No-Man’s Land 5.

author: Denie
It was Wednesday, the first day Tom went back to school since the dance. If it had depended on him, the dread-headed teenager would stay at home for the rest of the week so he could be with Bill, but unlike him, Simone thought two days of absence was enough. His head still hurt a little but it wasn’t anything serious, so unfortunately, there was no reason for Tom to stay at home anymore.

He exhaled deeply and looked throught the window of his bedroom. It was only 7:15 a.m. and the sun above the sea was rising slowly, the same as every other day. The sunlight was creating an interesting mix of colors in the distance; from dark blue high in the sky to the light pink, yellow and orange right on the horizon. It was a really magnificent view.

The sight from Tom’s window made him think about Bill, who was somewhere out there. After Monday, Tom spent every chance he could with the black haired boy sitting on the cliff or walking on the beach side by side. They never really talked about the kiss Tom gave him, but both of them knew it changed something between the two of them for good.

Tom smiled a bit at the memory of Bills sparkling eyes.

A soft knock on the door cut Tom’s thoughts off, though. The dread-head turned his head and cracked a smile at his mother, her head showed up behind the door.

„Hey, Tom. Are you ready?“

The named boy just sighed but nodded. Today, it wasn’t his loving mother who would take him to the school. No, today Tom had to drive with his father. It wasn’t his choice; oh not at all, but he would do it just for his mother’s sake. His parents had been fighting a lot over the past few days and Jörg was persistent about taking his only son to the school once in a while.

So in an attempt to forestall another fight, Tom just agreed with his father’s demand.

„Good. Your father is waiting downstairs. Do you want something for breakfast?“

Tom’s mom tried her best not to show how uncomfortable she felt about this whole situation. Since her baby boy was at age to go to school, it was she who took him there; it’d hadn’t been any other way. Neither Tom nor Simone understood what was behind Jörg’s sudden interest.

„No, I’ll buy something at school,“ Tom smiled at her; his voice was a little hoarse since it was the first time he spoke after last night. „But thanks, mommy.“

The blond woman just smiled a bit, the smile didn’t reach her light brown eyes, and went downstairs in front of her son. The teenager took his backpack and left his room with one last glance to the window. Before he could reached the last step, Tom heard the stern voice of his father talking to Simone. They were arguing about something, but Tom could care less what about.

In the second his foot touched the floor, the dread-head cleared his throat and went straight to the front door. He put his shoes on and turned to his mother. Tom almost yelped when he bumped into his father, who was standing right behind him.

„Shit,“ the boy cursed under his breath and rolled his eyes. „Can you-?“ Tom pushed his father aside, ignoring his complaints, and smiled at his mother. „Bye, mommy. I’ll see you later.“

Simone smiled at him. „Of course you will. Bye, Tom. Have a good day.“

Tom nodded and rolled his eyes one more time when his father shouted from outside for him to hurry up. With a last goodbye, Tom left the house.

„Finally,“ Jörg rolled eyes in annoyance and took his seat in the car. Tom just closed his eyes for a moment or two in an attempt to calm down. If he really is supposed to spend next 15 minutes in the same car as his father, he needed to brace himself. „Get in, Tom. We’re already late.“

The dread-head just shook his head and sat down beside his father. He put on his seatbelt and leaned his head against the window. It was pleasantly cool for his warm forehead. Tom closed his eyes again in an attempt to forget where he was. Before the car got out of the driveway, Tom’s mind was somewhere else, nowhere near the slowly moving vehicle.

Tom missed Bill. He missed him a lot, even if they saw each other only last night. He couldn’t help it; the feeling of loneliness was stronger than him. When Tom was with Bill, everything seemed complete, he felt complete. This mysterious raven-haired boy was like a missing part in Tom’s life. From the moment Tom’s lips touched Bill’s for the first time, the dread-headed boy felt how he should have been feeling his whole life.

Tom felt loved.

A small smile played on dread-head’s lips as they drove to town. Tom never noticed his father talking to him. He was completely lost in memories of the day before, when Bill and he were on the beach, talking, laughing together. The dread-head could almost feel the soft, slightly damp sand on his palms as if he was back there.

