.“

„Huh?“ The brown-haired boy turned around and smirked at the other boy. „Hi to you, too, man. How was your weekend? Mine was fine, thanks for asking.“

The dread-headed teenager rolled his eyes. „Hi, it was fine… now, I need your help.“

„With what exactly?“

„Actually… with uhm…“ Tom just threw his hands in the air and glared at Dean until the other boy finally understood. When he nodded, Tom rolled his eyes again. „Can we talk somewhere else maybe? I really don’t need anyone to hear us.“

„Sure. It’s lunch break, we can go out behind the school.“ Tom only nodded and impatiently waited until Dean grabbed his things and was ready to leave. Neither one of them noticed one of Tom’s biggest enemies following closely behind.

„So, what’s up?“ asked Dean as soon as they reached a small park behind the school building.

Tom stared at his friend for a while before he finally exhaled and sat down on the low wall. „I wanna be with Bill.“

„Okay, we talked about this already.“

„Yeah, yeah… but I think you might be the only one who can help me be with him for real.“

There was a short silence. „What do you mean, for real?“

Tom didn’t say anything, just watched his friend. Every time the boy came home from school or from seeing Bill, he was thinking. He thought about being with Bill, about ways how to be with him. And he found out one.

„Wait, you mean… like death?“

Tom only nodded. „Yes, I do. It’s the only way how to be with him and… I need to find out how to do it. It can’t be suicide and it can’t be a murder either. I have to die by unnatural way. Like Bill did.“

„Wait, wait, wait! What the hell are you talking about? Are you serious, Tom?! You really want me to help you find a way for you to kill yourself?“

„I do. I know it’s stupid but I want this.“

„What the- Tom did you think about your mother? About your father and friends? What will they do? You’re the only thing your mother has, Tom!“

„I know!“ shouted Tom and tears were visible in his eyes. „I know, Dean, I know it, alright?! I just… my life sucks. I never was a popular kid, wherever I went, they bullied me. People hated me for my father’s life, for my own homosexuality. My mom cries almost every single night because of me, because of problems I have. She loves me more than anything and I know it, but with me, she won’t be happy! She’s seeing Gordon now, and dad’s gonna be out of her life soon, so she has a chance for new life! This is a chance for both of us, Dean!“

The light brown haired boy was shaking his head in disbelief. He must be dreaming; Tom simply couldn’t be serious about something like this. Or was he? If so, it was Dean’s fault, it was him who suggested thinking about being with Bill.

„No, Tom! Stop it, I won’t do this!“

The dread-head made a frustrated whimper and sat down on the wall again. „Please… just help me find a way. Please, Dean. I love him, I can’t live without him. And it’s hurting him, being with me. The two of us were meant to be together, but my death is… well, needed.“ Tom thought about it really hard; he wrote all the pros and cons for this, and even if the cons were in supremacy, the pros had Bill. It was all that was needed for Tom to make a decision.

The elder teenager wanted to reject the idea again, but when he saw Tom’s broken expression, he couldn’t do it. In the last few days, Tom talked to him a lot over the phone, he told him almost everything about Bill and his relationship, about their lives. And Dean knew how much Tom loved Bill, how much this raven-haired dead boy meant to him. If anything else, finding a way is not the murder itself, right?

„Okay, okay, I’ll help you.“

Tom’s eyes lit up immediately and he happily hugged his friend. „Thank you, Dean!! You really are a good friend!“

„Oh, sure I am! But I will only help find you something, I won’t do anything else.“

„Okay, okay! Thank you!“ Tom almost kissed him from happiness.

To someone it might seem as foolishness, being happy that you will help someone else die, but to Tom, it meant the world. He wasn’t able to do it alone, and Dean was the only one person who knew about Bill, except his mother, who never saw the boy, and he was the only one who Tom could asked for help.

To Tom, it was like holidays. He didn’t want anything more than to be with Bill for ever.

