Space-Time Story 39.

author: Janule
Today we´re going back home. Grandma and grandpa are standing by the gate, looking sad as they´re watching Tom drive down the road with a fully loaded sport car. Scotty is looking after Davey, fastened in the back seat, and I´m sitting next to my love in the front seat. We had to make a promise that we would come back in two weeks time, otherwise grandma wouldn’t have let us go.

She packed a lot of food for us, like I’m absolutely terrible at cooking. She also gave us a children’s cookery book so that I wouldn’t cook anything spicy for her beloved grandson.

During this week Tom and I coordinated ourselves really well in the case of father duties and I´m no longer afraid of anything. Those two found each other rather fast, I was almost surprised. Little David is a real little devil and he can wrap everyone he wants around his little finger.

He calls Tom uncle, from time to time Tom, according to what he actually feels for. And he had to put up with a fact that to his uncle he will probably forever be the ‚little bug‘. When Tom called him that for the second time, David got really angry, but it was no use, so he got used to it and stopped telling Tom that he had a name.

„Hey little bug? How do you like it in the backseat?“ uncle asks his nephew carefully and looks into the back mirror.

„It’s all right, uncle. But Scotty is licking my nose.“ He gladly shares his new experience and all three of us start to laugh.

„Maybe there are still some rests of your lunch on your face, that might be a reason he likes your little nose so much,“ Tom tries teasingly to explain the reason for the mysterious licking.

„You think so?“ Dave asks amazed, with such boundless trust that I almost feel sorry for him.

The two of them joke continuously. Tom keeps making fun of Davey and Davey keeps falling for all his jokes. Finally he is also making fun of someone else, me not being the only object of his hobby. In the band, Georg is on the receiving end, but when I and Tom are alone together, I am always the one in this role, until now that is. Now he has a more suitable target for his jokes and it seems work out really well.

I am in a new role now and by no means it’s an easier one and that´s being the poor person who has to correct everything, so that David won’t learn too many weird things. Tom is fully capable of telling him a total nonsense with such a straight face, that I can do nothing but to explain to Davey later what those things really mean. Well, it looks like I am going to be the serious, reliable dad and Tom the funny uncle, which most probably suits him most of all anyway.

After half an hour it is absolutely quiet in the back seat. They are both asleep there. Scotty is snoring a bit, but that’s to be expected.

Tom is concentrating on driving and my eye lids are getting considerably heavy. I´m feeling at absolute level-headed peace with everything. Finally all the issues seem to be solved and I can finally start living my new dreamy life. Thinking of it all, now I can say that everything was worth it. Nothing in life is for free and happiness is the dearest of it all. I love my two guys from the bottom of my heart and they, I hope, love me back and that´s the most beautiful feeling in the world.

„Sleeping beauty, we´re home.“ Tom wakes me up with a tender kiss. The whole car is cocooned in sweet dreaming and the driver carried us safely to the garage. Tom turns off the engine.

„Come to me, my sweet prince.“ I feel drowsy when I wrap my arms around his neck before he turns back to the driving wheel and I give him the same tender kiss. We must enjoy this little moment of privacy before those two in the back wake up and the merry-go-round of ordinary life starts again.

„Bill, don´t tease me or I won´t be able to control myself,“ Tom mumbles into my ear when I don´t let him go and shower his sweet white neck with my kisses. His hand moves slowly to the place, which got suddenly aroused and so much bigger and he´s stroking yet growing bump below the decorative clasp of my belt.

„What happened to you here?“ he whispers huskily and presses his hand onto my rigid jeans. I guide my hand towards the same place on his body. „The same thing that happened to you,“ I answer and slip my hand inside his baggy trousers.

„Baby, come on… what did I tell you… I really won´t be able to control myself,“ Tom moans in desperation, when he feels my insistent pressing in his lap. „So don’t. Relax and let me work,“ I whisper when he throws his head back in pleasure.

„What if he wakes up?“ moans Tom with his last powers and I abruptly stop when I hear his words. He´s right, how would we explain this, we have to go somewhere else.

„Come with me,“ I whisper when I take my hand out of his trousers. I open the door of the front passenger seat, quickly find the keys to my own car and unlock it with the remote. Tom is getting out of the car our two treasures are sleeping in, looking puzzled but when he watches me opening the back door of my big grandiose vehicle, he understands immediately and disappears inside quickly.

I close the door shut behind myself carefully not to make a loud noise and I rush to my waiting prince. The backseat gives me just enough room to get settled comfortably between his long legs. He presses me to himself hungrily to be able to kiss me properly, but we have to cut it short, it´s clear that time is running out.