„You look funny.“

„Me?“ The dread-head’s eyebrows disappeared under his hat, „why?“

Soft laughter filled the air around them as the black haired boy held onto his elbows, his eyes glistering with sparkles. „‚Cause I said so, Tomi.“

Said Tomi felt his cheeks going warm as he blushed deeply. It wasn’t that long ago that the two got so close to one another and Tom wasn’t used to his new nickname yet.

„Well,“ the silence was all Bill got back as a response, which caused another loud, jingly laugh from him. Tom just stared at him for few more moments before he joined the raven haired’s laughing. They were lying beside one another, laughing about nothing. It was something they had both needed for a long time. Just to have someone with whom they can be completely relaxed.

Some minutes passed by when they finally calmed down again. Their chests were rising up in a slow motion as their breathing calmed as well.

Tom closed his eyes for a brief moment and when he opened them again, a slightly smaller hand was hiding in his own, larger one. The smile never leaving his face, Tom looked up at Bill from their joined hands. He ran his thumb over Bill’s small fingers and felt the heat that was warming up his belly.

„Tom!“ A forceful shove to his arm made Tom jump up a little by surprise. He glanced at his father, who was glaring at him; they were in front of Tom’s school.

„Sorry,“ the dread-head mumbled under his breath and was about to leave the car when a strong hand stopped him. „What, dad?“ Tom asked, annoyed.

„You’ve changed, Tom. What happened?“

The teenager stared at his father for a few moments before he snorted and laughed. „You noticed? Well, good job, dad, really. We’re here almost three months now and you finally noticed your son is not the same anymore. Congratulations.“ The sarcasm in Tom’s voice was more than obvious.

„Stop it, Tom. I’m not interested in this I’m-your-hurt-teenage-son game. Just tell me what happened.“ Jörg was glaring at his son with a stern expression. The older man did not believe his wife about the problems at Tom’s school and a mysterious friend named Bill.

The dread-head just shook his head. „You know what, dad? Just leave me alone, go to your toy-boy or whatever, I don’t care. It’s your fault we’re here and you didn’t care about me for my whole life, so please, don’t start now.“ Tom took his backpack and opened the car door, „and by the way, nothing happened, I’m just finally happy here.“

With a loud slam, Tom left his father staring after him in disbelief as he crossed the road to the school building. His blood was boiling inside of him. How his father could even expect Tom to tell him something personal? Jörg never cared; he has no right to know about Tom’s life.

Blinded by rage, Tom didn’t noticed someone running after him. It was then when someone placed their hand on his shoulder, when he finally acknowledged someone elses presence.

„Hey, man,“ Georg’s cheerful voice reached his ears. „How have you been? What happened on Friday? They didn’t tell us what’s up with you and why you weren’t at school.“

Tom smiled. It felt nice to have someone who cared about him for once.

„Hey, Geo,“ Tom greeted the brunette back, „I was at home ‚cause I hit my head and the doctor thought it would be best if I stayed few days in bed.“

„Oh.“ The elder teenager frowned and shook his head. „How did you hit your head? You were pale when you left the dance, were you sick?“

Tom sighed; he didn’t want to think back about Friday. „Yeah, kind of. I fainted on my way home.“

„Shit, man! Really?!“ The second after Tom nodded, he found himself in tight embrace. „Well then, I’m happy you’re okay. You are okay, right?!“

This time Tom laughed. „Yeah, perfectely fine, just can’t breathe…“

Georg cursed again and let Tom go. „Sorry.“

„It’s okay,“ Tom laughed again, „where’s Marcella?“

„I’m right here, baby boy.“

Tom turned around and smiled at the smaller girl in front of him. „Hey,“ the dread-head waved at her.

„Hey to you, too. Where were you?“

„At home?“

„And why were you at home?“

Tom took in a breath and opened his mouth but before he could speak up, Georg outran him. „Our little Tomi boy fainted and hit his head. But now he’s okay and perfectly fine. And by the way, hi, baby.“ The elder boy leaned forward and kissed his girlfriend.