The hug of the two teenagers was seen by boss’s right hand. He was watching them from behind the corner and even if he couldn’t hear what they were talking about, he could still see. And to him, the two of them were automatically lovers.

„Well, well Trümper. You’ll suffer, baby boy.“

With that, the senior student turned around and with a smirk playing on his lips, went right to his boss.

„I’ll meet you tonight in the library, okay? I have to go now, Tom. Georg wants to show me something in town.“

„It’s okay. I’ll be there. Thanks again, Dean.“ Tom smiled at his friend and when they parted, he happily went home. He felt really bad for being happy of his upcoming death, but boy, he couldn’t help it. Dean would help him to find a way, and then he would be with Bill for eternity.

He wasn’t looking around; he was lost in his own world with Bill. And that’s exactly why Tom was so surprised when someone knocked him to the ground.

„What the hell?“

„Well, well Trümper. It’s a long time since we talked.“

Tom narrowed his eyes and tried to catch his breath. He coughed a little and sat up. „What do you want?“

The other boy smirked and huffed. „I heard you’re a queer, Trümper. You have any idea what we do to dick’s like you?“

„How do you know?“

„A wind told me,“ laughed the other boy and kicked some dirt at Tom from the ground he was sitting at. „I heard you even have a boyfriend.“

Tom froze; this jerk can’t know about Bill, it’s impossible.

„I don’t have a boyfriend.“

„Well, the wind saw you with one. Don’t lie to me, Trümper. What does that fag do to you? Does he giving you blowjobs? Actually, I might want one, too.“

„Fuck you,“ spat Tom and stood up. „And if you’ll excuse me, I have to go home.“ He tried to get around, but was stopped by two strong pairs of arms. „Let go!“

„No, Trümper. Maybe it was okay in your old home, being a fag, but it’s not okay here. Every single fag paid for it, and so will you.“

„You’re not normal!“

„Maybe,“ laughed other boy and smacked Tom in his stomach. „But I’m definitely in a better position than you right now.“ Another smack and Tom whimpered in pain. But he wasn’t going to let them win by hearing him cry from pain.He let his eyes shut and no sound louder than a whimper left his clenched teeth. He couldn’t fight back, but he wasn’t giving up either. Tom tried his best to avoid the pain in his body; he knew when he stopped responding, they would let him go sooner or later. He hoped for sooner.

„We’re not done yet, Trümper,“ hissed one of the boys and they let go of Tom. The dread-head fell to the ground, gasping for air. His whole body was sore and his nose was bleeding. He looked around, but all three boys were running away. Tom didn’t wonder what happened to make them run away, he was just too happy he was free again.

It took him few more minutes before he was able to stand up on his shaky legs and slowly go home. He didn’t want his mother to see him like this, so he entered the house from the back door and as quietly as he could, Tom went to the bathroom and washed away the blood. As soon as he was clean, the boy disappeared to his room and changed into a clean shirt. He then lay down on his bed, breathing heavily. It was a really long time since they talked to Tom, let alone touched him. But this was a really painful encounter.

Sooner than Tom could realize it, he fell asleep.

A loud beeping of his phone woke him up an hour later, though. The dread-head groaned tiredly and reached for his phone, flipping it open. „Yeah?“ he wheezed out.

„Hey, Tom. It’s me, Dean. You’re sleeping?“

„Oh crap! I’m sorry man, I forgot.“ Tom hurriedly sat up and groaned as pain shot through his body.

„It’s okay, don’t stress. You’re okay?“

„Sure. I’ll be there in-„

„No, Tom,“ Dean interrupted him, „I have some news I want talk with you about. I’m on my way to your house. I’ll be there in ten, okay?“

Tom shrugged with a nod before he realized his friend couldn’t see him over the phone. „Sure, I’ll be waiting outside.“ He hung up the phone and stood up from bed, carefuly stretching his aching muscles. He glanced out of his window, looking for Bill. But the raven-haired boy wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Tom sighed and left his room, careful for his mother not to see him. He slipped out of the house and slowly walked down the path, already seeing his friend in distance.

