Space-Time Story 14.

author: Janule
Frank is a very nice guy, I was taken by him immediately, by his spontaneity and joyful nature. Even though he’s in a wheelchair, he seems to enjoy life more than some healthy people. He turned eighteen not long ago but he´s been disabled since he was born, so he got used to it.

There were no problems, I managed just perfectly. I lost in chess to please Frank, but I have to admit that I had no problem with that. I’ve played chess about two times in my life…

Frank’s room is covered with our posters, it looks a little bit like a sanctuary, just an altar and candles are missing there. I remember some of those posters, but most of them are from times which I still can´t remember.

All the time we play, Tom speaks with Frank about everything possible to avoid the questions to which I might not know the answers, and I had time to think about the dream I had at the hairdresser’s. I have to find out somehow if I really know that Karin and who she is. I don´t understand my choices of friends in this life. Or did I not choose her? Judging by the feelings I felt, I think that I hadn’t chosen to visit her. It felt more like I was angry and it would be best to get out of there immediately and never come back. But I left money there for her, quite a lot of money… I speculate for a while if I should ask Tom about her, but something tells me that it´s not a very good idea. Later, I’ll have to see if I have someone like her in my cell phone.

On the way from Frank we buy a pizza for dinner. We eat it pretty relaxed at home in front of the TV. I´m watching all the videoclips we´ve made in the last 7 years. But I shouldn´t have that dreadlocked little devil with me. He doesn´t let me watch properly, he wants to play and cuddle all the time. It´s not that it annoys me, but I can’t understand these videos at all while he does that, so I’d better give up.

„I’m going to take a bath,“ I announce to my darling.

He is lying with his head in my lap and when he hears what I´ve just said he raises his brown eyes and says with a smile: „Me too. Let’s see who will be there fiiiiiiirst…“ He jumps up like a jack-in-the-box and on the way to bathroom he almost breaks his neck because of his wide trousers.

I stand up, not complaining, and I prepare myself mentally that this time it´s not going to be a calm, relaxing bath, but a pretty wild ride in the bubbles.

„Uuuuugh, not in my mouuuuth,“ whines Tom when I blow the foam at him and he inhales it, because he was just trying to tell me something. He splutters around like a cat and he tries to give it back to me.

We´re sitting opposite each other in our big bath and for fifteen minutes already we´ve been fighting like little boys. The last time we had a bath together like that was when we were eight years old, but we used to make the same fuss as we are doing now. Our mom used to scold us for the bathroom being full of water, but we didn´t care; our marine battles were more important. This time we would have to clean this mess ourselves, because mom is far away and we have no cleaning lady.

Splaaash, Tom slaps his hand into the water right in front of my face and I immediately start drowning. I think there’s water everywhere. I splatter to get rid of that.

„We better stop or you´re gonna drown me!“ I yell at him with a laughter and I pull out the stopper in the bottom of the bath. I jump out and quickly get into the shower to wash the rest of the foam from my body. Aaaah… Nice, warm water strokes my body. The bath had made me a bit cold, but this is very pleasant.

„Who´s gonna clean up all that water?“ I shout in the direction of the bath trying to find out what´s still waiting for me today.

„Nobody, there is a drain.“ I hear behind my back. Tom is smiling at me through the open door of the shower stall and he´s already getting inside to me. You will see, you devil. I’ll get you for that splash… I direct the stream of water against his face, but it doesn´t discourage him, he gets to me and quickly closes the door behind him. With a smile he whips the shower out of my hand and puts it back up into the holder.

„Uwaaa… I´m gonna kill you, my hairdo is ruined!“ I whine when I feel that the water is falling down right onto my head. But Tom doesn´t take any notice. He runs his eyes all over my body. And of course his eyes stop at the place where I´m the most tense right now.
„Look into my eyes when I´m speaking to you,“ I put my index finger under his chin and bring his face up. It´s strange, but I´m still a little shy.

I feel his sticky-fingered hands on my wet back. He slides his hands down to my hips and presses me tightly against his body. We gaze into each other’s eyes. In his eyes, I can read everything he wants to do to me right now. I feel his hard-on pressing against mine and I start to kiss him slowly. We still look into each other’s eyes. It´s a fascinating sight.

When I slide my hand down to his butt, he closes his eyes a little bit and he pushes me against the wet wall of the shower stall, hard.

Yeah, now he´s that conqueror I used to imagine him to be all the time, no tame kitten. He crushes my lips passionately, he plays with my tongue piercing and runs his hands wildly over my wet body.

I switch the shower off with one hand. He stops kissing me for a while and I take advantage of it immediately. „Come to bed,“ I whisper into his ear.