Marcella wrapped her arms around Georg’s torso and smiled up at him. Then she turned her attention back to Tom. „Are you okay? What about your head?“

Tom smiled; yeah, it definitely felt nice to have some who cared about him. „My head and I are fine, don’t worry.“


Before Marcella could said something else, the bell rang and that meant just one thing; the first class would start in five minutes.

„I’ve got to go, guys. See you around?“

„Definitely!“ Both, Georg and Marcella, smiled at the dreadlocked boy as they walked to the school together. „What about lunch together? We can introduce you to our friends, they are really sweet, you know.“

Tom just nodded with a small smile. „Sure. Bye,“ he waved at them and left to his first class, ignoring all stares he was receiving.


When Tom entered the cafeteria that afternoon, everyone was staring at him. Information about him fainting on Friday spread over the school in no time and people were curious all of a sudden. The dread-head swallowed and took few steps further into the big room when his eyes caught a hand frantically waving at him.

He smiled.

„Hey,“ he greeted his new friends and smiled nervously at two more people who were sitting at the table with them.

„Hi, Tom,“ Marcella smiled at him enthusiastically and scooted closer to her boyfriend. Tom nervously shuffled from one foot to the other before he eventually took a seat next to a brunette boy.

„Hey,“ a boy with short ruffled blond hair gave him a smile, „I’m Gustav, and you must be that Tom these two are talking about all the time.“

Tom felt his cheeks get warmer. He wet his lips with a tip of his tongue and nodded. „Hi,“ he mumbled shyly and others just laughed.

„Hey, I don’t bite, you know?“ Gustav laughed and opened his chocolate pudding. „You’re new here, right? I heard you live on the cliff, that’s pretty cool.“

Tom smiled a bit when memory of the last night on the cliff crossed his mind. „Yeah, we live there.“

Marcella watched as Tom nervously opened his sandwich and smiled at him. „Georg told him the story about that dead boy.“

„Really?“ It was the first time when the last person at the table, a brunette boy with short hair, spoke up. „Well, I don’t think it’s true, anyway,“ the nameless brunette shrugged and went on with eating his lunch.

„It is,“ said the dread-head before he could stop himself.

„Huh?“ Everyone around the table was silent as the brunette lifted up his head. „And how do you know?“

Tom frowned; he can’t tell them he knows Bill. He shrugged and bit at his sandwich. „I just know.“

„Well, you know wrong.“

Tom snorted. „And who you are to tell me I am wrong?“

„That’s Dean, my younger brother.“ It was Georg who spoke up, in an attempt to stop the storm that would come if Dean would carry on with this conversation. Georg’s brother was a good kid but sometimes he was sort of weird and when it came to the local stories, he is really skeptical about them.

„Nice to meet you,“ the dread-head gave him a smile. This Dean might have been a little rude to him, but Tom didn’t want to have more enemies than necessary. The brunette just nodded and ate his lunch as though nothing had happened. Tom frowned and turned to his two friends and new one, blond Gustav. The three of them seemed nice enough to him. They all talked while eating their lunch and Tom had to admit they were really nice and funny people.

„Oh, Tom?“

The sudden outburst from Georg made Tom jumped up a little. The brunette apologized to him immediately and Tom gave him a small smile.

„What, Geo?“

„You know how you said we can stop by sometime?“ Tom nodded, so Georg went on, „well, what about today? We all have a free afternoon,“ he smiled at Tom and ate the last bite of his lunch.

„Well,“ Tom played with the hem of his t-shirt. Tonight, he wanted to be with Bill, they were planning on a small walk around the beach, so Tom would finally get to know more of the surroundings around his new home. What would Bill say if Tom spent afternoon with his new friends? Would it be okay with him?

„Well?“ Marcella raised her brows.

„I… I have some plans today and-“

„Oh, come on, Tom!“ Georg whimpered, „It would be cool to go the cliff together. And we can swim, too. It’s warm outside. Please, Tomi boy?“

The dread head chew on the inside of his cheek and frowned. The swimming thing sounded really alluring; he hadn’t been swimming in a long, long time.

