Space-Time Story 16.

author: Janule
„Please, sit down and give me your ID-card,“ detective Krause asks me. I dip into the pocket of my jacket and take out the document. I give him my ID-card over the table and sit opposite him on an old and kind of broken chair.

He looks quite sympathetic. He´s probably around 40 years old, he has quite a big beer belly and greasy hair. I hope that I won´t look like this when I am his age, it would kill me.

He types my data into a computer and I have some time to take a little look around. It´s really gloomy here; an old building without a lift, last time it was painted was about 100 years ago and the furniture seems to be from the second World War. No wonder that he has no videophone; an old dial phone that looks like it’s from a museum sits on his table.

„So, let´s start, Mr. Kaulitz.“ The detective takes a look into my eyes. „Do you know Miss Karin Fischer?“ he shoots a question at me.

Again that Karin. I probably won´t get rid of her. I can´t show any panic, criminal investigators are often good psychologists.

„Yes, I do,“ I answer his question very simply and I wait what he would need to know next. Incredibly slowly, he types something on the computer.

„How well do you know Miss Fisher, Mr. Kaulitz?“ He smiles at me encouragingly, maybe so that I´ll not be afraid to answer.

„Well… to tell you the truth, she´s a friend. Or rather an acquaintance. I don´t know her that well,“ I speak terribly slowly and perhaps I´m not even lying very much, because that sex with her I really don´t remember.

Again, he types my answer pretty slowly and continues. He has lot of time, as I can see. „When was the last time you saw her?“ The next unpleasant question.

Yeah, what do I know? I wonder, but I can´t say that. „This I don´t remember anymore, but I can tell you exactly when I heard from her for the last time.“ I use the only information, which I know for sure. „It was this morning, at half past two.“

„Yes, we know, that´s why we´ve invited you here. You were the whom she called before she died,“ he shoots an answer at me and my eyes are suddenly blurred.

„She´s dead?“ I ask the detective, my eyes wide-open in shock. He looks at me and says nothing. Maybe he´s watching for my reaction. I assume I look surprised enough so that he wouldn’t think that I killed her. „Did someone kill her?“ I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

„Why do you think that someone killed her?“ he asks me searchingly.

„I… I don´t know, but it came to my mind as the first thing…“ I answer slowly and I suddenly remember what she wanted from me in that call. „But now I actually remember. She called me and wanted me to come over, said she felt sick. You know, it wasn´t the first time, she made me a to act as her servant every time she got drunk somewhere, so I got angry and didn´t go to her. I should have gone there, huh?“ I look guiltily into the detective’s eyes and I try to hide that I´m not so very sorry about it. It´s hard to save someone without an address.

He types my long answer and looks at me compassionately. „Don´t worry, it would have already been too late when you got to her.“ He calms me down. „According to the doctor’s statement she died of alcohol and drug overdose between half past two and three o´clock in the morning. It´s at least a half hour journey from your house to hers, so you would have had no chance to do anything,“ he tells me the calming information and continues. „Firemen found her when they kicked down the door; she forgot to turn off the water. We actually just wanted to know what she wanted from you and why she called only you. You’ve now told us, so we won´t keep you anymore. The case is closed as suicide/overdose, so you don´t have to worry,“ he says, prints a print-out from the printer and gives it to me for signing.

I take a quick look at what he wrote and then sign it. The detective stands up from the table, indicating to me that I´m allowed to leave. I raise my already heavy legs and slowly walk to the door. The detective opens the door and gives me a hand. I shake it and enter a dark corridor.

„Oh and one more thing,“ he calls after me. „My daughter likes you very much,“ the detective says with a smile.

Pheew, I already got scared that he had changed his mind about my leaving. „Thanks, greet her from me,“ I answer with relief and play the nice superstar. „In September I will send you tickets for the concert in Berlin, if you would like,“ I put a starry smile on.

„She will be very happy, thank you,“ answers Krause and we say good bye to each other again. I can´t forget it, who knows when I will need to have a friend in the police station.

„So, what did they want from you?“ Tom asks me impatiently when I get into the car and close the door.

„It was about the call that I had
last night,“ I start slowly with a lie, which is as close as possible to the truth. I thought it out on the way to the car. „At about half past two in the morning my cell phone woke me up, so I picked it up, but only some drunk voice talked to me. I didn´t understand anything the voice was saying, so I just hung up. It was probably some mistake.“ I lie like a professional.
„They say it was some drugged girl and I was the last one she was calling before she died of overdose,“ I say sadly for the effect and then wait for Tom´s reaction.

„I see…“ he says, just a short answer and it seems that I have managed to fool him. I can see no traces of suspicion on his face. „How did she get your number?“ Tom wonders.

„I don´t know,“ I answer shortly, it’s better not to say too much about it and as soon as possible I have to delete Karin from the list in my cell phone. „But it didn´t seem that she knew who she was calling,“ I finish my sentence to make it seem even more so. Damn, I feel terrible that I´m lying to him like this. I promised him that we would talk about everything together, but dead Karin won´t say anything anymore, so there´s no reason to tell him about all that. Perhaps it´s a closed chapter. I must hope so.