Tom releases his hold and quickly opens the glass door of the shower, gets out and gives me a bathrobe from the rack and a towel with which I start drying my hair. Meanwhile he puts on his bathrobe waiting impatiently till I finish drying myself up.

When I get out from the shower I notice in the mirror that I have black smudges around my eyes, but before I can walk over to the mirror, Tom takes the make-up removing cotton pads and with a smile starts cleaning my face.

We both breathe as if we had run a marathon and we burn through each other with our eyes. My hair is still wet, but I don´t care about that any more. Right now there´s no time for hair drying, now we have more important things to do. I throw the towel on the rack.

Kissing non-stop, my legs wrapped around Tom’s waist, I let myself be carried into the bedroom.

We stop right next to the bed lit by just a little lamp standing on the bedside table. He puts me down, takes off my bathrobe and lets it fall down to the soft carpet. His eyes are still watching me passionately. I have a feeling that he´s finally conquering me and my long time erotic fantasies are slowly coming true.

He kisses me and at the same time he picks me up as if I was just a light feather in his arms and lowers me onto the soft blankets of our big bed. He starts to undress slowly and reveals his perfect body. His perfect figure turns me on and I am delighted to watch his well-developed muscles. When his bathrobe finally slides down to the floor, my eyes automatically go down to his ready crotch. He´s perfect, totally perfect. I can´t wait to see his hardness on my body, in my hand, in my mouth…

I´m lying naked on my back and, looking into the dark eyes of my conqueror, I slide my hand down to my maximally turned on lap and I provocatively start moving my hand in a slow rhythm up and down. At the same time I draw Tom to me with my eyes and I watch his gaze hungrily directed exactly to the place where my hand tries to attract his attention.

On all fours, he crawls towards me like a cat. He lowers his head down to my lap and gently moves away my hand, the very same hand that tries to satisfy more and more impatiently my insatiable longing. Awaiting his touches, I close my eyes and fling back my head. I moan when I feel a warm, wet and skillful tongue that lightly runs around my pride.

He kisses me lightly, but only for a little while. Suddenly the feeling stops and I can feel that he is straddling my lap. His hard erection presses a little bit onto my belly when he leans over, puts his hands next to my head and starts kissing me slowly. With his tongue, which tickled me down there just a moment ago, he conquers my slightly open mouth and silences my sighs. The kiss is starting to be of the same intensity as in the shower, but he is still brushing his pelvis against my hard-on only just so lightly.

„I want to have you inside of me,“ he whispers with a hoarse voice among his sighs when he stops kissing me. I just nod as a sign of agreement.

He turns to the bedside table and takes a silver tube. He leaves my tense lap, squeezes out a little bit of a transparent gel from the tube and throws it to the floor. He spreads my thighs apart, he sits between them still looking into my eyes.

With a gyrating movement he slowly spreads the gel on my hard cock. I have to close my eyes, I can´t stand both the sight and the feel of the delightful touches of his smooth hand on my hard-on. The pleasure forces me to fling back my head and resign myself to the feelings.

Tom slowly returns back to my lap and I hold into his slim hips with my hands. Before I manage to realize what’s going on, I feel how my cock slowly slides into his hot body and a wave like an electric discharge runs through me. That´s a totally new experience. A wonderful experience.

After a while, Tom is all the way down and we stay in a silent sculpture of pleasure. I bend my legs and Tom supports himself by putting his hands against my thighs. He arches a little bit and lets his head drop backwards passionately. Then he starts to slowly and rhythmically ride my lap.

„Oh god, you´re so gorgeous,“ I whisper and I don´t even know if he can hear me at this moment. I watch Tom in fascination, my eyes heavily lidded. The expression on his face turns me on and it makes me moan loudly, joining him as we move in unison lost in the rhythm of regular humps.

I raise my hips to come closer to Tom and I enclose his hot hard cock in tunnel of my hand. It slides up and down in my palm repeatedly and we both moan together. Through my entire body runs a rush of wonderful feelings which get more intense when our movements speed up. I feel I am about to come…

My hand squeezes some more around Tom’s provocative hard-on and under my urgent ministrations I am bringing us to orgasm together. His moving suddenly stops and the moment I feel his warm sperm on my belly I reach the top cumming into his body, tensed by orgasm. Our last screams follow each other and after a second my exhausted lover falls down into my arms and hides his head in my damp hair. I hug him while still enjoying that feeling of being in his tight hot body, we both try to catch our breath.
Upon catching our breath we search each other´s lips for kisses. He rests exhausted on his side next to me and I stroke his hair and he returns my tenderness with exhausted kisses on my cheeks, nose, eyes.

