Space-Time Story 10.
author: Janule Unfortunately, Tom’s fridge in his upstairs flat is as empty as mine which doesn’t give us any other option than to go out for lunch. I try to fix my hair but in the end I give up and I
author: Janule Unfortunately, Tom’s fridge in his upstairs flat is as empty as mine which doesn’t give us any other option than to go out for lunch. I try to fix my hair but in the end I give up and I
author: Janule I can understand how he must feel, it must be a shock for him, but I feel the same. For me a state of shock is a new way of life in this city and flat I am not familiar
author: Janule I have to sit down on the couch, it’s too much for me. My first kiss with the love of my life and I had to stop it. He’s lying in front of me and I am just dumbly staring
author: Janule I hear somebody opening the door. I twitch, hiding the wallet back in the bag and wondering where to hide myself. I feel like a burglar. Eventually I remain standing helplessly in the middle of the living room, waiting for
author: Janule I’m trying to recall where I was exactly just before the congratulations. I discreetly examine my surroundings, but I have no idea. I am sure I wasn’t dancing at all, because I didn’t dance back then. I was never good
author: Janule „So, Scotty, we’re ready to go to the past,“ I say to my dear big dog, double-locking the door and leaving. I know the way by heart, I have been to grandpa’s house many times, but this time I park
author: Janule Today it has been exactly 14 days since I went to grandpa Schultz’s place for the first time. We became friends, because I was curious and I often went to visit him with Scotty to check on him and his
author: Janule Holy crap, that old man lives on the other side of the village from where I began my search, so I must switch the navigation on to show me the way. I wanted to find it all by myself, I’m
author: Janule Something annoyingly slimy interrupts my dream about Tom. It’s Scotty waking me up and licking my whole face. „Hush, you animal, will you stop licking me?“ I snap at him, laughing. It’s our daily ritual. I get up to wash
author: Janule Can love overcome time and space? Can a man, thanks to a technical miracle, deceive death? Bill tries to do so… and only the future can show whether it will be the right decision. Welcome to the year 2014 and