„I…“ Tom glanced up at his new friends. It wasn’t fair, Marcella was pouting her lips a bit and it was almost impossible to tell her no. „Okay,“ Tom sighed and gave up. It couldn’t hurt him to spend some time with people other than Bill and his mother.

„Perfect!“ Marcella clapped her hands and other boys at the table, including Tom, laughed.


It was 2:30 p.m. when Tom finally got home. His mother was late for picking him up, so now he had just one more hour to talk to Bill before his friends would arrive.

As soon as the car stopped in front of their house, Tom was out. He didn’t bother telling his mother where he was running, he just needed to get on the cliff as soon as possible. Tom really missed Bill today and the fact he had just one hour with him made him run even faster. In the second the dread-head reached the cliff, he was there in all his beauty, standing in front of him.

„Hi, Tomi.“ A sweet smile was playing on Bill’s lips and Tom couldn’t help himself but think that the raven-haired boy in front of him was the cutest thing Tom had ever seen.

„Hi, Billie,“ the slightly older teenager returned the smile and sat down in to the grass while catching his breath.

Bill sat right beside him so their thighs were touching, but neither one of them cared about that. At that moment, they were together, both of them felt perfectly fine again.

„How was your day? Did you miss me so much that you have to run all the way here?“ Bill teased a bit but Tom didn’t mind. The dread-head’s cheeks turned a bit pink as he nodded at Bill, whose smile was brighter than ever.

„I did,“ Tom smiled at the boy beside him and carefuly took his hand, squeezing his fingers a little.

„Good,“ whispered Bill, „‚cause I missed you, too.“

This time Tom’s cheeks were shining bright red. It felt unbelievable to blush every time Bill said something. Bill’s fingers carefully stroked Tom’s cheek and he leaned closer to the boy in front of him but before he could even brush his lips over Tom’s, he was stopped.

„I have to tell you something, Bill.“

The dark haired boy glanced up at him, confused. „What is it, Tomi?“

It was obvious he was afraid of what Tom was about to tell him. In his mind, they were something like a couple already and now, with the serious look on Tom’s face, Bill felt his heart sinking down to his stomatch. The dread-head didn’t want to be with him, that’s it. But Bill wouldn’t judge him, no, he understood that. Who in their clear mind would want to be with a dead boy?

He should know it. Tom was just excited and confused about the fact Bill was a dead-living boy. Yeah, that’s exactly why Tom kissed him two days ago. No, Tom didn’t want to be with him, and now he’s going to break Bill’s heart.

Without realizing it, Bill’s eyes filled up with tears.

The dread-headed teenager was silently watching the boy in front of him. He could see that Bill had a hard time thinking and he didn’t want to disturb him but in the second those gorgeous brown eyes were filled up by tears, he had to.

„Bill? Billie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?“

The panic in Tom’s voice was obvious and it made Bill feel a bit better. The raven-haired boy wiped his tears away and gave Tom a small, sad smile.

„You’re going to tell me that you are sorry you kissed me the other day.“

„What?“ Tom stared at him, confused. „No! No, Bill, I’m not sorry I did it, you hear me? I’m not sorry! It was the best, and actually first, kiss I ever received. I’m not going to be sorry about that. Ever.“

Bill snuffled and with watery eyes looked Tom right in the eye. „Really?“

With a small smile, the elder teenager nodded and wiped away Bill’s tears with the tips of his fingers. „Really, Bill. It was amazing and believe me, I’d love to do it again,“ whispered Tom.

„So do it.“

Tom chuckled and leaned closer to the younger boy, wrapping one arm around his small waist. He bit down on his lip before he carefuly pressed his lips to Bill’s sweet ones. It felt like heaven to Tom. Kissing Bill was something he did by instinct and he loved it already. His lips were so soft, sweet as they brushed against his own. It felt right to Tom, kissing Bill, being with him.

When they pulled apart, Bill’s hot breath brushed against Tom’s cheeks and he chuckled. It felt nice, it felt right, and it felt as if they were meant to be together. Tom tightened his hold around Bill and pressed his fragile body to his own.

