No-Man’s Land 1.

author: Denie
Dnes tady máte novou povídku v angličtině, až na jeden rozdíl. Tahle nemá českou verzi, tudíž pokud ji chcete číst, musíte anglicky. Myslím, že se Denie ani nechystá ji překládat do češtiny, takže kdo máte zájem, máte možnost. Užijte si to, J. :o)
Life can change completely from the ground if you fall in love. But what if your beloved is not such a normal person? Does a human being possess the needed strength to fight for unusual love? And is love really as endless as everyone thinks so? Let’s get find out…
He was sitting in his father’s luxury car, eyes closed and earphones deep in his ears. He let himself drift off and paid no attention to where they were heading. Why should he have been interested in moving? He didn’t care for a place where he would only be known as a stranger.

Suddenly, the boy felt soft punch to his arm. He lazily opened his eyes and stared at his mother.

„What?“ He asked without any interest. He took a quick glance outside and saw a decent-looking place that apparently would be their new house. It was a two-story beige house with an oddly brown roof and light green window shutters. It was quite a nice house, he had to admit, but there was no replacing his old home.

„Tom? Are you even listening to me?“ His mother asked with the same old squeaky voice, and turned around so that the bored teen was looking her right in the eyes. He just rolled his eyes and turned off his music, quickly putting the iPod in his pocket before getting out of the car. He took one deep breath of fresh country air and then let it out. The smell in the air was completely different from the smog in the city they used to live in.

„Tom, come here and help your father,“ his mother said in a tone that doesn’t leave any room for complaining. The boy sighed and went help to his father with all the boxes they brought along. After half an hour, everything was in the middle of the huge living room. Tom felt unusually exhausted, so he just sat down on the sofa and looked around. A few minutes later, his mother came to him and sent him to unpack his things to his new room.

‚No time for relaxing, huh?‘ he thought bitterly and stood up. The cranky teenager grabbed one box with his name on it and went upstairs to find his new room. It wasn’t hard for him to find it since it had a big red sign with his name on it. He sighed again, prepping himself up for what was about to come, and went in.

Much to his surprise, it wasn’t that bad. His old room back in town was half smaller than this, so the dread-head wasn’t going to complain about it. A big window on his right side shed bright sunlight that illuminated the whole room; he would definitely need curtains.

Tom set the box down on the floor and walked over to the window. The view from there was just amazing. He hadn’t thought he would like anything about this place, but that cliff in the distance seemed pretty cool. Why the hell his parents didn’t tell him that their house would be in such an amazing environment? It would’ve be much easier for him to move here then.

He sighed again, this time in contentment, and went back downstairs to pick more of his stuff up.


The dread-headed teenager spent the whole day unpacking and placing his things into their places. He set his double bed by the wall on the right side of the window and the drawer on the left side. His table was next to the door so there is a big empty space in the middle. He definitely liked it.

After all his work was done, he just lay down on the bed and stared at the celling, contemplating about his new life in the new neighborhood.

How will his first day of school go? Will they treat him like his old classmates used to? Will they bully him, too? Or will they be friendly to him? But who cares what they did; Tom definitely didn’t. He was used to being alone and solitary, anyway. So it really didn’t matter to him, right?

„Tom? Are you coming down for dinner, honey?“ His mother peeked in and gave him a small but warm smile.

„Uhm, yeah, sure,“ Tom said, sitting up and stretching his muscles. He stood up and went to the door where his mother was still waiting, and took one long look at his new room. Yeah, it seemed pretty nice.

„Okay, come on, Mom,“ he said and gave her a smile before bouncing happily down the stairs.


The next morning wasn’t really good for Tom. He was woken up by the bright sunlight coming from his bedroom window. Tom tried to cover the glaring light by covering his head with his blanket, but it didn’t help, he was already awake. Giving up, Tom threw the blanket off and looked at his clock, whimpering at the horrible sight.

„5:34 am. Seriously?“ The grumpy teenager stood up and made his way to the bathroom to dress up for school. When he reached the bathroom, he made his morning needs, then washed his hands and looked in the mirror.

„Hello, beauty,“ he smiled at himself and splash cold water over his face. Then, he brushed his teeth and decided, since it was too early for school, he could take a shower. The idea made him shiver all over as he pulled down his boxers. A hot shower was exactly what he needed at this moment.