„Hey, Dean. So, what news?“

„What the hell happened, Tom?! You got hit by a truck or something?!“

„Err, nah, it was just… those stupid jerks from school. I met them on my way home, and they somehow found out about me being gay, that’s all.“

„Oh shit, you okay, right?“ Tom only nodded, impatient for news. „Okay, okay,“ laughed Dean a little and sat down on the grass. He waited for Tom to join him. „Well, I talked with Marcella when we were in the town and I asked her about… you know, death.“

„You didn’t tell her, did you?!“

„No! Easy, Tom, I won’t tell her anything. I just asked her for her opinion since she’s the one who’s into local history.“

Tom relaxed a bit and nodded. „And what did she say?“

„Well,“ Dean hesitated. „I asked her if there is any way to die unnaturally with someone’s help. She asked me why, so I told her, that I might be thinking about doing a project at school about Bill and the story about him. You know, that made up essay,“ Tom only nodded in agreement. „Well, I asked what she would do if Bill was real and she would want to be with him, like in the afterlife. Man, she thought I wanted to commit suicide,“ laughed Dean, and Tom had to when he saw his friends face.

„Don’t blame her, it sounds pretty lame,“ laughed Tom.

„I know! Anyway, she told me that I was crazy but she would think about dying on the cliff or beach ‚cause these are places where Bill can go. And the way how to do it… she told me, that the only way according to her is…“

„Is? C’mon!“

„Falling down from the cliff or drowning in the sea,“ finished Dean with a sad expression.

The silence fell upon two boys, both lost in their own thoughts.

‚So, if I wanna die, someone has to push me down from the cliff, by accident of course. I don’t see a way to drown by accident, shit.‘

„How will I do it? Bill will see and he will stop me.“

„Well, he won’t when there is someone else with you.“

Once again, the two teenagers were silent. Tom was thinking hard. Did he really want to do this? Dis he really want to be with Bill in such a way? Would it hurt? Would death come quick for him? And what if he didn’t die, only harm himself? What then? On the other side, Dean wasn’t thinking at all. He did what his friend asked him for and now his head was completely blank. The boy just didn’t want to believe he just told his friend how to die. The whole thing was insane; Tom was as old as Dean and still he wanted to throw his life away and die for a dead-ghost boy. It wasn’t normal, it wasn’t okay at all. And still, Dean was here, hugging Tom’s shoulders.

„You sure you want this, Tom?“

The dread-head only nodded, his eyes focused on something in the distance. He was sure he wanted this, but the thought was still hard. He would have to leave his mother, his friends, his life. He wouldn’t see Andreas ever again. He would be the reason for his mother’s miserable tears. Even his father would maybe cry for his loss. But then again… Tom’s life sucked. He was never happy, he never had many friends and those few he had here, well, he would be seeing Dean even then, he was sure about it. And the others? Well, they weren’t so close to him. But his mother… would Tom be able to leave his mother?

„You don’t have to do this, Tom. Bill doesn’t want this from you. Actually, he wants you alive, do you remember?“

„I…“ Tom’s voice broke. He took in a deep breath and tried again. „I know, but it’s hurting him, being with me when I’m alive. I don’t want him suffering, Dean, I love him too much for this. I… I want to do it.“

Dean only sighed. He didn’t say anything; he knew it was useless, Tom already made his decision.


„I love you, mom!“

Simone laughed and kissed her son’s forehead. „I love you too, honey.“ In the last few days, he was acting really odd, always telling her how much she meant to him. Simone thought it was just because of an argument they had the night when Tom got beat up by the school boss. They were shouting, Simone crying, but in the end, she hugged her little baby boy and every harsh word was long forgotten.

„But I mean it, okay?“ Tom made sure his mother took his words seriously before he let go of her. He was planning his death for the next week, on Saturday, when his mother would be in the nearby city with Gordon. It’d be much easier if she wasn’t at home. But he wanted to make sure she knew how much he loved her. It hurt him, knowing he wouldn’t be able to hug her like this ever again after that.