„What is it you need to tell me?“

The small voice cut off Tom’s thoughts and the dread-headed teenager shivered a little as Bill’s fingers stroked the side of his neck.

„My friends…“ Tom trailed off, already wishing he didn’t promise them that they’ll spend the day together. „They are coming over tonight.“

Bill pulled away from Tom’s arms far enough to see him in the eyes. „Really? That’s nice, Tomi. You will have some fun.“

„I have fun with you, too.“

Bill smiled a little and kissed Tom’s chin. „I know, but with your friends you can do so much more than with me. It wouldn’t be that bad, Tom. And I’ll be here all the time.“

Tom tensed at the last sentece. „They can’t see you, Bill. No, there’s no way I’d let them.“ The dread-head shook his head; it wasn’t coming into question that Bill would show up to them. No way, if Tom could help it. The younger, dead boy laughed. „No, Tomi, I didn’t mean that I would show up to them,“ he shook his head in amusement, „but I would be here for you if you would want to see me. And besides that, I’m not sure they can see me, anyway.“

Tom frowned in confusion. „I can see you.“

„Yeah,“ Bill nodded, „but you are the first person ever who can see me like this, Tom. And I have no idea why. Not that I’m going to complain,“ added Bill immediately when he saw dread-head’s brows furrow slightly, and pecked Tom’s lips.

„Well, then I’m happy I’m the special one,“ Tom whispered against Bill’s lips as they kissed one more time.

„Was I really your first kiss?“

Bill slowly ran his fingers over Tom’s neck as their lips touched every now and then. The older teenager just nodded and inhaled Bill’s sweet scent.

„How come?“

„Huh?“ Tom rubbed his nose against Bill’s soft hair, not completely paying attention to him.

Bill smirked; he was glad Tom was so attentive to him. „How come I was your first kiss? You are a handsome boy, I’m sure every single girl wanted to be yours.“ This time, Tom laughed pretty hard. Was Bill really thinking about him this way? As a handsome boy who is wanted by every single girl?

„What?“ The innocent expression on Bill’s face made the older teenager smirk.

„I’m not exactly the type of boy girls want, Bill. Actually, I have never had a girlfriend, not that I wanted one.“

The raven-haired boy blinked a few times. „Why not?“

„I don’t know, Bill. I’m not really popular kid, you know? And girls never were my interest.“

„Well,“ Bill tugged on Tom’s shirt and smiled coyly, „I am the one who wants you.“

Tom’s heart melted; the hint of pink on Bill’s cheeks was so cute. The dread-head couldn’t help but lean forward again and capture Bill’s lips with his own. It was long, gentle and really intense kiss for both of them.

„I want you, too, Bill.“ A soft whisper escaped the dread-head’s lips.

All he got as a responce, though, was a bright happy smile. Before the young boy could do something, Tom’s phone went off. The elder teenager snorted with frustration and fished for his phone.


Tom sighed. „They’re almost here, Bill.“

„Oh,“ Bill pulled away, „well, you should go then.“

„But I don’t want to,“ whined Tom and entwined his fingers with Bill’s smaller ones.

The raven-haired boy smiled and kissed the tip of Tom’s nose. „I’ll be here when they’re gone. I promise.“

Tom closed his eyes for a brief moment, then nodded. „Okay.“


„Bye, Bill.“

There was a pause.

„You should go, Tomi,“ a soft laugh filled the air.

The other boy just whimpered and tugged on their joined hands. „We need to talk, Bill.“

„Later. Now go.“ Bill’s pale hand pushed Tom’s chest and the older one laughed.

„Do you want to get rid of me that much?“ Tom smirked and laughed.

Bill chuckled and pushed the other boy again. „Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. So go, have fun and don’t come back before it;s dark outside.“

„Yes, mom,“ the dread-head stuck out his tongue and stood up. „You’ll be here all the time, right? I’ll still be able to see you, right?“

„Sure, Tomi. I’ll wait for you.“

Tom gave the younger boy a bright smile. „Bye, Billie. But only for now.“

author: Denie
betaread: Kuhlaire

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