I love him, oh my god, how much I love him. More than my life, more than our fame. I would give him everything he could ask for.

We lie calmly next to each other and we look into each other’s eyes. I can see the love in his eyes. Yesterday’s fear is there no more. He smiles and I smile back at him with pleasure. I stroke that beautiful face and I kiss away the sweat from his smooth forehead.

„If I didn’t believe you had traveled in time till now , today I would have to start to believe,“ he whispers into my ear. „This was wonderful, one of the most beautiful moments I’ve spent with you in the past years,“ he completes his sentence and I purr softly in satisfaction.

I´m happy that Tom enjoyed it that much, I stroke his hair that covers my shoulder and we rest together.

„You were passionate and wild, exactly as in my fantasies,“ I tell him my feelings about our love-making.

He looks into my eyes and he kisses me with a smile. The metal balls in his lips make me shudder and my skin is covered in goose bumps. Suddenly it feels a little bit cold in here.

„Do we have tissues around?“ I ask when I realize that we should take a shower again. But I´m so tired that I can´t imagine a journey to the bathroom right now. Tissues must be enough.

„In the bedside table,“ answers Tom and reaches over to the drawer with an experienced hand. I take a white tissue from a packet and I start to clean that white mess from our bodies. Finally I can cover us both with a blanket and I can cuddle into the arms of my love. I feel so nice with him that it doesn’t take me long to fall asleep.

„Don´t yell at me, I´m not your possession!“ says Tom assertively looking angry. I´m absolutely furious with him.

„And what are you? Hm, tell me! Just a whore to take to my bed!?!“ I scream loudly into his face. „You are my partner and as such I expect fidelity from you! I saw you, how you were pawing at her, and I felt disgusted! I saw your hand on her butt! I don´t believe a single word you say!“ I´m slowly going from an angry scream into a hopeless cry.

Tom reaches towards me but I just push his hand away angrily. „Don´t touch me! Just a moment ago you were touching that slut and I´m not gonna take it anymore, I can´t stand it anymore.“ I start to cry and I slide down on the carpet in the middle of the living room. I have no more power, I feel deceived, betrayed.

Tom kneels down next to me and hugs me around my shoulders. He strokes my hair and I press myself to him desperately. I love him so, I don´t want to be such a whiny bitch to him, but I can´t help myself.

„Darling… don´t cry, I don´t know how I should explain it to again,“ he whispers into my ear. „You know that I have to do it. We have no choice. I´m not jealous either when you kiss Sabine; I trust you. I swear on my life that I´ve sent her home. I don´t know how to prove it to you. Stop crying please, I love you and I don´t want anyone else but you.“ He tries to calm me down.

I know it all, but I am causing the same jealous scene over and over again regardless. I can´t hold it inside me. I would go crazy. I hate myself for that. I… I am the last one to be talking.

I open my eyes, gasping, and I sit up straight in the bed. What was that? Oh my god, it was a very vivid dream. I fall back down on the pillow, totally exhausted from the crying and the anger that I felt a while ago. Maybe it wasn´t a dream, maybe it was a memory.

All around me is an impenetrable darkness and next to me I hear content breaths. What did I call him in that dream?
Just a whore to take to bed. God, how I could ever say that about him? I behaved like a jealous idiot. I remember the hopeless anger I felt. I understand now that Tom must have felt I didn’t love him anymore. If I used to make those scenes often, it surely must have been terrible.

I remember my last thought in that dream, but I don´t know its real meaning. It makes no sense to try to analyze it, I can´t figure it out now anyway.

I close my eyes and try to fall asleep again. I press myself against my love, I embrace his slim body under the blanket and I inhale his beautiful scent. How could I be so cruel to him? I´m an idiot, a jealous idiot…

author: Janule
betaread: TokioKoos & green_and_blue

2 thoughts on “Space-Time Story 14.

  1. to je stejně psycho, díl od dílu se  snažím u téhle povídky pilovat svou angličtinu, ale stejně se vždycky musím vrátit k český verzi 😀 i ta česká byla napsaná na chápání místy dost náročně, natož anglická 🙂 ale je hodně dobré, že to tady je v obou jazycích 🙂

  2. Anglicky se do toho fakt pouštět nebudu, i když zpravilo by mi to anglinu. :D:D Ale zase musím vzít v potaz že i na název sem musela použít google, a to je už moc špatný … Ale českou verzi si čtu když mám náladu, a nebo debku (tak si přečtu ty "krásný" pasáže a je mi líp) 😀

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