„Oh, and please remind me at home that I will need two tickets for the concert in Berlin. The daughter of the detective loves me, so I promised him two tickets.“ I grin at my bro.

„Will I also get two tickets if I love you?“ he smiles at me and slaps my leg.

„Of course, darling, you just need to prove it to me,“ I hold my cheek up for the kiss. My bro doesn´t delay and rushes at me like a vulture to its prey. We´re lucky that the car has tinted windows; the street is full of curious eyes.

„So, enough, Casanova. We’re going home. You will get tickets, you’ve earned them.“ I pull away from his lips and take all his sticky-fingered hands off me; he has about ten of them, not only two. I feel him all over my body.

„I´m glad that I will be allowed to be close to you, my star.“ He grins at me and turns the key. The engine purrs quietly and we head to our home. Strange, it already feels like home to me. I totally forgot about Hamburg. I’ve only been here for three days and already I can´t imagine that I would be somewhere else. It´s so wonderful to be with Tom that I would never be able to give it up. I tilt my head backwards, lean against the headrest and close my eyes with relief. Perhaps this episode with Karin is behind me.

„So what did you want from me?“ I ask Karin. We´re sitting in a small booth of some cafe. „And where did you get my number?“ I add.

„I have my sources…“ she snaps and keeps drinking juice from her glass. It´s been more than one month since I saw her for the last time and it wasn´t a pleasant sight for me. She was sleeping in a hotel room while I slowly closed the door and escaped. I wanted to leave without her seeing me. She was drunk, so perhaps she wouldn´t remember anything.

Come to think of it, this meeting is utterly bizzare. Back then at that party we met for the first time in my life, so I don´t understand what she wants.

„I´m pregnant,“ she shoots at me suddenly.

I take a serious look into her eyes. „And why should I care?“ I answer coldly and hope that she doesn´t notice my shock. She was drunk, she can´t remember anything.

„What do you mean, why should you care? It´s yours!“ She gets angry.

I have to be harsh, she can´t find out that I have doubts. „Look here, girl, you aren´t the first and probably not the last who is trying this with me, but you won´t succeed. You have no chance!“ I attack strongly so that she won´t think that I just let her terrify me.

„I don´t need any chance, I just need information,“ she answers angrily.

This shocks me… what does she mean by that?“What information, what are you talking about?“ I ask, obviously calmer.

She comes so close to me that I can feel her breath on my face and she hisses: „All the time we were having sex you were telling me ‚Tom, my love, aah, Tom,‘ …Is that enough for you?“

„It´s enough…“ I answer quietly. So she wasn´t as drunk as she looked.

Suddenly she confirms my thoughts. „You thought that I was so drunk that I wouldn´t remember it, didn´t you? You are not the only good actor, I am not a bad one either…“ She looks strongly into my eyes. „Now listen to me. I can see that you are not interested in the child, so I want money. I will get an abortion, because I don´t want to have anything to do with you.“

I felt quite relieved that it is only about money. But I was very wrong. „It won´t be just a one-time thing. From time to time, I will want some pocket money, to compensate for the deprival I’ve suffered. Or your brother will get to know how much you love him,“ she finishes with a winning smile…

„We´re home, you sleepyhead. Wake up,“ I can hear a whispering in my ear. „You must have some sleeping illness today. What will you do at night?“ Tom smiles at me and drives into the garage.

„Oh, did I fall asleep again?“ I open my eyes surprisedly and I can´t understand the last dream. Again that Karin.

We both get out of the car. Tom takes the shopping from the boot, gives the bags to me and closes the garage.

„I will put this in the kitchen and I will cook something tasty for you,“ I promise my honey and I run up the stairs to the house.

Again those keys. I have to search in my pocket for a while to find them. Finally.

„Scotty, darling, we are already at home!“ I call in the direction of the kitchen and after a second our hairy monster rushes to me and licks me everywhere.

„So enough, that´s enough, would you be so good and save some of your wet kisses for the other master too, ok?“ I send him away with a laugh and take off my shoes and jacket. Scotty lies down in his place again and watches what I´m doing. I put the things into the fridge and start to plan what I am going to cook.

Today it should be something sweet. I haven’t had pancakes for a long time; yeah, that´s it.

We have jam, we bought whipped cream and what is most important; it´s quick. I put on an apron which is on the hook next to the dish-cloth.

‚I´m king here‘ says the proud title on the apron. Yeah, that´s the truth. Here I am. Here in the kitchen I´m the lord, but my life seems so be run otherwise by others. For example by such a ‚nice girl‘ like Karin. So now I know why I gave her those one thousand Euros. She extorted me, that slut. I don´t understand how she could trick me so easily. It was after an argument with Tom, maybe I needed to relax and it ended like this. I nearly became a father.

„I don´t envy his slobbery toddler.“ I remember Tom´s words he said about Georg. Honestly, I wouldn´t want it so much either.

Whee, I turn the half-done pancake in the air. Yeah, a goal for the first time, I´m a masteeeer. Mostly the first time it falls down, before I get that right move with my hand.

author: Janule
betaread: TokioKoos & green_and_blue

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