He stood on the cold bath floor and turned the water on, screaming loudly as the freezing water made the contact with his skin. It was so freaking cold! He ran out of the shower and just glared at the flowing water of Antarctic temperature. What the hell is that? No warm water or what?!

He scoffed with anger and stopped the water. Okay, no shower than. His day got to a really good start but now had been ruined. The shivering boy rolled his eyes and went to his room to find something to wear. When he was fully dressed, he decided for denim blue jeans and white undershirt and green top shirt with some brown and black ornaments, his dreaded hair was under the green and black hat, he looked himself over in the mirror and complimented himself.

„Okay man, there you go,“ he smiled at his reflection and took his backpack with few school things, before walking out of his room. Even if it might not be seemed for the outsiders, Tom was quite a happy teenager. He could enjoy his life even if he was alone most of the time. He thought about himself as about a handsome dude who could have any girl he pointed at; well, he thought this in the privacy of his old room back in the city and under girls you should imagine boys, maybe that was the problem after all. Tom was into guys and people in his old school knew it, unfortunately.

But nobody Tom ever met thought about him in such a way, as a boy who is able to have anyone, except his mother who was motherly proud of her son, and his best friend he was forced to leave behind. No-one ever wanted to befriend Tom; for to everyone he was just a stupid gay gangsta-wanna-be who was not able to defend himself.

Nobody ever showed interest in getting to know Tom. And it was okay with him; after all he was used to this behaviour. Downstairs, he sat at the kitchen table and groggily yawned while rubbing his right eye.

„Hey mom,“ he said when he was done with yawning. „What’s for breakfast?“

„Just eggs and some bread, honey. I really have to buy some groceries later.“

Tom only nodded and accepted the plate with eggs and a piece of bread with butter.

„Oh, by the way, I need a curtains,“ he said and drank some orange juice, „that stupid sun woke me up in 5:30! 5:30, mom!“ he said dramatically and his mom just laughed.

„Okay, honey, whatever you need.“

„Yes. Oh and mom? You will drive me to school, right?“ he asked while finishing his food.

„Of course, I need to speak with your principal, anyway. So go get ready and we can go,“ she smiled at him and cleaned the table. Tom just shrugged and ran to the hall where he bumped into his father.

„Careful, son,“ Jorg laughed and patted his back. His father tried, still Tom only rolled his eyes and walked out of the house. He sat down on the stairs and looked around. Even if it was just early in the morning, sun was already glittering above the ocean.

He definitely needed to look around here after school.


Meeting with the principal went pretty well. She was such a nice old lady with light brown hair and small green eyes. She introduced herself as Mrs. Hall and told them everything Tom’s mother wanted to know about the school, classes and other things. She also told Tom that he can come to her anytime if he had a problem. Tom nodded and accepted his schedule. His first class was starting in less than 5 minutes.

„Uhm, Mrs. Hall, may I go now? My class starts in-„

„Yes, of course, Thomas. Go and tell your teacher, Ms. Smith, that you are the new student I told her about.“

The dread head just nodded, mumbled something that could be recognized as a ‚goodbye‘ and left the office.

Okay, now he just needed to find his class and not be late. Tom didn’t want to be the last one in the class because that would assure unwanted attention to him. However, Tom discovered that finding the room is easier said than done. He wandered around many corridors and when he finally found the room A15, and that was only because of little help of one older teacher, he was late.

The dread-headed teenager took in a deep breath and hid the schedule in his pocket.

‚Okay, Tom. You can do this. Just raise your hand and knock. It’s not that hard, huh? Just do it… okay, Tom, do it now. Raise your hand and- Oh, come on, do it, do it, do it!‘ he thought. However, he could not bring himself to raise his hand and knock. He was just standing there, staring at the door as if it would open by itself and someone will invite him inside.

„Are you looking for someone?“ A kind voice came from behind him.

Tom turned around and saw a pretty nice looking young lady. She was smaller than him, yet authoritative.