„This must come off,“ I quickly start pulling off the last two pieces of clothing which are obstructing me from fulfilling my task. I throw his trousers and boxers on the front seat, pull his big t-shirt up his torso as high as possible and continue exactly where I stopped.

„Oh, Bill, it´s perfect,“ he groans when my mouth makes a route from his nipples down to his lower belly, dusting his skin with heated licks and kisses and my impatient mouth finally engulf what has been held by my hand till now. I´m properly teasing his length with the metal ball in my tongue, sucking lightly and running my tongue around the most sensitive place on his body.

„Yeah… honey… I love it just like thaaat…“ he gasps with pleasure and after just a few minutes I already see the results of my efforts. He´s lying after an exhausting orgasm, breathing fast.

I kiss his breathless mouth for the last time and I start to dress him. „There you go, done.“ I fasten the belt of his trousers, so he won´t lose them on the way home, and I pull his t-shirt back down.

„Wait in the evening, I´m gonna give it back to you.“ He stops me right before I get out of the car.

„I´m looking forward to it, honey.“ I smile at him sweetly and give him my hand to help him get out easier.

I close our temporary love nest and the moment I try to open the boot of Tom´s sport car, I can hear Dave calling. „Daddyyyy… uncleeee…“ Damn, that was close, I realize. Luckily Tom stopped me in time and we went somewhere else. It seems that from now on, sex is going to be adrenaline sport in our home.

„How is it, little bug, have you got enough of sleep?“ I can hear Tom asking as he opens the door, carefully lifting him up from his seat. „Come to your uncle, you devilish little angel,“ he says tenderly to his nephew and takes him right into his arms. „Dad will take care of the bags and we will go inside, yeah,“ he informs me and he´s already gone in the house with Davey.

Of course, uncle is going to have fun and daddy has to handle the heavy load. What else could I expect from him, when that poor thing is so tired, I snicker to myself.

I let Scotty out as the poor dog is already whining, wanting to go outside. I start taking the tons of food grandma gave us to the kitchen. I can hear those two from the bedroom, they´re getting ready for some crazy competition in length jump from the bed. It should have occurred to me that I would have to look after both of them to make sure they don’t kill themselves.

I still hear the noises and co-motion coming from the bedroom, so I decide to go and empty the overfull postbox. I´m really curious what sort of mail I am going to get now. Are the fans going to congratulate me on my fatherhood or are they going to have only harsh words for me now? It´s hard to say, but I will see.

The manager is more than pleased with my new life situation, he even thinks that it will increase amount of concert goers on our September tour. Who of the fans would want to miss a fresh dad’s singing, to see the man who got his child in such a strange way? Fortunately the holidays just started and slow season for journalists with it, which hopefully give us some piece, rest and quiet. Everyone will leave the city, going on holidays.

In the end, we could also travel somewhere, why would we stay at home when we could easily go to the end of the world. I know most of the songs already by heart and we will start practicing for the tour first in August, so we have the whole of July for travel.

My memory has fully returned to me, but fortunately only the memories. Nothing else that could surprise me happened, and even I didn’t change too much. My personality took over that of the past Bill and Tom is relieved that he doesn’t have to meet ´him´ anymore. I will probably need to wash off some of the blame of him and try to justify some of the old Bill’s actions step by step, because he wasn’t such a big bastard after all; he was just incredibly miserable and disappointed with life. First, an ex-fan almost raped him, then she extorted him, and that’s not an easy load to carry. Hopefully Tom will understand some of it in time to come.

Most of the letters are fortunately congratulations, so as the band we don´t have to be afraid of significant decline in popularity, more likely the opposite actually. Our fans are at the age when the most of them start to think about having children, so they will surely be interested in my son too. Most likely a lot of willing substitute mothers will start to offer themselves to me, but I already have my ‚uncle‘ Tom, who will help me with everything. I´m so happy that Sabine´s worries didn’t come true and those two are like two peas in a pod now.

But the last letter I open is from the judicial office of Hamburg and it doesn´t delight me. They´re informing me that my donation I sent to the account of Michael Schultz is being returned to me. There´s no more information that could clarify what is the reason, but if I want to know, I should call the office. I definitely want to call tomorrow, the matter really interests me.

But first I have to take care of those two, whom I can hear screaming from the bedroom.

„Guys, the fun is over. David, get in the bath, and you… uncle, you go with him,“ I add and both actors of a future naval battle are more than happy with that.

author: Janule
betaread: TokioKoos & green_and_blue

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