„I know, honey. Now go or you’ll be late for your last day at school.“

Tom rolled his eyes and laughed. „Oh, you want to get rid of me so much?“

„Sure I want to! You’re annoying! Now get off,“ Simone laughed and Tom kissed her cheek, leaving the kitchen. The last few weeks he was walking to school, it gave him much more time for thinking, and the fresh air was good for him, too.

„Hey,“ Dean greeted him when they met halfway to school. The two were spending as much time together as possible. It was at the expense of Bill, but Tom wanted to be with his friend as much as he could. He would be with Bill for the rest of his existence, after all.

„Hi,“ smiled Tom and they went together into the school. „Want to come over tonight? Mom will be at work so I have the house for myself.“

„Sounds good, but I have to check with the folks, it’s boring but we’re doing this dinner every year.“

„Oh, okay,“ Tom only nodded and smiled; this meant more time with Bill once again. „You can come tomorrow, then?“


They talked all the way to the school, then they had to part for their classes. Tom was happy to know this was the last day of school. He wouldnt have to see this building ever again; this was really a big pro on his list.

The day at school wasn’t as long as others, they had only a few classes, then they were released. Tom was happy to go home. He wanted to have a long shower and then be with Bill on the beach until late. They hadn’t spent much time together lately and even if Tom knew this would change soon, he still missed Bill a lot.

He ran upstairs, undressing on the way. He stepped into the shower stall and let the cool water hit his body. It felt nice. The weather was unbelievably overheated. When his body started freezing, Tom turned up the temperature and slowly, with long, soothing strokes, washed his body. His hand curiously went astray to his crotch, too, but Tom wasn’t sure he was in the mood for jerking off.

After a while, he stopped the water and rubbed his body with a fluffy towel. He would miss this, the hot shower and fluffy towels smelling so nicely. Tom sighed and put on some underwear, a white tank-top and loose jeans. His stomach grumbled; Tom was hungry. He sighed and went to the kitchen where he made himself tuna sandwich with apple juice.

„Man, you’re gonna be sick,“ he mumbled to himself and shook his head over the combination, then laughed. Who cared? He’s not going to do any consuming activities anyway. As soon as his sandwich was gone, Tom cleaned the kitchen counter and went out. The heat hit his face and he groaned. Maybe he could swim a bit.


Tom jumped up, a bit surprised. He smiled when Bill showed up in front of him and before he could say something, other boy was all over him, kissing him.

„I missed you!“

Tom laughed and hugged raven-haired boy. „I missed you, too, Billie.“

„How’s Dean?“ asked Bill politely and kissed Tom again. He didn’t want the answer anyway. Kissing Tom was much better.

„Good, I guess. Wanna swim a bit?“

Bill rolled his eyes. „Nah, I can’t, remember? And anyway, the underflow is pretty strong today; I don’t want you in the water either.“

Tom sighed. „Okay, we’ll stay on the beach,“ agreed Tom and got another deep kiss. He laughed into the kiss and deepened it a bit. God, he missed Bill’s sweet, plush lips. „I love you, did I tell you already?“

Bill cooed in his ear and laughed. „Well, not today. And I love you, too.“

They kissed one more time and then, hand in hand, walked along the beach, talking about everything. Tom, really unobtrusively, was asking Bill about his world; what it looked like, how it felt, if there were any differences. And Bill, unsuspecting, told him everything. He thought Tom just wanted to know more about place he was living at, that’s all.

„Do you eat?“

„No, not actually. There’s nothing like food,“ smiled Bill and lay his head down on Tom’s lap, perfectely relaxed. It might hurt him being with Tom, but it never could stop him from being close to the dread-headed boy, to feel his body warmth, his sweet scent.