He cleared his throat and rubbed from behind his neck. „Um, yeah, I’m… I’m Tom Trümper and I am-„

„My new student, am I guessing right?“ She smiled at him. „I am Monika Smith, your teacher. Come on in, Tom,“ she grabbed him by his arm and lead him in to the class. And here goes nothing…


Tom’s first day at his new school was horrible. His new classmates were just like his old ones and he had no idea why. What was wrong with him? Everywhere he went, people just seemed not to like him. Why? He was just a normal, 16 year old teenager. Yeah, his clothing style is unlike others and his hair is a little bit different since he’s a white guy with dreadlocks, but is this a reason to treat him like… dirt?

Or is it even him? Maybe people around him were just jerks. Tom didn’t do anything bad to anyone of them, so it possible couldn’t be his fault, right?

„Hello, sweetheart! How was your day?“ His mother smiled and hugged him before they both entered the car. Tom let out a soft sigh and gave her a small, fake smile back.

„It was okay, mommy. Can we go home now?“

„Yes, but I need to go to the store first, is that okay?“

„Whatever,“ the worn-out teen just closed his eyes and tried to forget about what happened during lunch break.

**Flash back**

„Hey, so you are the new guy, huh?“

Tom looked up from his plate. In front of him were three huge guys who really didn’t looked like normal teenagers. Tom gulped as he tried to prepare himself for the foreboding problems.

„Yeah I am, and?“

„You need to learn some our rules, gosling,“ said one of them and Tom guessed he is the boss of the them. The other two only laughed.

„Really? So, tell me,“ Tom put his fork down and looked at the boy right in the eye, „I’m listetning,“ he added with a cheeky smile. He knew he was just making matters worse, but so what? It wasn’t the first time he found himself being faced by school bullies.

„You have no idea who are you talking to, right?“ The ‚boss‘ said and took a seat across from Tom. „We,“ he pointed at two guys behind him and at himself, „are the ones, whom you don’t want to have problems with, believe me.“

„Oh, I got it,“ Tom said as he forked a potato and put it in his mouth. He was just looking at the guy in front of him without saying a word.

„You better.“

„Or what?“

„Excuse me?“

„You heard me. What if I’m not going to learn your rules? You know, I’m living in an independent country so I thought I could do whatever I want,“ Tom just shrugged and put a smile on his lips. Yup, he definitely was in trouble now.

„Listen to me, you fool. I am something like a boss in this school. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is doing what I want them to do. So, shut up and keep the pace. Maybe you will survive your time here in safety,“ the ‚boss‘ hissed at him and stood up. He was done here.

But Tom wasn’t.

„Okay, and now you listen to me.“ Tom stood up too, and even if he was smaller and definitely thinner, he had a brave heart. He learned in his old school that if you want to survive, you have to fight. „I am not going to do what you want me to do. I am a free person and you are nobody to me. So, shut up, keep the peace and remember, I’m not going to be another puppy.“

With that Tom took his plate and disappeared out from the cafeteria, leaving three gaping boys behind him. He was sure, tomorrow is the day when his own hell starts.

**End of Flash back**

„Tom? Do you want some ice cream?“

„Huh?“ He turned his head at his mother and frowned. When did they arrive? Whatever, Tom just shrugged and looked around, nodding at his mother’s question.

„Choose your favorite,“ she told him with a kind smile and the boy did as he was told to and handed his mom a big tub of vanilla ice cream, his favorite. The woman just smiled at him and took some other groceries she needed. They went to the cashier and while his mother was paying, Tom put everything in a paper bag.

They went to the car together and Tom was about to plugged his earphones when his mother started talking. He wasn’t paying any attention to what she was saying, but he made sure to appear the opposite and occasionally let out a ‚sure‘ and a ‚yeah‘.

„Can you take those inside, honey?“ She handed him shopping bags and without waiting for an answer, she had disappeared into the house. Tom knew his mother really needed to use the bathroom, like always. He sighed and walked into the house with paper bags in his arms. He put them on the kitchen table and went to his room. Tom laid down on the bed and just stared into space. He was so tired. It was just 8 hours at school but still, the boy felt like sleeping right now.

The exhausted teenager turned to his left and was just about to close his eyelids when his eyes landed on the scenery out of his window.

That cliff. He wanted to see it properly and decided that right now would be the perfect time to do so.

