author: Denie „I need your help.“ „Huh?“ The brown-haired boy turned around and smirked at the other boy. „Hi to you, too, man. How was your weekend? Mine was fine, thanks for asking.“ The dread-headed teenager rolled his eyes. „Hi, it was
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author: Denie „Tom? Do you have a minute?“ The said boy turned around and gave a shaky smile to Dean, who was leaning against the wall beside his case. He only nodded, closed the iron doors and went after him, ignoring the
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author: Denie „Hey, Tom!“ The dread-headed boy turned around and yelped when cold water hit his face. They were now lying on the beach, talking, laughing, eating sandwiches Tom’s mother did for them, and Dean, a guy who turned out to be
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author: Denie It was Wednesday, the first day Tom went back to school since the dance. If it had depended on him, the dread-headed teenager would stay at home for the rest of the week so he could be with Bill, but
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author: Denie The sun was shinning high in the sky. The sky was blue and without any clouds. It would be really nice day if Tom wasn’t hiding in the house, in his room, under his blanket. He told his mother that
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author: Denie It was Friday night the following week and Tom was sitting in a big gym surrounded by people from his school; better said, surrounded by people who hated him. Music was playing really loud and girls were giggling every time
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author: Denie Almost one week had passed by since that day on the cliff. Tom went there everyday after school, waiting for Bill, but he never saw him again. He started to become a bit desperate, he really wanted to see this
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author: Denie Dnes tady máte novou povídku v angličtině, až na jeden rozdíl. Tahle nemá českou verzi, tudíž pokud ji chcete číst, musíte anglicky. Myslím, že se Denie ani nechystá ji překládat do češtiny, takže kdo máte zájem, máte možnost. Užijte si
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