„Oh, okay,“ Tom nodded and ran his fingers through Bill’s smooth hair. He couldn’t wait to see Bill’s world. One more week and he would see everything. The teenager sighed and bent down, kissing Bill’s forehead. Bill smiled up at him and hugged him around his waist. If it was just up to the raven-haired boy, they would spend the rest of their day like this: closely hugging and occasionally kissing. That was all Bill needed.

But someone up there had other plans.

„Tomi?“ whimpered Bill some time later and winced at the strong pain that shot through his whole body.

„What? What is it, Billie?“ Tom was alert. He knelt beside Bill, his head in his lap, and brushed away a few hairs. „Bill, what’s wrong?“

„It… hurts,“ Bill breathed out heavily and tried to relax but the pain was way too strong. „I… I think someone’s coming,“ added Bill wheezily and once again winced at the pain.

Tom’s head shot up and he was looking around; if someone was coming, he would stop them. But he didn’t see anyone. All around them was complete peace. Wait… something moved above their heads. The dread-head shot a glance at the cliff and his heart almost stopped; they were there, grinning at him.

Tom swallowed.

„Billie? Billie, please! Can you disappear? Please, my angel, could you do this for me?“

The black-haired boy almost couldn’t focus on Tom’s low whispering but he tried. Even if it hurt, he opened his eyes and gasped for air. „W-why?“

Tom was hurting himself, to look at Bill was so painful, and he couldn’t do anything about it. „Just do it, please, my love. Someone’s coming and it would hurt you. I don’t want this. Please Billie, do it, we’ll see later, I promise!“ He was desperately kissing all over Bill’s face. He tried to hide the fear that spread through his body, but Bill could sense it, though he didn’t care right now. The pain in him was so strong, so painful, he almost forgot to breathe, so he only nodded and as soon as his lips were kissed by Tom’s, he disappeared.

And Tom was left alone to his destiny.

„What do you want here?“

„Say hi first, Trümper, it’s polite,“ laughed one of the boys and walked closer to him. Tom looked over his shoulder, just to be sure Bill wasn’t still there. He really didn’t want him there right now. „You’re here alone? Amazing,“ added the huge boy and the two others laughed.

„What do you want?“ asked Tom again, prepared for everything.

„We want you, I told you we’re not done yet.“

Tom took in a deep breath, in an attempt to calm down. What could they possibly do to him; beat him up? It’s nothing serious and Tom would survive it. Maybe he could fight with them, to make sure they would get something in return.

„You want me for what exactly?“

The three huge boys only laughed. Tom narrowed his eyes, didn’t they said something about a blowjob? Tom felt sick.

„Fuck off,“ he spat out, brave enough to defend his honor. But it was a mistake. The three were much stronger and taller than Tom, so when they surrounded him, he knew he lost.

It didn’t last long; punches were coming fast and strong. Tom, once again, refused to show his weakness, his body still hurt like hell. But the only thing he could think about was Bill. The dread-head hoped his lover wouldn’t see anything of this. It would break Bill’s heart.

Tom was praying for the end. He couldn’t feel his abs anymore, his chest felt as if there wasn’t any unbroken rib left. His face was full of blood. He didn’t feel the punches anymore; he couldn’t hear rough voices and laughter above him. Slowly, everything around him was getting more and more fuzzy. Tom tried to keep his eyes open, but everything was shaking, voices above him felt as if they were calling him from a far distance. The boy was slowly losing his consciousness.

„Hey! He’s unconscious!“

„What?! That jerk, I wanted to have some more fun with him!“

„He’s weak,“ laughed one of them and others joined him.

„What are we gonna do with him, now?“

„Leave him here, someone will find him.“

„What about the sea? He could swim.“

Once again, they all laughed and picked up the unconscious body from the ground, heading to the dark sea. Without thinking, they simply threw the dread-head’s body into the water; maybe they thought he would wake up from the feeling of cool water. But Tom didn’t.

The three boys were watching his body rocking with the waves, waiting for him to wake up. But the longer it took, the more they realized something was wrong. They looked at each other and without a second thought, they ran away.