„Okay, let’s go for a walk,“ he told himself and grabbed one of his loose jackets and his iPod. Tom went downstairs and looked around for his mother but she was nowhere to be found. He took a notebook with little pink flowers and hearts in right corner and scribbled a note for his mom:

‚Hey Mom, I went out for a walk. I’ll be back soon, so don’t worry. Kiss, Tom.‘

He read it again and left it on the table. Walking out through the back door, Tom was astonished at the surroundings. Yesterday, he was so caught in the view from his own room that he didn’t notice scenery on the other side of the house. It was breathtaking.

There weren’t any other houses in view, just miles and miles of fields all around, in the distance was a forest and of course, that amazing sea that Tom named „The Ocean“. He could not believe they were actually living here now. He actually loved it here already. How could asphalt roads from the city equal to something like this, all the green grass, and trees, and that fresh, salty ocean air?

Yeah, he was definitely in love with this place.

The amazed city boy started walking and turned his head here and there. He wanted to see everything. It was something he really needed right now; the relaxing surroundings. He tiptoed through the long grass, tips of his fingers were browsing across it and he felt really good. If he was back at the city right now, he’d probably be sitting on the bed with his laptop and searching for nothing on the internet. But here, where there was no internet and such things, he was in another world.

The boy reached the cliff and sat down on the grass. He had felt like the whole world was lying in front of him. The sun was glittering over small waves of the sea, birds were quietly singing and crickets were chirping all around him. It was so peaceful and calming.

Tom could just sit there for hours and hours and stare into the sea. He erased all thoughts from his mind and didn’t want to think about anything. He just needed to relax. He didn’t even notice as the sky covered up with huge black clouds and the temperature suddenly dropped a few degrees. He fell into a peaceful sleep and did not care about anything around him.

He was woken up by raindrops falling down on his face. Tom rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before looking around, confused to find dark shadows everywhere, black clouds without no sun in sight and a stormy, restless sea.

Without hesitation he stood up and was just about to return to the house when he saw another boy roughly about five meters away from him. The stranger was facing the sea and it looked like he wasn’t paying any attention to a confused Tom or storm above them.

But that stranger had all of Tom’s attention. Who is he? And where had he come from? How come Tom didn’t notice him before? And why does he look like so sad? Did something happen to this boy?

Tom didn’t know. But he was eager to find out.

„Hey, you!“ He shouted at the stranger so he could hear him through the heavy rain. When he got no response in return, Tom tried again. „Hey, you there!“ he shouted and went a little bit closer. In that moment, the stranger turned his head towards him. His shoulder-length black hair swirled and clung to his beautiful wet face. Yeah, he definitely was beautiful.

„You can see me?“ The boy asked with such beautiful voice, the sound that caught Tom’s ears was indescribable. It was something he had never heard before. He walked closer to the boy.

„Sure, I can see you. Why shouldn’t I? Why are you here? It’s storming, you should go back home,“ Tom said and took a few more steps towards the black-haired beauty. He was like a magnet to him. Even if the stranger was wearing those odd trousers and long loose shirt, he was no doubt gorgeous.

„Home,“ repeated the boy and turned his head back to the sea, „sure, I should go home. But you need to, as well. You shouldn’t be out here.“

„Yeah, but my home is just there,“ Tom waved his hand over his shoulder, his eyes still fixed on the boy in front of him.

„Okay,“ he just replied and turned around to leave. Tom didn’t want him to leave. He wanted to know who this boy is and why he was here.

„Hey, wait. What’s your name?“

The boy stopped and turned his head a bit to the side so he could see Tom. His lips were crinkled into a small smile when he told him his name. „I’m Bill,“ and with that, he just disappeared.

‚What the hell was that?‘

Tom stood there, shocked and confused. Questions swam in his mind, questions with no clear answers.

„Tom? Tom! What the hell are you doing here?!“

The now soaked dread-head turned around. His father was heading towards him with an umbrella, which was useless since the rain was so strong, and his face was full of anger and fear.

„Come here, now! Why are you staying here, you fool? Your mother is scared to death, Tom!“ The man grabbed him by his arm and tugged Tom back to the house. Tom said nothing as he was being dragged back to the house, his eyes still fixed at the place where Bill had disappeared to.

He had no idea who this Bill was, but what he knew for sure that he HAD to see him again.

No matter what.

author: Denie
betaread: Kuhlaire

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