author: Janule „Ooouuuch, it huuurts,“ Tom whimpers miserably as he wakes up and holds his head in his hands. „Well… well, dear bro, you shouldn’t have drunk so much then,“ I tell him gleefully, but at the same time I am already
author: Janule Worried out of my mind, I run down couple of stairs and I kneel down to him. „Tom, what happened, what´s wrong with you?“ I feel horrified when I whisper my question, leaning over his limp body, trying to see
author: Janule I stare dumbstruck ahead for a while and I don’t know what she means by that. But when she touches my hand and says that one simple sentence, it is clear to me, why she has such a serious face.
author: Janule „What did you say?“ I stare at Sabine utterly shocked. I’ve got a nauseating feeling that I will never get rid of that bloody damned Karin. „You heard me right, she was my best friend,“ she repeats so that there
author: Janule „Come on, the refreshments have already been prepared for you and the children can barely wait.“ The director of Ladybird calls upon us to leave. „We have not received many visitors lately, just a few volunteers. Mostly women who have
author: Janule This morning I wake up with a feeling that I didn’t have any dreams. It was the first calm night in all four days since I’ve been back home. My newly developing memory is taking it’s time and it has
author: Janule My brother finishes the story of how we got together and I almost can´t speak because of all the emotions. Tears are falling down one by one so fast that I don’t even manage to lick them away. „Would you
author: Janule We sit in the dark bedroom together. Tom is still holding my hand as we watch the last scenes of our life-changing celebration. The screen turns black, the next titles on a movie selection list appearing again but Tom turns
author: Janule „Oooh, it smells so good in here.“ Tom comes into the kitchen. „What are you making, hun?“ He looks into the pan with interest in which the fifteenth pancake is in progress of being made. „Pancakes, I can´t remember when
author: Janule „Please, sit down and give me your ID-card,“ detective Krause asks me. I dip into the pocket of my jacket and take out the document. I give him my ID-card over the table and sit opposite him on an old
author: Janule We´re dancing to the slow music and I feel strange. Alone, in the middle of the crowd of noisy people. Her brown hair is tickling me under my nose. She presses herself against me, her head on my chest, she
author: Janule Frank is a very nice guy, I was taken by him immediately, by his spontaneity and joyful nature. Even though he’s in a wheelchair, he seems to enjoy life more than some healthy people. He turned eighteen not long ago
author: Janule We have been asleep for a while when the sound of a cell phone, coming from the kitchen, wakes me up. I pull the covers off myself carefully not to wake Tom up and I go to have a look.
author: Janule After a long morning shower I go out with Scotty. The poor thing was waiting impatiently for me in the vestibule. While being out with our dog I buy some breakfast for us. When I walk back home, I meet
author: Janule¨ It´s slowly getting dark outside and at this very moment I feel that I have had enough of it all for one day. I can´t keep my eyes open even if I tried. I feel something brush over my face