Tom opened his eyes.

He was lying on the beach, his clothes were dry and his body wasn’t sore at all. The sun above the horizon was slowly going down and warmth of Bill’s body was still familiarly pressed against his side. He blinked few times and tried to remember what happened.

The three jerks from school, they pretty muched trashed him. Then Tom lost consciousness. But he felt completely fine. Why? How was it possible when his body was sore as hell before?

„Was it just a dream?“ whispered Tom lowly and closed his eyes again. His head hurt a bit.

„No, Tomi, it wasn’t.“

The dread-head’s eyes shot open again, he was staring at Bill beside him. The raven-haired boy looked different, he sounded different.


He reached his hand up, lightly touching Bill’s cheek. He looked so different. He was still his Billie, but something was different. His face wasn’t as pale as it was before and he was way warmer, his hair was much darker, looked even softer. His voice sounded a bit deeper, too. But this wasn’t what caught Tom’s attention. It was Bill’s eyes. They were different. The brown color in them wasn’t shining as it used to be. Little sparkles which were there before, weren’t there anymore.

„What happened, Billie?“

The asked boy only shook his head and sadness from his eyes was spreading to his whole face. „It wasn’t dream, Tomi. You died.“

„I… I what?!“

„You died,“ repeated Bill in a low voice and from a first tear fell from his eyes, closely followed by others. „It was horrible, Tomi. They were so cruel and, and then you were in the sea and…“ Bill broke into tears and his voice wasn’t able to form words anymore.

Tom was watching him, confused about what the hell Bill was talking about.

He died? How? What?

„Billie, ssh, calm down. Tell me what happened.“ Tom hugged his shaking shoulders and tried his best to be Bill’s support right now, even if he was so confused.

„You were unconscious when they threw you in the water. I… I wanted to help you, but it hurt so badly and I can’t go into the sea!“ Bill’s voice was desperate. „I was calling you, begging you, but nothing. I thought I lost you, you know? But then you suddenly woke up and you tried to fight with the waves, but they were much stronger than you. I was calling for you and… then that boy, Dean came here and he ran after you, trying to help you. But before he could get to you, the underflow caught you and… you disappeared under the water.“

The silence and the quiet sound of the rocking sea were they only sounds that were around the two teenagers. Bill was crying; he was so sorry he couldn’t help Tom. It was horrible for him to see his lover dying. He tried run to the sea, but he simply couldn’t get over that invisible barrier. When Tom’s friend came, he thought he would be saved. But it never happened.

Tom, on the other hand, couldn’t bring his brain to thinking. He was dead, he was sure now, but he couldn’t care less. He was with Bill now, in his world, right? Everything was just as it was meant to be. He was hugging his lover without him suffering from Tom’s closeness. It was what the dread-head wanted the most. Be with Bill forever. And now it happened.

„Don’t cry, Billie,“ whispered Tom finally and wiped away few of Bill’s tears. „It’s not that bad, I can be with you now.“

A small smile on Tom’s lips made Bill stop crying. He was confused, Tom was weird.

„You… you’re okay with that?“

Tom smiled again and stroked Bill’s wet cheek. „I am. I’m happy to be with you, Bill.“

The other boy was watching him suspiciously. He narrowed his eyes and punched Tom to his shoulder; the dread-head made a whimpering sound.

„You planned this?!“

„What? No! Bill, I definitely wasn’t planning them beating me up like this!“

„But you were planning on dying, weren’t you?!“

Bill didn’t stop smacking Tom’s body with his tiny hands.

„I… okay, okay, stop beating me, Bill! I was planning it, okay?“

Bill stopped and narrowed his eyes. „Why, Tom? Why would you want to do such a stupid thing?“

„Because I love you!“

Bill blinked few times, then sighed. „I love you too, Tomi. I do, but… I never wanted you dead.“

Tom smiled a bit again and hugged his lover. „I know, I know Billie, but I wanted to be with you forever, and now I can.“

„Your mother…“

„What’s with my mom?“

„She’s home, she’s crying, Tomi. She lost her only child.“

Tom’s heart stopped. He was hugging Bill as tight as possible, but he couldn’t feel him right now. His mother. He never said his goodbye. And now he was gone. Tears started falling down from his eyes, a low sob escaped his lips.

„My mommy,“ he whispered. „I… I wanna see her, Billie. I… can I?“

The other boy shook his head. „You can, but it’s not a good idea. She’s devastated, and you’ll be too, Tomi. Let’s just stay here, please.“

„But my mommy,“ whimpered Tom again and Bill hugged him even tighter. He could feel Tom’s desperation, but he couldn’t do more than be there for him. With time, the pain will fade away, but it will take some years.

„I know, Tomi, I know.“


Tom woke up again. His eyes scanned his surroundings and he had to smile when he noticed a small body pressing against his own. It wasn’t just a dream, he really did die. The night before, Tom cried his heart out, and Bill was there for him until he fell asleep. Last night, Tom wasn’t curious about his new world, but now he was.

„Billie? Billie,“ he gently shook his lover until the other boy opened his eyes. „What’s that?“

„Hm? What is what?“

„That,“ pointed Tom to the distance and Bill followed it. He smiled.

„It’s our new world, Tomi. This is the place all souls as we are live. And well, that ‚building‘ you can say, is something like our main city.“

„Main city?“

„Yes,“ nodded Bill and smiled. „Everything in here is different, see?“ Bill pointed all around them and when Tom took a closer look, he couldn’t see just beach, cliff or sea. Everything was much brighter than in his old world, everything sparkled and the sun wasn’t just one, no, there were many suns above their heads.

„This building is here just for you.“

„For me?“ Tom blinked in surprise.

„Yeah,“ smiled Bill and stood up. He reached his hand out for Tom. „It’s for you. As soon as they register you, it will disappear again. I told you, my world has rules and this is one of them, every soul has to be in evidence. But then… it will be only be you and me, and our world.“

Tom’s lips spread into the smile. „Sounds great to me.“

Bill nodded and laughed when Tom’s lips found his own. Last night, he was really upset about Tom being dead, but now he was really happy to have him here, by his side, to the rest of their existence.

„C’mon, the sooner they register you, the sooner we’ll be left alone to ourselves.“

Tom nodded and hand in hand they went to the shining gold building where his new afterlife will start.

The only feeling Tom had now was happiness.


And what about our world? What was with Tom’s mother, father, his friends?

Well, Dean was really devastated when he found Tom and couldn’t help him. It was just a coincidence that he came that night, because their family dinner was canceled. He wanted to be with Tom, but it was too late for him; he couldn’t save him. But when he looked out that night from Simone’s house, he could see two boys hugging. At that moment, Dean knew Tom found his happiness and he wished it to him. It was everything Tom wanted and Dean was happy for him. After all, this wasn’t the last time they saw each other; Tom promised him to be visible for him from time to time.

And about Tom’s mother… when she came home that night from work, she found her house surrounded by cop cars and an ambulance, the area was full of people. She didn’t know what to do, what happened, then she saw Dean. Crying, desperate Dean and she knew something terrible happened to her baby boy.

It was really hard for her, she lost her only child, she lost her Tomi. But Dean told her he was sure Tom was happy now, and Simone could somehow feel it too. Her baby was happy, no matter where he was. After the funeral, she and Doctor Gordon moved away, leaving the house to itself. She didn’t want to live in the place her son died.

Everything changed. People Tom knew changed. Dean changed. Nothing was the same anymore. The cliff and beach were now called ‚cursed‘ because Tom was the second kid who died there in 50 years. People didn’t believe it was just coincidence. They did believe every 50 years from now, a young boy will die there.

But Tom and Bill didn’t care. They had their own world, their own happiness and that was everything that mattered. They had each other.

author: Denie
betaread: Kuhlaire

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